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So, this is the last chapter of the t/d fic. However, the storyline for the solangelo plotline picks up in its own fic. :) I don't have a piece out yet, but when I do it'll be on my pfp + under the title 'solanglo sleepover'.
Should be out within a day or so!

Thank you so, so much for reading!!
This is at 700+ reads now -- that is insane!
(12/27/23- 900+ now, thank you!! My gods!!!!)

3k+??? Y'all are crazy tysm. I have two other fics now, one that is wholly solangelo and one that is not entirely but still has a lot of content in it! again, no pressure, but please consider checking em out if you enjoyed my style!! I update (semi) regularly :) thanks again. Ur amazing

And as always, read on.

Truth or Dare with Riordanverse Characters / mostly Solangelo Where stories live. Discover now