Chapter 1: Pilot

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14 Years Later
Amber was all grown up, she was sitting around in the alley behind her house in the woods awaiting from the sun to rise up but she didn't care about anything like about starting a new school and a new semester, she started thinking about what it was going to be like when she figures things out when does go into the school that was until her thoughts were ruined by rustling from behind her, Amber hummed then turned around and saw that it was a someone in a red hood with wings on their back side, "HEY!?" Amber shouted at them, they looked up and saw that Amber was on the tree then started running away from her, she jumped down from the tree and started chasing after them, "GET BACK HERE!?" she shouted again and ran after them until she lost her breath and noticed it disappeared into the thin air, "Who was that?" she thought to herself that was when she started shrugging her own shoulders to herself then something shined into her eyesight, Amber started looking at what had shined in her eyes that was when she knew, she got close to it and touched it to pick it up from the ground, she took a closer look at it noticed it was an old diary, "What's this?" she started asking herself and opened it without any warning before opening it, the whole book shined before her eyes, Amber yelled shielding her eyes knowing that she might get blind from the glow that was shining in her eyes within time she had book had broken into pieces with the pages becoming blank from the old diary she had found on the ground that was when the necklace started glowing around her neck. "What's happening?" she asked herself, Amber screamed when she was pushed by the wind and flew against the tree hurting her backside with the necklace floating near the book, the red hood was flying up the air with it's wings watching the whole scene, Amber struggled to get up from the tree and finally got up from the ground near the tree then gasped when she saw her necklace floating also glowing, she couldn't help but notice something about the necklace bringing back into her mind then heard something that she never heard of before since the accident when she was 5 years old, 'You're destiny awaits for you, my dear child' Amber started looking around to see where the voice was coming from but no sign of it anywhere, what the heck was going on with her? Amber was definitely feeling tingles from her body especially hearing herself breathe heavily that was until lines from the old diary, she started to get frozen in shock when she saw the light heading toward her then everything went dark in an instant and started realizing that was she was in the dark inside of her mind until someone started calling her name, "Amber..." it was echoing through her mind, Amber opened her eyes and saw a girl in front in her 20s, "Amber, wake up" she said gently touching her by the shoulder and waking her up gently, Amber's head shot up gasping and breathing heavily, "It's okay, I'm here" she said touching her on the backside letting her know she wasn't alone that she was there for her, "Ava?" Amber was surprised to see her "I'm right here, it's alright" Ava told her by touching her hand for support from her, Amber started hugging her sister like she was never alone, "It's alright, I'll never leave you. l promise" Ava said lovingly, Amber closed her eyes tightly knowing that she was never able to do what she would've done a long time ago with like some kind of communication with one another, Ava broke the hug with her sister feeling confused, "What happened?" Ava asked looking at her in confusion, Amber shrugged her shoulders, "Did something?" she asked trying to figure it out, Amber thought back when she touched an old diary, she nodded slowly, Ava looked at her still confused with the whole situation about what had happened. "It was this old diary" Amber showed her the diary, Ava gently grabbed the old diary from her hands to take a closer look at it and saw the pages from her hands were blank until the book moved itself to the front page then something appeared on the first page that was writing by itself without a pen, "What the hell?" Ava said in confusion, Amber hovered around her side to see what she was seeing in the diary, she saw that the diary was writing behind the diary, 'Hello my precious children, you are reading from the people who created this diary but more likely your guardian angel that your mother sent you this diary after 14 years', Amber read it very closely and looked over at Ava who was also reading it in confusion, "Ava, did you know about this diary?" Amber asked looking at her in concern, Ava looked over at her as if she didn't know anything about it so she reluctantly shook her head, Amber didn't know what to say about the book so Ava decided to close the diary, "It's a magic diary so if you ever wanted anything it'll be there for you when you need it so keep it with you at all times just in case you need it" Ava warned "Also be careful, something the diary writes will come true and it'll be inside of your mind also read where you are like if your kidnapped or anything, it'll let someone know that you are so promise me to never lose this diary" she said, Amber nodded her head, "Good, come on mom and dad are fuming worried right now so is Alex" she offered a hand to help her up, Amber reluctantly grabbed her hand and gently got up from the ground to get going back to their house to meet up with their parents & brother, Ava wrapped her arm around her sister and Amber smiled at her comfort zone from each other, they both started walking with each other.

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