nico/will pov

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Nico POV

Will liked him too? Will was like me?? I could feel my head spinning. How had he figured it out in the first place? Will had known me properly for maybe a week. I knew Percy for a few years and he never noticed. Though, he didn't notice Annabeth liked him either, I realized. Pushing away the thoughts, I heard Will speak back up. "Nico?" He asked.
            "Yes, Will?" I kept my voice soft.
            "Is everything alright?" He looked up at me, "I'm sorry if I overstepped or anything or if you hate me or whatever I shou-" Surprising myself, I interrupted Will's spiral. Something about the way he asked, 'did you like him too?' Will was like me. And for a moment, he thought I hated him for it.
            "Yeah, actually, I did." I nodded. Will paused, looking back up at me.
            "Oh." He said.
            "I'm sorry I didn't say anything right away-- I just- had a hard time coming to terms with it." Why I was telling him all this, I wasn't sure. I similarly started to fear Will might hate me. Son of Hades, ghost king, Nico Di Angelo. Will Solace, sunshine boy, son of Apollo. Son of Apollo. I reminded myself. No way he hated me for being gay. Right?
            "No it's okay," he started, looking at me apologetically, "I didn't mean to pressure you or anything," his face fell into a sad smile, maybe the most unhappy he'd seemed to be since arguing with me that day I got into camp. "But I hope you know I'm not against you or anything. I mean, like I said-- before Annabeth, and everything, I liked Percy too." He whispered. I nodded understandably, with a question sitting on the tip of my tongue,
            "So..." I prompted, "are, uhm, you gay, too?" He smiled a bit happier this time,
            "Bi, actually" I cocked my head a bit,   
            "What?" I knew I'd missed some stuff between the 30's and being taken out of the Lotus Casino, but what in my dad was-
            "It's a sexuality, like gay, or lesbian. It means liking two genders, commonly, girls and boys, but the definitions become looser as time goes on," he pointed to a small bracelet on his wrist, featuring a small flag with blue, purple, and pink. "That's the bi flag."
            "Oh. Neat." Autopilot-mode, I replied, studying the small bracelet on his wrist. Without meaning to, I'd grabbed the boys wrist and I found that now, me and him sat only a few inches away from each other. My face flushed "Sorry.." I muttered awkwardly,  scooting away.

Will POV

I smiled a bit, backing up from Nico slightly as he'd done with me. Nico was never one to initiate contact, so I moved my hand gently as he moved away. He looked a bit flustered from the sudden contact, but I couldn't stop sitting on what I'd found out. Nico Di Angelo, my first crush since Percy Jackson (who was also HIS first crush!!! Isn't that cool??) was also into guys.

For the first time in years since he'd come back to camp prior to the war with Gaea, I felt like I had a shot. Though, in the way he twisted his ring whenever I came to close, or how it took about 2 weeks of begging for him to show me his cabin, Nico still seemed afraid of me. I hoped tonight would solve some of that. I knew being a doctor, I shouldn't expect everything to change overnight, but I was overwhelmed with joy seeing Nico back in camp.

I could only hope he wouldn't run off too soon. Glancing at my cracked watch, I realized it was already near midnight. Nico looked back up at me, smiling softly as he noticed my panic.
            "Better get back before the cleaning harpies get ya', Solace." He teased. I stood up awkwardly to leave, making sure to shut the door gently. Nico used to jump at the hustle-bustle of loud noises in the infirmary, and I tried to keep the noises down when I was with him. Though, he'd seemed to relax since leaving the infirmary.
            "Hey wait," I heard a voice shout behind me, and much to my shock, I saw Nico running after me, and only 12 feet from the Aphrodite cabin, at this hour? You had to be brave.
            "What's wrong?" I asked in a hurry, Nico was gasping. 
            "Sorry, still-- a little tired--- from the whole statue thing---," he said inbetween  gasps. "But uhm," his eyes finally met mine. "I had to ask--" he muttered, and I could hear his confidence dwindling,
            "What?" I asked carefully,
            "How, how does the camp feel about like--"  he faltered, looking back at me,
            "Being gay?" I asked, he nodded. "Most people are nice about it. All of your friends are, I know that much. A few campers can be tough about it, but if anyone's REALLY mean, either one of the seven, Reyna, Thalia, or Clarisse threaten them. They even teamed up with Tyson once for maximum fear, I think. I don't know if Tyson was positive why, exactly, but people were making fun of Percy and some of his friends from here, soo.." I trailed off, refocusing to see Nico's face looking like the perfect version of confusion and joy --as much joy as I'd seen from the son of Hades so far, at least-
            "Cool. Okay." He nodded, turning to run back to his cabin. I finished walking to mine, looking back occasionally at Nico.

Gods being his friend was going to be tough. Not because he wasn't a good friend, but because I couldn't stop thinking about how much I loved him. AND now I might even have a shot.

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