t/d pt8

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Jason POV

So. Percy had just challenged me to a fight. I was excited, --honestly.
I mean, hadn't you ever wondered who might win? But it was hard to ignore the fear creeping into my heart. I'd seen Percy take down armies... And I hadn't forgotten the last time we went head to head in a fight.

But now Percy was standing across from me in the arena, pulling riptide's cap off. I grabbed my sword, holding it readily by my side. I looked briefly to the beach, seeing the waves simmering just above the surface. The sky was littered with bright clouds, but the sky was growing darker as night creeped in. Yet, there was no sign either of our fathers were paying any mind to our games.

              "Ready?" I asked, looking up at my friend, Percy just nodded roughly.

He's the best swordsman at Camp Half-Blood, my head reminded me.
But I was the best at camp Jupiter.
He's the son of Poseidon.
It tried,
Yeah, but I'm a son of Zeus.

Our blades clashed in a clap of static electricity, which flowed through me now, and I watched Riptide slide along the blade of my sword. We snapped apart and Percy jabbed towards my feet, I scattered to the right, looking back to see Percy advancing closely.
He swung at me, and I parried it with my blade, swiping at his unguarded arm. I managed a small strike, but if Percy noticed, he didn't show it. He swung again, this time grazing the side of my cheek, just next to my chin. I felt the skies begin to rumble and commanded lightning to start to smoke the arena.

The waves started to grow across the field, and I saw Percy's face, at first a bit fearful, twist into a grin at water crashed over the arena, sweeping me onto the ground. I commanded lightning closer and closer, trying to see through the downpour of saltwater.
            "Wear your glasses," Piper said. "It's not like we'll have any crazy monster attacks," Yeah. I found myself thinking, but we will have Percy.

I heard bursting to the sides, and sure enough water was rushing from the girls and boys bathrooms, followed by rushed screaming. I tried to fight back, striking with more lightning, feeling the ground start to shake, and the wind starting to rush past my ears. We had started a massive storm, nearly tearing apart the arena. In a flash, I saw Percy rush back over to me, Riptide wielded high above his head.
Just in time, I slid to the left, readying my own sword. We parried back and forth, a storm still shaking the ground beneath us.

Percy POV

Swing, Dodge, Swing, Dodge, Swing, HIT.

After swinging and blocking back and forth with Jason for a moment, I finally overpowered him, slipping a jab towards his left arm, narrowly missing his chest.
Relax. I'm not trying to kill the guy.
Propelling the water back towards the son of Zeus, I paced back, watching keenly for his sword, Gladius, to show through the rush of water and lightning.

Faint shouts were echoing nearby from our friends, but every voice was drowned in the rush of the storm.
I saw a flicker of gold and rushed closer, trying to sneak up on Jason. I instead smashed into a dummy with Jason's sword shoved into the chest. Spinning to try and block a sneak attack, I felt Jason leap onto my back. I ran around frantically trying to shake him off, like a game of chicken.
Eventually, we were so focused on our game the storm and water fell around us, and it was just two drenched kids of the big three, one piled on top of the other, and one (me) trying to shake him off.

         "Get off Jason!" I yelled, trying to hold back the laugh in my throat.

          "Never!" He wrapped his hands around my head --not to choke me, thankfully-- but to hold on tighter.
I finally fell back with a slight crack, hearing Jason groan as he crawled up from the ground.

           "Percyyy" he looked at me, "you fell on top of me!" I smiled,

           "Someone's just mad I won," Jason frowned.

            "Says who?" He asked, picking his sword off the soaking ground of the arena.

         "Says me," I told him, "first of all, I was totally going to beat you anyways-- but technically, you hit the ground first." That sure wasn't logical, especially not for Romans, but this wasn't camp Jupiter, and Jason wasn't a praetor anymore. So, who cares? Monsters never cared!

           "Let's ask the rest," he decided. I nodded, turning to where our friends had been. They were all standing just the same, only covered in water. I tried to will us all dry, walking over to the other 10 demigods.

         "So whatdya guys think?" I asked with a smile. Annabeth and Piper frowned. I cringed, realizing that might be the last thing I see.

            "Do you even realize what just happened, Perseus Jackson?" Annabeth asked, taking a second look around.

I finally glanced in a circle, seeing watered grass, a drying arena... It didn't look that bad.
         "Not really," I offered, fearing what might happen. I didn't get called Perseus very often, but I rarely liked the outcome.

         "You both just covered camp in a ridiculous, dangerous storm. I'm pretty sure a few campers blew away." Piper scolded, looking especially at Jason.

The two continued to argue with us as we all wandered back inside my cabin, but I couldn't help but smiled as Leo piped up,
         "Yeah, yeah-- mortal danger, angry gods, nothing new. Who won?" He asked, grinning madly. (As Leo usually did, I thought.)

         "Technically, me," I smiled wildly, but Jason cut in.

        "But that was after I jumped on your back and nearly tackled you down.. so it was less of a genuine fight by then," I shrugged. I would sure count it.

Who says you can beat a monster by slamming it into the ground after it tried to jump on your back?

Piper POV

After Jason and Percy finished their "Son of Poseidon vs. Son of Zeus" fight, we all sat back down for Jason to give out his dare. He turned to me with a smile,

         "Pipes! Truth or dare?" I grinned back,

           "I'm breaking the cycle, sorry, guys, I'm too tired for a dare. Truth."

A few groans went up from my friends, as Jason sat to think of a good truth.

         "What's your least favorite memory?" He blurted. I looked back up at Jason. That felt oddly deep when him and Percy had just finished tackling eachother trying to withhold laughter after using all there power to 1v1, but I had to admit. It was a good truth. I was stumped, and frankly, scared.


1119 words! Bit longer this time as an apology for the later update! (Finally wrote a percyvsjason fight scene tho, how was it?) Hope it turned out okay :) thanks soo so much for nearly 300 reads!! I had no idea I would get that far!! Thanks to y'all for reading :) lemme know what you think of that dare for piper, it's not my favorite but tbh I'm kinda stumped so I picked something a little more angsty, but I'll probably keep it pretty light.
(The angst is saved for solangelo parts lol )

PSA I also have a Percabeth (oneshots/short stories) that I'm writing! If you're into that, I suggest checking it out and letting me know what you think! Thanks for reading, as always!


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