Chapter 2: The Truth Within the Diary

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As soon as it was 8pm; Amber was busy unpacking while Emberly was out doing errands to make sure she had enough time before 10:00pm their curfew when all of sudden, she heard a door open from behind, she quickly turned around to see who walked in, "Emberly?", Amber saw it was only a boy with the same uniform as her, he worn a blue jacket with a black vest along with the white button-up shirt inside of his vest, she turned to see Amber, "Hi?" she said in confusion "May I help you?" Amber asked "I'm looking for my girlfriend Emberly, my names Jasper Youngblood; I'm a Vampire" Jasper told her, Amber nodded her head impassively and unresponsive since she was still new around here, "So..." Jasper thought for a moment while looking around as if he was looking for something or someone, "You must be Emberly and Emerson's new roommate" he said with a small smile, Amber didn't careless about anything what he had to say to her so she sighed and immediately looked at Jasper who was now sitting on Emberly's bed with a smile on his face, "I am their roommate, why do you seem to care? I don't even know them yet" Amber said sternly, Jasper laughed slightly, "Because they've been talking about wanting to have a relationship with their new roommate in a respectful manner and uhmm...well, Emberly was but Emerson disagrees with her like she doesn't want to have any relationships with anyone especially her family plus her close friends but Ember cares more than Em does" Jasper explained, Amber had no intention whatsoever about anything especially about dating anyone that was when they heard someone walked into the room, both Jasper & Amber looked to see who walked into the room, Jasper smiled at who walked into the room, Amber saw the smile from him which irked her, "Hey Emberly" Jasper said, Emberly hummed in response knowing that it was her boyfriend, Emberly gasped and dropped a few things out of her hands, "Oh my God, baby" Emberly ran up to him to give him a hug, he smiled and gave her a hug back, Emberly broke the hug so she could look at Amber. "I see you two have met" she said, both Amber & Jasper nodded their heads, Emberly smiled softly and looked over at Amber who was definitely impassive or unresponsive with her new roommate, "I forgot to tell you. I have a date to go to tomorrow, I already talked to Ms. Martinez about it yesterday and she said I can go out to Madras to go get something to eat and drink just not tonight because if we go out tonight things will get locked down past curfew but she said I can have a boy over here to hang out with just for tonight until 11pm tonight" she smiled at Jasper who gave him a peck on the cheek gently, Amber shrugged her shoulders not caring what she does or listening and walked over to her bed so she unpack her bags, Emberly's smile faded away from her face and turned to look at her, "Just try to keep it quiet, I've already dealt with enough as it is all day today especially with my family before arriving" Amber told them, Emberly gave her a furrowed brow along with giving her new roommate a silent treatment and looked over at her boyfriend Jasper with a smile on her face and held his hand to pull him onto the bed, "So what's new with you, baby?" Emberly asked "Oh you know the usual" Jasper answered with that Amber rolled her eyes annoyed at the fact what she just called him, what in the world was going on her mind? Emberly & Jasper were talking about their days of classes and laughing at each others jokes while Amber was reading her own book minding her own business when all of sudden their was a knock on the door outside of their room, "Amber, would you mind getting that? I'm busy with Jasper" Emberly asked, Amber shrugged her shoulders and got up to put her book faced down to go get the door for her roommate, once she opened it she saw a person with white skin with slick brown hair along with blue eyes with a same uniform for girls black jacket along with a purple vest and blue pants, "Oh Hi, I was expecting Emberly or Emerson to get the door for whoever knocks not a cute girl like you" they said flirtatiously "JASMÍNE!?" Jasper yells "What? I can't help it, she's beautiful especially for me" Jasmíne said, Amber rolled her eyes annoyed, "It's for you" Amber said looking over at Emberly who looked at her confused knowing something was wrong with her also had been worried about her new roommate since she got to Blacktown Academy.

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