nico/will pov

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Quick A/N - Sorry it's been so long! I'm back inside school by now, and I usually do these simultaneously with HW so.. expect more! :)
Updated A/N as I actually finish this... Correction: motivation is dwindling, I'm so sorry :/ I'll write as often as I can still!

Will POV

           As soon as my shift finished, my previous plan of sleeping until I fell into hibernation was interrupted by Kayla, who insisted we go to the dining hall for food (at midnight, of course.) Begrudgingly,  I agreed to come. Not like I had anything to do.
However, as me and a few other Apollo kids edged closer, I started to make out a figure sat at one of the tables.
             "Who is that?" I heard Kayla whisper. I shook my head, but turned to her bleary face in the dark.
             "Grab me one of the plates," I told her. "Please." Kayla asked varying questions as I walked towards the blurry shadow of another Half-Blood.
I didn't really know who or what it was, but I had a pretty certain idea. Only two kids could sit at that table, and one of them was at Camp Jupiter.
"Nico?" I asked, standing just a few feet away now. His head turned up, I heard him inhale sharply.
           "Oh, gods, Will. Hi." He shrugged, taking another breathe.
           "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." I cautiously took a step closer, "what're you doing out here so late?" I asked. Nico scooted over with a shrug,
           "Couldn't sleep, but I was hungry, so, I came here. Wait, why are you here? What time is it?" His voice rose a bit. Carefully plopping down next to him, I looked at my analog watch,
           "A little past 12, now," Nico's eyes focused on me with striking intensity,
           "Oh. Guess I really can't sleep," he nodded softly to himself, turning back to the uneaten food in front of him. Kayla walked over, sliding a plate into my hands with a small smirk. Ignoring her, I slipped my legs over the table bench and fiddled till we were sat comfortably next to each other. Finally, I got Nico to look up, "What're you doing?" He asked, his voice wavering.
          "Sitting with you." I looked back to his plate of food, "Neeks, eat something." I scolded,
          "Will-" he started, I interjected quickly--
           "Nope. I wasn't asking," he scoffed, staring despondently at the plate. "Please just eat something, Nico, you're already not sleeping-" I stopped, hearing his breath hitch.
          "Will." He repeated, "stop trying to be my doctor," his voice caught, as if the words were forcing themselves out. "Please." He added painstakingly. I looked at him for a lingering minute.

           "Does this have anything to do with truth or dare?" I blurted. Nicos face turned to me in a soft scowl.
           "No," he moped, "I don't think so." I nodded. He finally looked up at me, --in all my blood-stained scrubs, havent-rested-since-this-time-last-night beauty-- his eyes trailing down to my own food. "Why haven't you eaten yet?"

     I started down at the plate-- so focused on convincing Nico to eat, I hadn't. I guessed my food was cold by now.
            "I don't know. Guess we both need to." Just then, I felt Nicos hand grip my wrist, electricity crackling up my arm.

            "Nico-" I started, just then we both dissipated into the shadows, popping right back out in a little alley, "Nico!" I yelled, not so quiet. "I specifically asked you wouldn't-" it was his turn to cut me off,
             "Solace will you stop it!" He scolded, clamping a hand over my mouth, "You told me to eat. I'm listening. Happy?" I glanced around,
              "Maybe. " I relaxed, "how is this eating?" He pulled me around to a brightly lit McDonald's.
               "See?" I did. Oh gods I saw. I wasn't exactly excited... But Nicos eyes had a little shine to them, like some part of him was at ease.. it was so pleasing, I dragged him myself through the glass doors, immediately struck by the overwhelming smell of greasy food. I guess, as a doctor, I should've disapproved. But it'd been so long...

         Together, we walked over to the order kiosks, Nico picking the obvious option of minimal human contact. And for once, I agreed. Finally sitting down with food teeming with heat and greasy, wonderful flavor, we slid into a little booth opposite each other.   
            "So this is where the infamous Nico Di Angelo gets his meals?" I asked, picking at my fries, "You shadow travel... to McDonald's?" He nodded. carefully chewing at his food. It was nice to see him eat something, but I was swirling with questions. "Is this why you end up in the infirmary so much?" I asked, "Death by French fries?" Maybe not my first question, but it's hard to get a son of Hades in a talking mood. He started to laugh, leaving me smiling confused, but that barley mattered... Laughing. Nico Di Angelo was laughing, in my vicinity, again?
             I couldn't have been happier. "What?" I asked, still stuck in a grin.
             "Nothing I'm just.. shocked you didn't notice." He smiled softly still. "I wasn't going to tell you, probably till I died-- but no." I was stirring with curiosity, now. "It is, infact, not, death by French fries --though that is a real thing, I once went to this McDonald's that reeked of death. It was horrifying-- anyways," my appetite evaporated. "It's... " he hesitated, "Yeah it's nothing like that. 9/10 I've gotten sent there on purpose," he pauses again, and I felt pieces clinking together, "to see you. Sometimes just to relax, and occasionally for some sleep.." he trailed off. His face dotted with pink, I was sure I was no better.
             He's been getting hurt on purpose... to go to the infirmary... to see me?!

Nico POV
I smacked myself silently. Really, Nico? I winced, feeling what was almost a great McDonald's trip evaporate. Sure, it was true, but Will wasn't supposed to know that. We sat in silence for a lingering moment. I knew I was sure done talking. Will cleared his throat, and I felt my heart jump into my throat.
             "If you ever want to see me, you could just ask..." Will started. "I'd come." "And wait, you come to sleep? Nico Di Angelo sleeps?" I nodded painfully,
             "Haha. But yes, I might... it-" my voice broke, and I looked down at my nearly finished fries. "It helps the nightmares," I muttered. Will nodded, regarding me carefully. Across his face, a slow, stupid big grin spread across his face. "What?!" I asked.
              "I need to test something," his smile remained. "Feel like a sleepover?" He asked, but before I could get a word in--no--, he stopped me, a hand raised. "Wait, no. Doctors orders. Sleepover, tomorrow night."

1200~ words (did not proofread, so sry and hope it's alright)

(IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG 😭 I plan on picking this story up as a separate fic bc from now towards it'll be just solangelo.. I'll try and get them done in a timely fashion!!

Also finally read TOA, (spoiler warning)
Ive just got the last book to go. RIP Jason 😭 I knew it was coming but oml the feels.
Me and a friend have been reading them together tho (she's ahead of me) and ik there's supposed to be a lot of will+nico in it was looking fowatd to thatttt
Anywho, see you all next time I write (probably under a diff fic, but we'll see. It'll pick the story back up either way!) TYSM AGAIN


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