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Today, I woke up to loud knocking on my door followed by muffled shouting. Shrugging out of bed, I shuffled over the the matt black door.
            "yes?" I asked grudgingly. Percy, Jason, and Will all turned to me happily, each looking suspiciously at one another. "What in my dad's name are you guys doing here?" my voice scolded. Jason and Percy were looking curiously at one another, while Will's eyes focused in on me. Quickly, my face flushed realizing I was still in PJs.
             "Well," Jason began, looking between me, Percy and Will. "Me and Percy were here to talk to you about something from yesterday. Buuut," he teased, looking between me and Will a moment longer, "then we ran into Will here, bringing you breakfast, and were just about to leave." They smiled sharply, taking off in another direction, narrowly avoiding running into the forest. I smirked slightly, but triumph left me when I looked back at Will, smiling carefully holding two plates from the mess hall.
            "Sorry about them," I mumbled, moving so he could walk into the ever-dreary Hades cabin. He shook his head no, mumbling how his siblings are like that sometimes. Just as I began to nibble on a small piece of food, the door to my cabin flung open.
              "NICO!" Jason yelled excitedly. I jumped a little, fearing the worst. Wills attention was immediately drawn to the shouting son of Zeus as well.
            "We're playing truth or dare!" Percy ran up to announce excitedly, "And, not just us! Hazel, Frank, Reyna, and Thalia all agreed!" I shrugged my shoulders.
             "Have fun." I tried to smile a bit, settling back down onto my bed to try nibbling on more bread. Not as good as Italian. I noted. Suddenly, fresh, Italian bread was sitting in its place on my plate. Maybe that was good thing about staying in Camp Half-Blood. They had magic plates. I was excited to see Hazel, but I was going to skip truth or dare like my life depended on it. Jason, and Percy both frowned.
            "You're going." They said in unison. I shook my head furiously,
             "No, I really don't think I am." Wills voice cut through our arguing, pulling me into a near trance.
             "Come on death boy," he pressed, "Let's go! Have some fun with your friends, for once." I opened my mouth to protest, but Wills smiled picked up defiantly. "Doctors orders, Di Angelo." I moped for minute. Before realizing exactly what Will had implied, I stood up, helping him off the bed.
              " Well then, Let's go" I said grumbling. Starting to drag him along, I  heared him slowly start to panic as he realized he had agreed to play too.
            "You asked for this, Sunshine." I smirked. Never so excited for a game of truth or dare. --not that I had played many-- Solace was going to suffer, now.

Will POV

As Nico dragged me along, I swore I heard Percy and Jason excitedly whispering back and forth as we walked out,
            "Did you hear that?!". One whisper-yelled, Percy, if I had to guess.
            "YES omgs omgs" Jason replied
            "Between the 'death boy', and -

There voices faded as we walked further. But who knew Percy and Jason were such fanboys?

The rest of their conversation, for curious ppl:

-'sunshine' I almost started shouting OTP." Percy answered.
            "I KNOWW" He replied, "I wonder if Pipes knows??" Jason asked,
            "I heard the Aphrodite cabin saw them outside late last night soo--" Percy paused,
            "did you tell them anything?" "About Nico?" Jason asked.
           "No," Percy replied,
           "Honestly though, I think pipes has started to figure them out anyways" Jason said.
            "Anyways-- what should we ask them during t or d?" Percy asked
They continued to whisper excitedly on the way to the Poseidon cabin.

Truth or Dare with Riordanverse Characters / mostly Solangelo Where stories live. Discover now