Chapter 17

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Chapter 17:

Sebbys POV

So how did this start? Ash interfering with Y/N and now Claude that Tard who was such a coward and send Ash to fucking get her. That's it though isn't it, she can't live normal and be with me her husband. She loves me in the first place I had sex with her and marked her with my own body and if anyone was to mark her again that's just territory taking. Now, how did I do? Being the silent but bitchy butler? Is she here with me? No. she isn't who's going to bring her back in a month? Me? Sure as HELL I am. He wants to play dirty I'll play dirty.

"Young Master? Have you found more evidence in the Claude Case?"

"Not yet, Sebastian. Although people have pictures of Y/N when she was young and there you see Claude in every picture. Standing and in the back round. He gets closer in every picture." he shivered and I looked at one where it's Y/N five at the least, I imagined her H/C shortened to a length five year olds can't tangle. brushing my fingers through it and just smelling her soaps (idk what shampoo and conditioner was back then).

"This is creepy Sebastian. She was watched and she's oblivious about it." Ciel looked at me in the eye. I stared down to the carpet floor of this office. "What about her parents? Those are most important. A child can't arouse a demon without the parents causing the child pain but it seems that Y/Ns parents died recently? Three years ago? She went with a family member but loved here so stayed here and worked for that jackass West and so she's now currently at this estate." I ponder for a moment "Her parents....they seem familiar. Have I met them?" I say out loud. In hell when you see people come down they either applying for a demon resurrection or just plain torture and doesn't interest in hunting helpless souls, but something about a couple that fell I think is rememberable is a tall man with a black goatee and widows peak hair pulled all the way back and a woman with H/C (since she inherited her mom) hair. Oh yeah...them. They died from a "Mysterious" force or like the Cops called it,killed by a murderer a couple of moments later Y/N is looking for her parents. When she finds them they're brutally murdered. So she calls for help and since her dad was a demon kinda like me she gathered his blood. She was born into this hell raising act. That must caught attention of Claude way before it happened.

"Sebastian we have to save her after the month you promised."


"If we don't you "wife" will be marrying another butler from another estate." Ciel holded up a letter coming straight from Alois Trancy I took it from him

Dear Sebastian and Ciel,

Hello I understand that we have Y/N in our manor. Claude has a certain interest in her. We have almost set up a wedding ceremony. Unless you object you have the right to you can do me one favor. Which is kill Ciel Phantomhive and retrieve his head for treasures. Claude has a huge plan of setting up this wedding and you should come enjoy it. Its going to be one HELL of a wedding. So think about it, Ciel dead you with your love of your life isn't hard to choose.

With Love, Claude and Alois Trancy

I close the letter and set it near the fire place to burn it. "Fuck" I mumble, I knew this rapist/Fuckface was going to do something. "Sebastian you do know that we have a contract! You can't kill me, not like it mattered. What are you going to do?" Ciel sat on the desk "Pfft pesky little idiots don't get we don't wanna play a stupid game. If we're playing chess and the king conquers then I'll drop every last pawn until they made way for me. So Sebastian are you going to do the same?" He said

I grabbed the tail of my coat. "Yes, My lord." I bow and he chuckled clutching his stomach "I order you Sebastian Michealis to kill Alois Trancy along with Claude on the day of the wedding."

So this will be it? I'll get her back somehow

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