t/d pt3

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Will POV

I knew everyone here was friendly, but I could feel their eyes glued onto me. How was I supposed to say 'who I like' if they were sitting right next to me? I smiled sheepishly, looking back at Nico and out to the circle of demigods.
"Uh," I chuckled a bit. Jason and Percy were smiling excitedly as they looked between me and the son of Hades, kicking myself for agreeing, I tried to speak again. I'd already implied I liked someone here. Can't do anything about that.

Nico POV

Will was sweating by now, looking between the 11 of us. I looked at him, staring nervously at me. Reyna had asked Will who, --in this room-- he would date. Will implied he liked someone in the room, specifically. I looked between my friends, (friends? Something like that, at least. Fellow demigods?) Everyone but Thalia and Reyna, and me, were dating somebody. He did say he used to like Percy, like I did.. maybe that's who he was talking about.

Whoever it was, it was making Will crazy nervous. He'd always seemed so calm and collected, even working in the infirmary with camper's lives resting in his hands, but now? The son of Apollo was practically shaking.

            "Will, only like-- three people besides you here aren't already dating someone else in this room, so- narrow options," Will's eyes looked between me, Reyna, and Thalia. I thought I saw Jason's eyes narrow for a minute, looking threateningly between Will and Thalia. Oh gods, did Will like Thalia?! Did Thalia like Will?

I couldn't help but remember the first days I came to camp, Thalia whispering to Percy about the actual god Apollo: "He's hot".
I'd recalled that the first time I met Will, too. He looked strikingly like his dad, golden blonde hair traced his face right down to soft blue eyes, studying me carefully. I let my eyes linger on Solace for maybe a minute too long. Feeling butterflies stir alive in the pit of my stomach, I turned back to all our friends scattered in the Poseidon cabin, waiting-- now more impatiently than usual-- for Will.

            "Dude, just spit it out," Leo grinned. Will looked at him nervously.
             "Right, uh," he stammered. He gave me, then Reyna, a look screaming 'help.' I shrugged, and turned to the praetor.

              "Ugh, fine, we can't be here forever." She caved, "Since we already know it's someone in this room, who's their parent? Godly parent." Reyna concluded.

Well that narrows it down. So few of us had the same godly parent. Me and Hazel, Thalia and Jason... Who else? Will sighed, muttering something like "that won't help much.." but shrugging and looking one last time out at the now bored demigods.

              "Hades" he whispered, his hand clamped over his mouth so it came out more like "mmhmmh".

My heart was nearly beating out of my chest. Will liked my sister? She was dating Frank!
Or he likes you, My heart argued.

Will POV

Gods I hated this. Hades, yeah, I liked a child of Hades. That sure didn't make it obvious. Hazel was already dating someone, who else was a child of Hades in that room?

Nico Di Angelo.

I heard Percy mutter to Jason,
             "What did he say?" Reyna looked up, seemingly satisfied with my answer,
             "Hades." She looked at Percy and Jason. I wanted nothing more than to curl into a ball and hide from the whispering of the Poseidon cabin. Nico looked at me curiously, but he seemed to avoid my eyes when I turned to face him. Of course he is. I thought.

          "Will you have to pick somebody, now," he whispered. I looked up, glad to hear Nico's voice in my ear.
          "Right, thanks..." I muttered.

Trying to move past the suffocating feeling, I prompted Annabeth with Truth or Dare.

              "Dare," she smiled. "I mean we all saw how that truth went..." Annabeth's voice trailed. I looked up at her, pondering what to dare. Percy was smiling curiously next to her.
              "You have to listen to whatever Percy says for an entire day." I said. Annabeth's face fell as the whole of the cabin fell into laughter, including Percy, who grinned madly.

             "Noooo," she argued, looking at her boyfriend. "You guys have no idea how bad this is going to go," she muttered.
              "How bad could it be?" Jason offered. Annabeth glared daggers at him, nearly as deadly as her actual dagger.

            "The entire camp will probably be lit on fire, flooded, attacked, rescued, and completely re-done in a few hours." I almost felt a little bad. I was sure Annabeth was exaggerating, but Percy did have some crazy ideas. That's why him and Annabeth worked so well, anyways, they balanced eachother out.

I looked back at Nico, face lost in thought. Part of me wanted to believe I was crazy; a son of Apollo and a son of Hades? But something in Nico's chocolate brown eyes said otherwise, the dark raven color of his hair was, in a weird way, a perfect suit to my golden blonde. The way his eyes caught the sunlight and he played with his old skull ring. How he was the type of person you could just sit with, in silence or deep in conversation, and it was always like sitting under a comfortable, warm, blanket. The way he was supposed to be so 'cold' and 'mean' and 'scary', but all Nico was was a little lonely and stubborn. Not to mention kind, and sweet, and fun, and smart, and handsome and-- Point is.
It was the way it seemed, as much as he hated me, there was no way I could've been without him.

I just hoped Nico saw that too.

Truth or Dare with Riordanverse Characters / mostly Solangelo Where stories live. Discover now