t/d pt4

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Annabeth POV
"Calypso! Truth or Dare?" I asked.
"Dare," she told me. I felt the well-oiled gears in my head start to turn, trying to pick the perfect dare for Calypso. None of us had gotten to know her much, after her and Leo crashed into CHB, so truth might've been better...
"I dare you to tell me the truth about whatever the next thing I ask you," I smiled at her. Calypso frowned a bit,
"Wait can we do that?" Percy muttered. I rolled my eyes a bit,
"It is a dare," I told him; Percy nodded excitedly. Seaweed brain.
"Fine then, what would you like to know?" she asked. Finally, I settled on a good question for Calypso,
"Why do you like Leo?" I asked. Piper was the first to burst out in a fit of laughter, and Calypso was smiling softly. Leo looked at me accusingly, and all of the other 11 of us smiled, if we weren't already laughing. Even Nico seemed amused by Leo's fiery response. (Literally. His hair was lit up like a Christmas tree.)
"He came back to Ogygia," she started, "--and he's an idiot." she turned to her boyfriend at the last line-- rolling her eyes a bit. I smiled, I liked Calypso, for the most part.
"Don't worry, I have an idiot too." I added, looking at Percy. He was still laughing softly, his face was flushed and black hair was spilling into his sea-green eyes, perfect-- as always. Leo looked back at Calypso, smiling wildly,
"Yeah, but I'm your idiot, right?" He asked. She pecked his cheek and turned back to a finally settled group.
"Good truth, Annabeth," Frank grinned, "I think we've all wondered at least once..." His voice trailed. As far as any of us knew, the son of Mars and son of Hephaestus had not always gotten along, but it was a nicer banter between the two now.

"Alright, uhm," it was Calypso's turn to pick somebody now, and understandably, her first pick was Leo.


"Dare," I decided, "but make it more fun. Less of the 'i dare you to tell the truth's schist." If the dares had been more interesting, like: light camp on fire, or yourself, prank the Stolls.. put on dumb clothes and do a dance at breakfast. Prank Chiron! Climb the rock roll with a harness- this might've been easier to sit and watch, but no.
"Let Percy soak you with water from the lake." Calypso said. I frowned, that wasn't very interesting! It was just water. (Fire was obviously better, but still,) I groaned.
"Fine. Let's get this over with." I started walking out to the lake. Percy ran up to me, smiling.
"Do you have something against water, fireboy?"
"It's Mcshizzle, Aquaman." I grinned, glad to, at the least, be able to crack a few jokes. We were a few feet from the lake now. Suddenly, Percy stopped, I turned in a circle, "what?" I asked.

Salt water spilled into my open mouth. I was now sopping wet, standing under a mix of sand and mud.
"Schist!" I yelled, looking down at my drenched clothes. Percy was smiling wider,
"Taste good?" He asked. I shrugged.
"Could've been more interesting." I said. Percy smiled,
"Well then stick around for round 2. Come on, you have to ask Frank, now." Percy said. Now that was a reason to smile! Frank was the last one left. As we walked back to the Poseidon cabin, Percy willed me dry;
"Even the Poseidon cabin is no fun when it's soaking wet." Percy sat back down next to Annabeth, and I settled ('settled' as in sat down. I was not very calm, nor settled.) Giving Frank a dare was something worth the excitement. And getting drenched.

Frank POV

Leo sat back down, bouncing a little eagerly in the circle.
"Frank!" He grinned. I felt my stomach flip flop a bit, I did not want a dare from Leo. Me and him might be friendly, but I had no interest in performing any fire-related acrobatics, and those were Leo's favorite dares.
"Truth," I told him assuredly. His smiled flickered for a minute, but it didn't take long for his grin to return, a bit slower this time.
"I'll be nice this time around, I guess," Leo shrugged, and I thought I could hear him mutter "truth is boring."
Which is exactly why I picked it. If you don't hate anybody, aren't living a secret life, and are already dating someone, truth won't hurt much.
"Who do you wish was your godly parent?" He asked. My eyes widened, a bit, that was a simple truth, especially for Leo.

"Apollo," I answered, a bit sheepishly, but it wasn't too big of a secret. "That's who I used to suspect-- me liking archery, and all" I explained, looking especially at Will Solace, the only child of Apollo in the room. Various 'Ooh' and 'Ah,'s filled the cabin, a few people nodding. "I don't mind being a child of mars, really, but Apollo was my first guess." I noticed a few last nods,
"He's.. an interesting father figure. I'm not sure ares--or mars, is any better. Would've loved to have you in the Apollo kids club though," Will smiled. Was that really a thing? Probably not. CHB wasn't that different. I smiled awkwardly. I knew Will through Hazel, and her through Nico.

He seemed nice, and I'd realized later he was the head medic and head counselor of the Apollo Cabin. Not to mention, Hazel said him and Nico had become good friends. I didn't know much about Nico, honestly, he wasn't all that open; so Will must've been doing something right.
Not to mention, Jason and Percy seemed to act like children of Venus --or aphrodite, if you rather-- whenever Will and Nico were together.

Seemingly, though, our game of truth or dare was over.

Nico POV

"Alright, Round two!!" Percy half-yelled, smiling wildly.

"Penso di no, cazza.." I cursed quietly.

Truth or Dare with Riordanverse Characters / mostly Solangelo Where stories live. Discover now