created things

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In the year 1623, a highly skilled blacksmith resided in a French village, renowned throughout the kingdom for crafting exceptional weaponry, especially swords reputed to be unbreakable. His fame, endorsed by the king, spread far and wide. In time, he met a woman who shared his passion, and they swiftly married and started a family, having three sons. Tragically, one of the sons suffered a debilitating accident involving a wagon, leaving him with brain damage that caused hallucinations. Despite this, the blacksmith and his wife continued to love him deeply. However, the boy's growing fascination with sharp objects and his unsettling obsession with blood began to alarm both his family and the villagers.

Fearing hysteria and accusations of demonic possession, the blacksmith decided to keep his son confined. After the boy violently injured his mother, showing pleasure rather than remorse, they locked him in his room, feeding him through a small slot in the door. The father, deeply disturbed, never entered the room again, leaving the boy isolated without medical attention.

In his loneliness, the boy used his food to create a friend from chicken pieces, rice, mashed potatoes, and cake. Over the years, he spoke to this creation as if it were real, until one day, it began speaking back. Though aware of his mental disorder, the boy accepted the animated presence of his creation. When it started whispering lies about his family, his fragile mind succumbed to complete insanity.

The next day, when his father brought breakfast, the boy attacked, biting off his father's hand. Alone in the house, the father stumbled in pain, falling down the stairs and suffering a fatal head injury. He bled to death before his two elder sons returned from school. The younger brother deceived them, claiming a stranger had killed their father and was still in the house, begging them to release him to get help.

In their grief and panic, one brother took the key from their father's neck and unlocked the door, only to be fatally stabbed in the neck with a sharpened chicken bone. The surviving brother fled upon hearing the commotion. The youngest son left the bodies and entered his father's workshop, captivated by a nearly finished sword his father had crafted over six years. Commissioned by the king for an upcoming war, the sword was intended to be as invincible as Excalibur, made of reflective, stainless steel that radiated power and heat.

The boy's demonic creation, fearing the sword's holiness, whispered lies into his ear, convincing him he was destined to destroy it. The boy, consumed by rage and deceit, prepared to break the sword. However, as he raised it, whispers from the blade drew his attention. The sword's reflection revealed the true demonic form of his creation. The holy blade, sensing the demon, began to hiss.

In a moment of clarity, the boy turned the sword, aiming not to destroy it but to vanquish the demon. He slashed the creature across the chest, causing it to shriek and dissolve, leaving only the food remnants behind.

The boy's mother returned home with the surviving brother to a scene of horror. Finding her husband and elder son dead, and the boy holding a bloodied sword, she mistakenly believed he had killed the family and alerted the authorities. Despite his desperate explanations, the villagers sentenced him to hang.

Fearful of the boy's last words, the villagers sent the sword to the king, who entrusted it to a priest. The priest confirmed the sword's holy power, capable of vanquishing great evil. However, fearing its potential to harm both good and evil, he locked it away, deeming it too dangerous for battle. He believed its power would incite chaos if used, leading to destruction as people fought over its possession. Thus, the sword remained hidden, a relic of untapped power, safeguarded to prevent further tragedy.

When He Calls (Moons of Nibiru - Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now