Philosopher's 3

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[Panda: A'right, real talk time. So... I am prone to anxiety attacks but here's the thing; when I have an attack - according to a former manager of mine - My eyes will be wide, my speech will be slurred, I sound like I'm having a stroke, or I repeat certain words a few times. I tried doing that here since my friend's character, Izanami, is prone to these. Now she's done her research and I have experience so to speak. One would think this should be easy for me to write, right? Nope.

I had to constantly bother said friend asking if this looked good. Also...the 5,4,3,2,1 method though something I'm familiar with I've never actually had to do this to settle myself. So I figured I'd let you know that yes, an effort was indeed put into this, I just struggled is all.] 

{Yes, I did look up what I could regarding anxiety attacks and ways to calm/ground someone who is experiencing one. If anyone has their own experiences or information that you know of, feel free to share it.}

Out of the pub and through the gate that led into Diagon Alley, the streets were bustling with people. Eloise walked alongside the adults, pointing out the various shops that lined the streets as they made their way to Gringotts, the wizarding bank. While Harry had the funds his parents had left him, Eloise assured him that they could cover any additional expenses if needed. It was a generous offer, but Harry insisted on making sure he had enough before they began shopping.

Upon arriving at the shop, the group were greeted by a familiar sight before them; Alister, Chrys, and six other individuals beside them. Chrys was hiding behind a pillar to the entrance of Gringotts while his father and the six individuals were approached by various witches and wizards shaking hands and asking various questions - one was a photograph with them. Shaking her head, Eloise approached and kindly shooed the crowd away from her husband and the rest of the group.

"Honestly, one day in Diagon without the ravenous fans." Eloise huffed.

"We are famous." A woman beside her said. "It's a given that'll happen." She looked over at the Dursley party and grinned at them. "Aww Ellie, you brought friends for us."

Getting a better look at her, they saw she was a beautiful woman with dark tan skin, medium-long brown hair with black streaks, and sharp light-green eyes. The muscles on her arm made them a little nervous even if they knew it was from this world's sport that gave her those. She grinned at them and before any of them could blink she hurried over to them in a flash and took Harry's hand into hers to shake.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Kelsey Taipan." She patted his shoulder. "I don't want to call it early but, you're definitely a player type." She praised him.

"A ...player type?" Harry repeated, confused.

Kelsey nodded with a hum. "I knew your father, we all did, went to school with him." She smiled at him. "Best damn chaser on the field when he played for the Gryffindor team."

"What was he like?" He asked excitedly. "O-On the field I mean."

Her smile fell and she had a playful annoyed look. "You're asking the wrong person for this, rival houses and all." She laughed. "He was a total git, he was always trying to throw us Slytherins off our game whenever we faced Gryffindor."

"Hey, it's part of the game, Kels!" Alister laughed as she just rolled her eyes and gave him a light Gibbs smack in response. "Love you too, Kels!" he laughed harder as she just gave him the middle finger in reply.

They were truly weird, but it was a given. The Dursley party just watched the exchange, they were about to turn to Eloise to see if this was a normal occurrence, but it was, she just smiled at them and led the group into the Gringotts bank; Hagrid was giving the group the basic rundown of the place that was run by goblins. Not entirely friends of the wizard kind but not entirely enemies either.

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