― 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞

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chapter thirty-one: darling Fallen Angel


— "𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐒 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐀𝐋𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐘 𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄, 𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐄!" Merlyn announces to Visha and the rest of the prep team, Lucretia and Summer, once Visha has been all prettied up and prepped to start off her Victory Tour. Visha tries her hardest to appreciate their compliments about how pretty she looks, the President's words still ringing in her mind; desirable

Self-consciously, Visha smooths down her silky black hair, and adjusts her clothing— very casual (for Capitol folk) wear but even a blind person could tell how high-quality it was. She fixes the straps of her maroon corset top, making sure it sits nicely above her black-wide legged pants and then fixes the leather jacket she's been given. All of her outfits so far have had some tinge of maroon to them; almost like a brand. 

Visha tries to flash a bright smile at her styling team, and then at Gideon, Magda, and Hunter who had come to ease her nerves, before she is ushered out the door by an overzealous Summer.

Merlyn was right: the cameras were already set up. The whirring, moving machines were set up at different heights and arranged at different angles, all so that the Capitol could get the best shots of her. Visha feels each camera hone in on her, almost blinded by the flashing lights. She confidently saunters down the steps of the porch, before standing on a square tile that Lucretia had marked for her earlier. She zeros in on one of the cameras, flashing her audience a confident smirk. 

The voice of Caesar Flickerman booms from a speaker. "Look, everyone! Our latest Victor, our darling Fallen Angel, Visha Devi!" There is a soft whirring sound as another camera zooms in on Visha and adjusts it's lens. "It's so wonderful to see you, Visha. As always, you're looking lovely as ever! Now, how is life as a Victor?" 

Worse than life as a Tribute, and that's saying something, Visha scoffs to herself.  Victors don't exist— as Hunter tried to tell her on the train, a time that felt like ages ago. There are only Survivors, he had said. And Visha was realising this herself. Still, she musters a bright smile. "Very different," she says to the camera. "It was definitely an adjustment, but everyone in the Victor Village, and even back in the Capitol have been so welcoming." 

"I'm happy to hear that! Now, back in the Capitol, as you say, we are all just waiting for your Victory Tour to start! How do you feel?" 

Fucked in the head. 

Visha doesn't even want to think about— much less feel emotions regarding— standing up in front of and talking to the Districts and the families of the people she'd killed. Or of the people she'd lost. Hell, she was barely even sure that she was going to make it through the trip. The persona she'd donned — the vindictive, cruel killer, the 'Fallen Angel' — was supposed to come back, and Visha almost wanted to throw up. She felt like anything but the girl she'd been barely a month ago. She forces herself to speak, "I'm very excited to see the other Districts! I've heard many stories from my Mentors, and I've heard that some are just so beautiful." 

"Lovely! Now, tell me, Visha... have there been any new developments with a certain someone...? Or maybe multiple certain someones?" 

Blood rushes to Visha's cheeks, but she keeps her expression and her voice under control. She lets out a light laugh, shaking her head teasingly. "Please, Caesar! We all know I don't have time for that kinda stuff." 

"Ooh, so if you weren't so busy, your answer would be a yes?" Caesar's teasing voice comes through the speakers. "Anyways, you heard it here, Ladies and Gentlemen! The Fallen Angel remains single! I guess there's still hope for one lucky suitor to come snatch her up!" 

Oh, that's just disgusting, Visha thinks to herself. After her conversation with President Snow, she's beginning to wonder how many suitors — or, rather, admirers — she truly has gained. She puts on a smug smile for the camera, hoping that the audience cannot sense her unease. "Maybe," she teases flirtatiously, keeping up with her ridiculous persona. 

"Oh-ho, that's not a no! We may still have chance, folks! Anyways, that's all we have for tonight! Visha, we will be seeing you again throughout your Victory Tour. Until then, goodbye Miss Fallen Angel!" 

Visha waves good-bye to the cameras, her cherry-painted lips curved into a bright smile. As soon as the flashing lights stop, she drops her smile immediately. Her styling team and Mentors (plus Madga, of course) walk over to her once the cameras cut.

Lucretia is the first one to embrace her. "You did wonderful, darling. Now, come, we must get to the train. Your Victory Tour is waiting!"  


i feel terrible for the ridiculous break i've been on, but it's officially finals season for me!! which means i am procrastinating studying!! by writing more!! and then it'll be summer!! and i can write more!! so hopefully i won't be disappointing u all again:'( 

apologies for the terribly short chapter, but i wanted to separate the bits and pieces (next chappie will be MUCH longer oops),,, also finnick will be coming back soon (ish)!! i was reading every single comment the other day (bc screw exams) and almost pissed myself laughing, you're all hilarious and i love and appreciate every single one of u <3 

please please pleaseeeee vote and comment!! literally gives me sm motivation (and free entertainment) <333 

love u all, i'm gonna write more chappies now teehee


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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