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Anon suddenly gained consciousness and stood up, wide awake. It took him a few seconds to realise that he was trapped inside a blue test-tube made of plexiglass. The tube ran all the way up to the ceiling, the top and bottom of the tube were reenforced with thick metal plates. Anon peered through the glass to see the other members of the group, also trapped in blue unbreakable test tubes. Christine and Sam were still unconscious and were lent against the sides of the prison. Luis was nowhere to be seen. Abbie was standing up, her hands were violently bashing against the glass, trying to break through and help the others. She was looked like she was screaming, her face was a mixture of red and purple like a francis bacon portrait. Anon turned away to see scientist furiously running around the room, as if they had made a mistake, or simply trying to fix something.

A scientist walked up to Anon's test tube, he was covered in blood and looked half mad. The scientist took a small iPad looking device and started to tap at the screen in anger. Suddenly a red gas started to spray from the top corners of the test tube down onto Anon, making him slightly dizzy. The scientist smirked at what he had done and walked over to Abbie to do the same. Three seconds after the gas had been released in Abbie's container she collapsed. The scientist glanced at Anon, his face filled with confusion. Anon stared at him dead in the eye, completely unaffected by the deadly gas that had just been released. The scientist swivelled around and ran off, only to arrive in the same place with a more professional-looking scientist who knew what he was doing. The professional snatched the iPad from the other scientist and started to flick through files and buttons, he then pressed on the iPad lightly.

All of the containers started to fill with a thick colourless substance, it slowly raised up as if it were trying to drown them. The substance raised up over the mouths of the unaware victims inside and began to suffocate them. Anon held his breath and bashed on the glass as hard as he could, small bubbles escaped his mouth and swam to the top. The rest of his dark hair suddenly began to fill with colour, it only took three to five seconds for the entirety of his head to become fully neon pink. Shear immense pain filled Anon's skull, it was now clear to the scientist that something was wrong with him. The professional put his face to glass to try and see what exactly was happening to him, he studied Anon's face with absolute concentration. He slowly took a polaroid camera and snapped a picture of Anon's shaking body. He pulled away to look at the picture, others gathering around him. The picture slowly developed, leaving Anon's head last. His body was fuzzy and out of focus but his face stood out clear. Above Anon's head were two white pointed horns, they were thin triangle shapes, like cat ears but bigger and tilted backwards more.

The scientists violently turned around to see Anon floating slightly inside the thick substance. Anon's hair covered his eyes but made his wicked grin stand out more. The glass smashed, shards flew in all different directions, hitting scientists and computers. Anon landed on his hands and knees, soaking wet from the liquid that was now spilling out all over the floor. He stood up and surveyed the room. Three of the six scientists that were still in the room were face down in a pool of their own blood, shards of 'unbreakable' plexiglass sticking out of their necks and backs. Anon glanced at the other test tubes which imprisoned his friends, he flicked his pink hair out of his eyes and walked towards them. A scientist ran at Anon with a large poison-filled syringe, before reaching within five feet of Anon his corpse fell to the ground, his upper torso smashed against the ground first, his lower torso shortly after. The other two alive scientists ran out of the room, leaving the picture of Anon behind.

Anon approached Christine's container and smashed it with the eight invisible vectors which originated from the centre of his back. Christine fell to the floor, still unconscious. Anon moved to Sam's test tube, he did the same, being ever so careful not to smash through and decapitate the human inside. Sam fell to the floor, glass piercing the skin around her shoulder. Anon then walked to Abbie's test tube, he smashed through the plexiglass in one single hit and walked away as her lifeless body fell to the floor. Abbie started violently coughing up the liquid that tried to suffocate her, Anon walked faster out of the room. He glanced back to see Abbie open her eyes to look at him. He ran from the room.

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