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Hello everyone, I have returned.
It has been a long time, but I am back and have finally managed to make the final update! 😍

There is hardly a thing that can excuse my month-long absence, but the reason for that was mainly the fact that I am completely overwhelmed.
I haven't been well. School is the worst right now for me, it completely consumes my energy capacities and holidays are not enough to recover from that. When one stressful thing is over, another is soon to come.
What makes things worse are my mood swings. I am extremely sensitive to everything right now, especially negativity, emotional outbursts are a daily frequency. I have no emotional capacities to even think properly, let alone put in the necessary effort to write. Also, everything overwhelms me, even the smallest conversations.
I'm so sorry.
But at least, the story is finished now.

The bad news for now are:
I will probably not be writing anything for a very long time.

The good news however, are:
I will finish school in a little more than a year and after that everything will get better for me.
The state I'm in right now is temporary.
I've had 2/3 ideas for new Enmu x Douma stories lmao (I MIGHT write them some day)

Even if I don't return to writing fanfiction, you WILL hear about me in a few years because I will have become a proper writer by then, and I will be known under the name LDL 😈😋

Lastly, I want to thank everyone for reading this story. Your support means a lot to me even though I don't respond to comments. I wrote the story to cope with my own self-loathing, but I wanted to share it with the world in case someone needed it. Back then, I hadn't been expecting that so many people would read it.
At first, I was a little disappointed that this story was not getting as much attention as my first one, but I've been growing to overcome that. I try to remind myself that, for my past self, these numbers would have been A LOT. And also, after all, what matters most is the meaning and depth in things. So if my writing touches one person, that weighs so much more than if thousands have looked through it, but only seen it superficially.
And we tend to forget the things we already have in the face of others. But most of the time, the things we already have are what we truly need.

If you ever feel worthless, please come back here. (I know, I'm a hypocrite.)
You will never be worthless. You are in this world for a reason.
And one day, you will understand what your meaning is.

Just don't give up. <3

His Meaning (Enmu x Douma)Where stories live. Discover now