t/d pt9

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          "What's your least favorite memory?" Jason asked. I looked down at my hands, playing anxiously with the cuff of my shorts. My least favorite memory? I'm a demigod. It would be easier to pick a favorite memory. There's very few memories I favor. My dad, at times. The time I spend with Jason, nights on the Argo II and peaceful nights around the campfire at CHB... What else? I settled on one rather quickly, despite that.
           "Seeing my dad stuck. And captured. Dragged into our world..." I muttered, looking out at the other 11. Each of them held a look of sympathy in their eyes. All of them had seen their friends, their family, stuck in danger, trying as hard as they can to keep them alive. But it wasn't just the one memory. It was every single mission, every quest... We were always trying to save them.

Jason smiled softly, and took my hand in his, rubbing small circles with his thumb. "Anyways," I tried to smile, "Repair boy--" I turned to Leo, who was turned facing Calypso, playing with gears.
           "Truth or dare?" I asked. Leo looked up with a start,
           "You know I'm picking dare!" Leo announced.


           "I dare you to be honest," Piper smiled.
Noooo! That was Annabeth's idea! I picked, dare, not truth. This was a ripoff.
            "Ugh, fine, what do you want to know?" I complained to Piper.
            "Hmm.." she pondered, looking carefully at me. I thought my hair, or maybe my hands, might light on fire out of bored anticipation- "Have you ever been afraid of being fire user?" She asked.

Well that was great. I looked around at the seven, glancing briefly at my hands. My eyes lingered on Frank. He'd lost family to fire too. It might not be what my life was endangered by, but that was a tough question. I said,
           "No," Y'know, like a liar. (A/N ehh? :) ehhh ;)? )  I wasn't afraid of fire when I controlled it, only when I didn't...

If piper didn't believe me, she didn't show it. I caught Frank watching me from the corner of his eye, however, and when I tried to meet them he only looked away. Great. I thought.

With no time to dwell on whatever mistakes I'd made now, I turned to Calypso.
           "Heeey," I grinned, "Truth or Dare?" She rolled her eyes lightly at me,
           "Dare, I suppose." Calypso told me. Smiling, I dwelled on the thought, for approximately two seconds. (Hey, I'm no child of Athena. I don't need to think.)
             "Tomorrow, you have to do whatever I say, for 6 hours, starting at breakfast." She glared at my smile.
6 hours was being nice, right?
             "Wonderful," Calypso rolled her eyes, smiling a little too sweetly. I made the mental note to be nice, or plan an escape route at the end of the 6 hours. Annabeth had been dared to listen to whatever Percy said for a day earlier-- maybe I'll get him in on that plan... Though, after that prank, there might be no saving the guy. It's a good thing Annabeth loves him, he'd be dead otherwise.

It's a miracle I wasn't, with everything I already pulled. Between Calypso and Annabeth-- not to mention Piper, who I had yet to mess with, (today, that is), it wad a shock I could sit here.

But, seeing a smile dance onto Calypso's face, I realized with a smile of my own exactly why I wasn't dead.

Hazel POV

I watched Calypso's eyes drift over the 11 of us. It was just me, Frank, and Will who hadn't been asked truth or dare yet. But, Will was going last, since he'd asked someone first. 
            "Hazel," Calypso smiled carefully in my direction, I snapped my attention towards her, "Truth or Dare?" She asked.
            "Dare." I tried to smile, I was going to handle this just fine. I knew it.

She pondered for a minute, and I started to worry. Calypso was nice, always-- but what dare could she have in mind?
          "I'm at a loss, but-- stay at here, at Camp Half-Blood, with Reyna, when she comes. That's your dare." Calypso decided. I smiled, it would be weird, certainly, but... I could've sworn I saw Nico smile, and I looked over at Reyna, who also shot me a smile. The CHB campers seemed excited. I couldn't help but crack a smile as well, nodding appreciatively.
Good dare.

Now, there were two people left.
               "Frank, Truth or Dare?" I asked. He looked up at me,
                "Dare, as well--" Frank nodded. I quickly realized exactly what Franks dare should be.
              "Come to Camp Half-Blood too!" I smiled, "No ifs or buts about it." Frank grinned, as did the rest of the Poseidon cabin.
              "Okay. Fun!" Frank smiled awkwardly. Percy smiled,
              "Time to show you guys some Greek capture the flag!" He paused, looking around at his friends, then whispered to us, "--but it isn't that different, since I win anyways-- Roman, or Greek." He grinned.
I looked around, waiting for someone to tell him...
             "Percy, you're dared not to play in the next game..." I muttered. The son of Poseidon went quiet.
             "Right," he sighed, quickly turning back to a smile, "You can watch the Athena cabin win, then." Annabeth shot her boyfriend a smile.

I decided I was going to like our group trip to Camp Half-Blood... even if Camp Jupiter will be missing three praetors.

Will POV

With dares arranged for Reyna, Hazel, and Frank to come stay at CHB for a month, it was Franks turn to ask me Truth or Dare. I silently prayed Frank wasn't in secret kahoots with Percy, or Jason... this round had been enough confessions and confusion for me.

             "Truth or Dare, Will?" Frank asked,
             "Dare, I guess..." I shifted awkwardly where I was sat. Most of us had said dare, but that didn't mean you were safe.
Not at all. Never.
             "You're from Texas, right, Will?" Frank asked, a small smile forming on his lips.

Oh gods no. I didn't think Frank would try and do this, but I was quickly losing my courage.
            "Yep," I forced a small smile.
            "Talk in a heavy country accent, all day, tomorrow." He smiled carefully. I relaxed.

I was seriously expecting to have to square dance. That was something I didn't need twice in my life.

             "Okay," I smiled back, breathing a little easier now. "That actually might cheer up a few campers," I realized.
We had a lot of kids come through the infirmary, maybe a little silliness would do them some good.

I turned and caught Nico's face twirled into a smile as well. Oh gods. He was going to mess with me all day, wasn't he?

If Nico hung out with me all day, that wouldn't be so bad, would it? My heart pounded, suddenly realizing I'd now been staring at Nico for forever.

Percy snapped us all out of the quiet with a smile,
            "Alright guys! Thanks for hanging out, please leave so I can sleep now." We all chuckled, said goodbye, and slowly drifted out of the Poseidon Cabin.
Percy POV

I loved truth or dare, but I also loved when it was over.

But, trying to catch him before he left, I nudged Jason, urging him to keep an eye on Nico and Will as they left. I calmly ignored Annabeth lightly rolling her eyes, staying focused on me and Jason's silent chat.

THIS IS NOT THE END! final chapters will be out ASAP

A/N !!

1252 words! Thank y'all for reading, as always -- and thanks for the patience, this took much longer than I thought. Sorry some of the dares/truths got kinda rushed and boring towards the end, my creativity for that is running out. But, it's over now. These last few chapters will be a little percabeth, then Solangelo to wrap up!! (So stick around :)

Buuut I do have another idea for a fic surrounding the month all the Camp Jupiter ppl come to CHB. I might include some other characters too, so look out for that if your interested! I'll keep y'all updated if I decide to write it. (I prolly will once I finish this.) Thanks again, and keep reading.

<3 J



Truth or Dare with Riordanverse Characters / mostly Solangelo Where stories live. Discover now