t/d part 1

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Percy POV

So far, gathered into the Poseidon cabin was me, sitting next to my beautiful and amazing girlfriend Annabeth, then Piper, Jason, and just past the door Leo and Calypso were sitting with each other. Reyna and Thalia were to the left of Calypso, whispering furiously about something. Just as we were debating if they would make it, (and if we should start anyways, being impatient as any ADHD demigods were) Hazel and Frank drifted in, saying their hellos and sitting down on the left of Reyna and Thalia. Finally. I thought, we can start.
            "So who-" I faltered, looking around the circle. Jason beating me to the question,
            "Where's Nico?" He asked. Everyone shook their heads, and Jason gave me a knowing look. "I'll go look," Jason said, turning to me.
           "I'll come." I slowly stood up, Annabeth looked at me quizzically. I grinned, following Jason out of Cabin 3.
            "I bet he's with Will," Jason smirked, hurrying over to Cabin 13's  doorstep. We knocked furiously on the door, only to see it crack open. Pushing it further, me and Jason were now standing infront of a wide-open Hades Cabin, with Nico and (lo and behold) Will Solace sitting eating.

This wasn't a surprise, we'd seen Will earlier, too, but we left them alone quick. That had been half the reason for truth or dare. Finally convincing Nico to come (seemingly only on the condition Will did to, to this, me and Jason grinned to one another, and hurries out the cabin whispering eagerly. Will had called Nico Death Boy, for gods sake! If anyone did that, even Hazel, Nico would be mad. He just called Will sunshine back. Nico gave someone a nickname.

Walking back into Cabin 3 whispering back and forth, me and Jason settled back down just in time for Nico and Will arriving at the Cabin.

Various 'hellos' and 'hi', and a few "hows camp?' between Nico and his sister finished and we all looked around excitedly. I was nearly bouncing up and down; Leo looked like might've burst into flames (literally) if we waited much longer.
          "Who's going first?" I asked. Everyone looked around the circle, debating who should have to go first. Probably bored of all the quiet, Leo started for us.
          "Piper! Truth or Dare?", He shouted over all the muttering, and I swear his hair started to smoke. Piper was quick to answer (thank the gods, I was going to die if we waited any longer. Is this how Leo feels 24/7?)
        "Dare." She said quickly. Leo smiled eagerly,
        "Well, you're a daughter of Aphrodite. If one couple in this room had to break up, who you would you pick?" He dared. Piper looked at him curiously.
         "Oh. Uhm," Pipers eyes wandered over all of us, and I thought I saw a bit of fear. She wouldn't pick me and Annabeth, I knew that. After going to Tartarus and back? She'd  be crazy.

Pipers POV

gods Leo. Why would he go there? Between breaking up Percabeth, Caleo, and Frazel? I could've tried to get away with picking Thalia, Reyna, Nico, Will... None of them were dating anyone. Well, maybe I could've gotten away with Nico and Will. Something about them was odd, but the Aphrodite cabin would've know if it was anything romantic; someone always seems to. Wether you like it or not. I looked awkwardly between my friends, finally settling on the safest answer I could find.
          "You and Calypso, just for that dare. No offense Calypso, blame Leo." He looked accusingly at me, I found myself smiling a bit. The tension in the room seemed to dissipate when it became my turn to pick someone, "Hazel!" I said excitedly, "Truth or Dare?" Hazel looked a bit frightened,
         "Truth, I guess..." She muttered. I relaxed a bit, trying to be a bit nicer. Hazel was tough as nails, but didn't deserve anything crazy right now.
          "What's your... least favorite animal Franks ever turned into?" She seemed to relax a bit, looking apologetically at Frank.
           "A blobfish." she said plainly, looking around awkwardly. Percy gasped a bit, looking offended. "I know some people think their cute but it just... It's a blobfish." She continued to ramble for a minute, finally drifting off. Percy was muttering something about telling the fish, yadayada,
         "It's your turn to pick someone now," I said, looking at Hazel.
          "Right," she replied, looking around.

Hazel POV

Truth or dare had seemed like a fun idea, until you were sitting in a spotlight with someone deciding how you're going to suffer. Maybe demigods should be used to it, but this was different. On a battlefield, there was no confessing your crushes, or anyone asking you to go do something dumb in the name of a dare. Or deciding which one of your friends you wanted to put in the hot seat.
          "Percy." I finally said, slipping out of my thoughts, "truth or dare?" He looked around a moment,
         "Dare, obviously" Percy announced. I looked around hesitantly,
          "Uh.. I dare you to, skip the next capture the flag game?" I said; though it came out nearly as a question. Yet, Percy looked sufficiently surprised, and Annabeth smiled a bit,
          "Well, at least the other team will have some advantage next time." Will said. I knew Will, from Nico's ranting about him. Other than that, I'd never had a conversation with him myself. But Nico seemed to trust him a lot, and that was enough for me.
         "Nooo" Percy groaned, looking around at all of us. Piper, Jason, Leo, and Thalia all smiled too.
         "Good dare Hazel! Will's right, we might actually have a shot for once." Piper chimed in, looking at Annabeth, "...assuming the Aphrodite and Athena cabins are teamed, right, Annabeth?" She asked, and I thought she might've even been charm-speaking a bit. Greeks sure were passionate about their capture the flag. I fondly recalled the first time I'd seen Percy play capture the flag at Camp Jupiter, his memory was gone at the time and even then he helped all of us to victory.
          "Nice try Piper." Annabeth chuckled, "but we'll see. With Seaweed brain here out, the Athena cabin has to re-strategize." No surprise there. I'd never seen a challenge, game or not, Annabeth didn't have a plan for. Finally Percy spoke up.
         "Soo, can I take my turn now?" Everyone nodded looking to Percy. I sighed a bit, glad to have a little less attention focused my way, even from my friends.
        "Well," Percy cracked his knuckles, looking between all of us. Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Nico, truth or dare?" He asked.
The room fell unusually quiet.

Truth or Dare with Riordanverse Characters / mostly Solangelo Where stories live. Discover now