Philosopher's 9

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It was unbelievable, it's been nearly a month of being in Hogwarts and it felt like they've been here for a lifetime. Chrys was laying in his room and reading a book while he looked over at the grandfather clock. Slytherin was going to have a joint class with the Gryffindors for flying class, and even though Salazar's painting said that the room was soundproof he could still hear Draco bragging to the other snakes outside of his room. Actually, now that he thought about it, he could hear the voices getting louder, Chrys sighed and closed the book, he was starting to regret allowing visitors in his suite.

"I'll bet you anything that Lindsay's been to every Blood Orchids' game." Draco boasted to Crabbe and Goyle. "In fact, I'll bet you anything that Lindsay and I take our afternoon flying class by storm."

"Didn't we have this talk?" Chrys rolled his eyes. "I told you not to drag my family into things."

"Correction." Draco held his hand up. "You said 'please don't use my family to one-up each other', I'm not doing that, I'm singing your family's praises because of our upcoming flying class with the Gryffindors."

Chrys rolled his eyes and looked at him. "So what brings you into my little abode?"

Draco took the time to look at the suite he was in; Chrys certainly didn't hesitate in making this place his own with posters of various muggle bands (they don't even move, what was the point of having them?), a cello sitting upright, embroidery station near the window overlooking the lake, various books of muggle authors, was this boy trying to turn this place into a muggle bedroom!?

"Well, I was going to be a gentleman and walk with you to our first flight class." Draco held his hand out to him.

"Somehow I get the feeling there's more to that." Chrys sat up and looked at him. "You just wanted to see my room again."

"Obviously! You have the most exclusive room in the entire dorm!" Draco threw his hands in the air. "Of course I want to see it every chance I get!" He started to frown as he turned to a poster with a girl in a blue dress being held by a red knight with a sword covered by a rose vine on it. "Of course, I'd prefer it if you didn't have these...Muggle posters about."

Chrys narrowed his eyes at him. "My room, my rules, deal with it."

It wasn't just that poster alone that made Draco raise an eyebrow, there were other things that were hanging around and looking at Salazar Slytherin's portrait shaking his head, he knew he wasn't the only one in disbelief. What even was half of the stuff Chrys was into? Two long haired men, one with a magical scepter holding what looked like a prince; six vampires with sadistic grins on their faces, and a sitting noble boy wearing an eyepatch with a king's robe and a butler standing beside him at the ready. There were some figurines around too, some as the 'cuter' versions of the posters.

"I can still judge you on it." Draco turned and led the way out of the suite. "Really now, being able to have that room puts you on the possibility of being a member of the Gaunt family." He looked down slightly at Chrys. "Of course, you could be related to the Peverells in general, so there's that possibility too."

"And I've also mentioned that my grandfather's been disowned, if anything my father and I are bastards in the eyes of many." Chrys rolled his eyes.

"Not entirely true." A new voice rang out. The four boys turned to look in the direction it came from, seeing a boy nearby walking toward them with his wand out. The boy in question had fair skin with freckles dotting his face here and there. His eyes were a clouded grey-blue color and almond-shaped, looking like they held small bags underneath them. His face was set in a neutral expression, and the four briefly wondered if he was blind since he held his wand in a way that he was using it to see with the red light flashing at the tip of it, or maybe he was just paranoid. His hair was a medium-dark brown and in a swept back style, and he was wearing a Slytherin uniform, an obvious sign that he was part of the dorm.

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