t/d pt2

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Nico POV

gods, why did I agree to this? Peacefully, id sat and watched Piper, Hazel, and Percy go. But why did he have to pick me? Not eager to reveal much, I picked dare. I didn't want to know what Percy considered a good question for truth right now.
          "Hmm," he pondered, looking curiously at me. "I dare you to... teach everybody mythomagic, and play one game with us." He smiled. My face fell, After Biancas death I had stayed as far away from Mythomagic as I could get.
          "Okay," I answered, looking between them all. I would have to get new cards... I might not need the figurines for just the one game. "I might not remember that well," I added, hoping to wiggle out of the dare.
         "We could pick a different dare," Percy offered, grinning ear to ear. I didn't want to know what that grin meant, and I didn't care.
        "Nope. Mythomagic is good." I finished. The rest of the group kept their eyes on me, and I felt my skin start to crawl.
           "Nico, you have to pick somebody," Will whispered in my ear. I turned to him, and back to our friends.
           "Right, Schist." I cursed under my breath. I would pick Solace next round, then he'd really suffer. "Uhh, Jason? Truth or dare?" I managed.
            "Truth," he shrugged. I nodded,
            "...uhh, who's your least favorite god?" I asked, expecting to hear the skies rumble. Jason looked around for a moment, at each of us, up towards the heavens and back to me.
             "I'm still annoyed Hera stole and warped my memories... But that was for good reason. My least favorite, Cupid, probably." Jason decided, smiling at me for a moment. "I don't really hate any of them in particular,"  he added, turning to the heavens. Percy looked hurt, and Annabeth even more annoyed.
            "Really? Jason, you have nothing against that annoying, memory-wiping, boyfriend-stealing, good for nothing goddess b-" Percy clamped a hand over Annabeth's mouth, looking up to the skies anxiously,
           "No offense, of course." Percy added, Jason was smiling sheepishly.
            "But why Cupid?" Thalia asked, panic gripped onto my heart for a moment. Jason shrugged,
          "I just don't like him, I guess." Reyna eyed him and me suspiciously, looking between me and Jason. I kept my eyes low.

Jason POV

I wasn't sure which god I really hated, but Cupid felt like a reasonable choice. I picked him for Nico's sake, I guess. It raised more than a few questions from the rest of the gang, but it felt only right if I had to pick one. I still hadn't forgotten what had happened with Cupid before the battle with Gaea, and I'm sure Nico hadn't. I knew he talked to Percy since then, but as far as I knew, only I knew about this.

When my turn came to pick someone, I turned back to my sister,
           "Thalia," I smiled, "Truth or dare?"
           "Dare, Obviously." She replied.
           "Go prank Clarisse." I smirked, looking eagerly at my sister, her face fell.
          "Really, Jason? Ex-praetor of new Rome, head counselor of the Zeus cabin, a son of Zeus, and you pick 'Prank Clarisse'?" She asked. I chuckled,
          "You're a daughter of Zeus, a Hunter of Artemis and you're to scared." Thalia finally stood up, walking towards the door muttering something like,
          "At Least I have self preservation skills-- some of us don't  like to eat staplers, Jason." Quickly followed by Thalia leaving the Poseidon cabin, the other 11 of us standing outside to hear the ruckus. Thalia walked over to the Ares cabin, glaring in my direction most of the time.

Suddenly, from the Ares cabin came a crack,  smack, and a lot of screaming -- some fearful, some excitable, some out of pure rage. Thalia came running out, face flushed, cackling with laughter. Clarisse quickly ran out, Chris at her heels.
          "Thalia Grace!" She yelled, walking right into her face. Thalia tried to compose herself, looking cautiously at the daughter of the war god.
         "I'm sorry!" She laughed, "It was a dare, I swear!" "I didn't know you were with Chris-" she added; suddenly, I realized just what mistake Thals had made. Thalia... I saw her face, she was about to betray me. Nooooo.
         "Who gave you the dare?" Clarisse glared our way. Thalia looked back, a grin dancing on her face.
         "Jason," my heart fell, she smiled wider, looking to my right, "...and Percy." Thalia added. Percy looked dumb-founded,
        "Did not!" He argued, but Clarisse was already plotting something new. "The Stolls owe me a favor," she smirked, walking away. Percy mouth was agape, looking between me and Thalia.
        "I officially hate the Graces." Percy moped.
        "I did nothing!" I argued, turning to him,
        "You gave pinecone face the dare!" He pointed out, looking between me and Thalia. I did, karma? I guess..
         "Whatever, let's go back inside.. Thals, it's your turn to pick somebody." She nodded, all of us shuffling back into the Poseidon cabin.

Reyna POV

        "Reyna," Thalia turned to me, smiling carefully. "Truth or dare?" She asked.
        "Truth, after that," she chuckled.
        "Hmm, what's your least favorite thing about being a praetor?" Oh, that kind of truth-- that's good. I didn't like anybody, and I don't know what my favorite color would be. Red? Probably.
        "I guess my least favorite thing is the stupid people," I admitted, finally deciding on a less than praetor-standard answer.
       "Like Octavian?" I heard someone ask. Octavian, yeah, he was pretty annoying. Unfortunately, I figured I aught to speak nicely of a fallen Augur, so, naturally, I said
        "No. He was worse, I can deal with stupid people. Dealing with an Augur that thinks he's supreme, above me, and any Praetor, yeah... That was tough." Nico started to fidget nervously to the side of the room.

I knew death, and ones he'd seen-- always seemed to make the son of Hades a bit nervous. Trying to lessen the tension, I turned to Will Solace.
         "Truth or Dare, Will?" I asked. I had questions for that boy. He was close with Nico, especially close. That never just happened with the son of Hades, and I decided I aught to find out what's going on. As a praetor, looking out for a camper, of course. I grinned a bit madly, hearing the next word from the son of apollos mouth.
        "Truth, as well, I guess." He smiled at me nervously. Good, I figure.
         "Hmm, okay," I acted as if I was thinking, but I'd planned my questions well. "If you had to date someone right now, who would you date?" It was basic, maybe. More something a child of Venus -- aphrodite, for the greek-born demigods -- would ask, but I'd seen to many times how Will looks at Nico, and-- more importantly, how Nico looks at Will. His face flushed, looking nervously at me.
         "So, basically, who I like?" He asked. I nodded.
        "If you're saying you like someone, yeah," I added.

Will POV
"Who do you like, Will?" Reyna asked.
Gods sake, Nico was sitting right next to me!  Why would I agree to this.

Truth or Dare with Riordanverse Characters / mostly Solangelo Where stories live. Discover now