t/d pt6

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Reyna POV
               "Reyna, truth or dare?" Nico asked.

                "Dare." I told him, looking threateningly between him and Will.

I had no idea what had just happened, first, Jason had pushed Will to ask Nico truth or dare. Which was fine, the two could only argue for so long-- suddenly, Will says "kiss someone in the room" panicked, and then Nico dragged them both outside, walked back in, sat down, and asked me truth or dare.
No one even questioned it???
Alrighty then.

                "Come live at CHB for a full month, give your praetor duties to someone at Camp Jupiter." He smiled a bit, that was rare for Nico, I was glad.. but, living at CHB? That was sure to be interesting.

                "Okay.." I responded. Most of the CHB campers smiled,
               "That'll be fun!" Annabeth grinned, I nodded. It would be weird spending so long from camp, but like before the battle of Gaea-- Maybe the two camps can learn from eachother. It was a simple dare, at least.

                "Thalia!" I smiled, "Truth or Dare?" Thalia, Jason's-full sister, a Hunter of Artemis, had been sitting next to me most of the game, but we'd only spoken at the very start.
                "Truth," she shrugged. "As much as pranking Clarisse was great, I doubt I could get out of it so easy twice."
                 "What's your least favorite thing about being a Hunter?" I asked. The Hunters fascinated me, and Thalia and me talked about them often.

Thalia sat in thought for a minute, as if there was nothing she didn't like about traveling about with the Hunters for days, and I couldn't blame her. Hunters were semi-immortal, with eternal youth and they swore to the Hunt and to Artemis, and also to reject love. I idolized the idea, sometime, honestly.

               "It's tough moving around all the time, I guess." She decided. "I do wish I could see you all more," Thalia added, looking especially at her brother and then to Annabeth. I knew her and Annabeth had been close since they were little --sisters, in their own way. That was one thing about being a Hunter. They were often moving, completing quests or such. "I don't regret it, though." I nodded. Being a Hunter really did seem nice, when Thalia would describe it..

Annabeth POV

               "Anna-beth!" Thalia smiled at me, sing-song like. "Truth or dare?" I grinned back.
                "Dare." Thalia looked at me curiously. It was hard to find a worthy dare for a daughter of Athena. Especially one who'd been to hell, back, and fought in two wars-

               "Eat a spider." Thalia decided. The room went quiet. So. Despite all that aforementioned bravery, Thalia has figured it out.

                "Excuse me?" I whispered, my voice small.
Gods no. I would rather work for Hera for a week. Well-- maybe not a week. An hour, or two...

Thalia smiled a bit wider,
               "Sorry, Annie. Nothing else scares you." She added. I hoped that wasn't supposed to make me feel better, because it sure as Hades didn't. Leo ran out of the cabin yelling,
               "I'll get it!!" Where Leo just had spiders on hand, I didn't know. We waited in silence.

Walking back in, Leo had his hands cupped close to his chest. "It's supposed to be dead, right?" He grinned. I glared at him, then to Thalia.

              "It better be dead!" I argued. Percy put his hand out, gesturing for Leo to hand him the spider. I turned to face the wall. No way was I actually about to eat a spider.

               "Come on wise girl, its a little spider-" Percy started, I turned only to glare at him, promptly choking back a scream in my throat.

It was not a "little" spider, the seaweed brained idiot. It looked huge.

               "Just give it to me!" I yelled, promptly closing my eyes. I felt Percy's hands lay the spider onto my own outstretched hand, resisting the urge to throw it on the floor and run out of Cabin 3 and all the way to Olympus. Holding back tears, I forced the spider into my mouth to finish and swallow it. It felt strangely dense and almost.. sweet?

It was a gummy.

It was a freaking gummy. Those three were dead.

I looked back at Percy, then Leo, Thalia, and out at the rest of us gathered in the Poseidon Cabin.

"It's a gummy spider." I retorted, glaring daggers at my friends. Thalia looked like she wanted to burst from laughter.
               "I know," Thalia smiled. "How was it?" She asked.
               "I hate you." I decided to ignore Thalia's question. "And I'm guessing you two knew?" I asked Percy and Leo. They nodded, laughing along with the rest of the cabin. I started to smile, realizing it was my turn now.

              "Percy," I said sweetly. "Truth or Dare?" His face fell.
Good, I thought.

Percy POV

Note to self: don't play a game of truth or dare with a daughter of Athena.

Especially if that daughter of Athena happens to be a two-time hero of Olympus.
A survivor of Tartarus,
Who you just pissed off.
And is your girlfriend.
And her name is Annabeth Chase.
Especially not if her name is Annabeth Chase.

(Author here! Almost 200 overall reads??? Thank y'all so much :) I'll be writing part 6 of t/d asap, but I love a mini cliff-hanger (kinda,) so ye

815 words

Truth or Dare with Riordanverse Characters / mostly Solangelo Where stories live. Discover now