t/d pt5

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Will POV

I heard Nico curse in Italian a bit under his breath. I didn't know Italian, really-- but I'd learned to recognize "I think fuck not." really well, thanks to the son of Hades.

          "Nico!" I scolded. He looked at me surprisingly,

           "What?" He asked innocently, a small smile curled on his lips. Gods I wanted to kiss him-

I frowned,
             "Nico you-"

             "Will! Thanks for volunteering." Jason smiled, looking at me and Nico. I faltered. Unbeknownst to me, the other 10 of them had been debating who aught to go first, and apparently they thought I was starting to ask Nico truth or dare, volunteering him and me to start.
Dang it.

Jason POV

We swiftly started to argue who should go first, when I noticed the only two not participating in conversation was Nico and Will, talking softly between eachother. I heard Will whisper,
              "Nico!" Just loud enough for me to swoop in,
              "Will! Thanks for volunteering." I grinned. He stared at me, and I pleasantly watched understanding spread across his face. Will was now nearly forced to ask Nico a truth or dare, he better not blow that shot. Percy smiled approvingly my way, seemingly ignoring Annabeth's eyes rolling to our scheming.

Nico POV

Silently thinking some 'not-so-nice' things about the son of Jupiter/Zeus, I turned back to Will, now looking at me a bit dumbfounded.
              "Nico, truth or dare?" He asked. I paused, sticking to what'd worked last time.

              "Dare." Will wouldn't do anything crazy, anyways. But as he sat for a minute to think, I thought I saw a moment of fear in his eyes as Reyna whispered him what I could only assume was a dare mean for me.

Will POV

Nico had said dare. I frantically tried to pick a good one, before hearing Reyna whisper in my ear.

              "Tell him to kiss someone in the room, his choice, right now," she said. My face got hot,

               "No! What?" I muttered, looking back at Nico. A swell of confidence grew in my chest. Maybe this would work out fine, I tried to calm my nerves. "Fine." I whispered, glancing up at Reyna.
"Nico-" I faltered, "I dare you to kiss somebody in this room right now." His face fell into a mix of horror and shock.

              "No, cazzo, assolutamente no. No." He whispered. Regret piled into the pit of my stomach, this was a terrible idea. I realized. Nico was terrified of admitting how he felt ever. To a room of people?!
I was stupid.

The rest of the Poseidon cabin sat in anticipation, looking at Nico curiously. His face was flushed, and for a minute I thought he might even puke.

               "Nico..." someone started to speak, but Nico cut them off by standing up from the floor, dragging my hand with him.
He marched both of us right out the door. My heart was pounding uncomfortably against my chest, but I heard eager whispered behind us.

Nico POV

I hated this. I hated Will, and Reyna, for this-- and Percy, and Jason, for making me go.

Mostly Will-- then why had I taken him out here?! My heart argued.

I stared at Will's shirt, barely distinguishable in the now dark clouds settled around CHB. It was nearly dinner time.
                "Nico," Will began, looking down at me. I finally met his eyes, trying to let courage melt my fear-frozen body. Wether it was that, or the comfortable warmth Will seemed to emenate, I would never know.

I stopped him, placing a kiss onto his lips. Just as quickly, I pulled back looking frantically at the son of Apollo.

             "Schist- Will I'm-" he pulled me back to him, kissing me slowly, I could feel his arms wrap around me, and I let my hands settle onto him in a faint hug. The world was at a stand-still, and my heart was engulfed in a peaceful warmth, like the sun (son of Apollo, no wonder it was like the sun. When we finally separated, Will's eyes met mine again. "There's your dare," I muttered.

                "Yeah," he whispered awkwardly, pulling away. "Sorry about that." He added.
"Honestly- Nico," he paused, "I like you, like really, really like you-- so when Reyna told me to give you that dare I guess I sort of panicked and--"

My heart was pounding impossibly fast. William Solace liked me. He really liked me, and I liked him, right? I couldn't get past an irrational excitement filling my heart to the brim--

               "It's alright," I interrupted. "It was you or kiss Hazel on her forehead- since she's my sister. But everyone was expecting me to kiss, kiss someone... so,"

                "So you picked me?" He asked. My heart fluttered again,

                "I guess so." I whispered, almost subconsciously taking Will's hand. He looked at our interlaced hands, but quickly back up at me.

                 "Okay," he said, turning back to the Poseidon Cabin door. I nodded, pulling open the door, walking in behind Will. We sat in silence for a few minutes, maybe both listening awkwardly to the careful whispering. I could feel my face still flushed, my heart racing with every breath. It was hard to argue, anymore, I was --stupidly-- in love with Will Solace.

And now, I'd just kissed him.
Over truth or dare. And everyone knew it.


(895 words! :) Thanks for reading! Pt.5 Will be out soon ish (a day/two)

(Btw 30+ reads?? :D thank you <3) edit: holy crap I stand corrected 100 reads overall??thank you!! :)

PSA I'm thinking of starting two other fics / one centered around Solangelo (like this once but w/o truth or dare) and one centered around Percabeth! Thoughts?

(I'm also thinking of doing OG writing on here.. just so you know what's to come!)

Truth or Dare with Riordanverse Characters / mostly Solangelo Where stories live. Discover now