1. You're just like an Angel

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Ice skating.

An art of movement of the purest kind. Practiced by many, but only by few with such great precision and talent that it made the hearts of the people float. The act of being able to move over the frozen surface with the agility of a hawk in the wind required flexibility, grace, and a sense of inner and outer balance. And practice, it was always about practice. So then, possibly, a movement could be achieved, that would create warmth in the endless cold scapes of someone's heart.


Enmu Tamio had no friends. He had always been a lone wolf, rather watching things happen from the sidelines than getting involved himself. The people had never understood his weird interests, and he had never understood their absurd 'normality'. So, one day, he'd simply decided to do his own thing and not get involved with others, which had been beneficial for both sides so far. Everyone was glad when Enmu left them alone, and he was satisfied with stalking the people without their knowledge.

Yes, all people made sure to stay away from Enmu. Except one person: Daki Shabana. This girl was the literal opposite of him. She was extroverted as hell, really cared about her social image, and was the embodiment of the word 'drama'. She was also extremely obnoxious, loud and annoying, and a bimbo. And for some reason, she had chosen Enmu to become her personal therapist friend.

Every few days, she came to him and complained about the most random ass topics. One could assume that she could just use her brother for that, but Gyutaro seemed to be always busy in recent days. So, she came to Enmu instead.

If he was being honest, he didn't even know why he was tolerating her. He found her insufferable, and he had no interest in any of the things that she told him.

Well, except for one thing. And that was Muzan Kibutsuji, one of her friends. Enmu found this individual to be very intriguing; his demeanor was oddly fascinating and extraordinary in a way that Enmu couldn't quite describe. He was also extremely handsome, which was a bonus. Enmu always enjoyed it when he was the one that Daki complained to him about.

In the end of course, Enmu was well aware that Daki was simply using him. He was the only one who was distant, quiet and patient enough to listen to her rants, and she gladly took advantage of that.

However, Enmu didn't mind that at all. He knew that Daki didn't see him as a friend of any sorts, and he didn't see her as one either. She didn't expect anything from him, and he didn't expect anything from her. It was a mutual consent.

Until... she invited him to come ice skating with her.

Daki was a very active girl. She loved to force other people to go on trips with her and do random stuff with her, preferably shopping. Usually, her antics mostly affected her friends. This was also the case in the current situation. Daki had woken up and then randomly announced in their group chat that they'd be going ice skating on Sunday. The weird thing was simply that she had sent the invite to Enmu as well:

'Yo loser, you're coming ice skating with us on Sunday.'

Enmu had already prepared himself to decline. There was absolutely no reason for him to come, and he really didn't want to.

But simply out of pure curiosity, he decided to ask: 'Who will be there besides me and you?'

'Oh, just my friends. Gyokko, Douma, Akaza, Nakime, Kokushibo, Muzan, Hantengu, Kaigaku... and my brother of course.'

And this, this changed everything for Enmu.

'I'll come.', he immediately responded.

Because, if Muzan was going to be there, he was definitely going to come. There was no way he was going to miss an opportunity to get to know the object of his attraction privately, outside of school.

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