Chapter 6: The Miller's Past

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Years Before Going to Blacktown Academy in Madras; Emerson & Emberly were only 5 years old when they were loving siblings: Emberly was born 2 minutes after being born after Emerson she was only a minute born and started losing touch base with her only twin, their mother loved them both equally like they were unbearable, Emberly loved her twin sister like she was her own but Emerson never paid much attention to her, "Come on sissy, let's go into the woods and play. Please, it's like I never see you anymore" Emberly begged her sister, Emerson sighed in frustration and annoyed by everything including her selfishness, "Fine, let's go" Emerson said getting up from her seat of her desk from reading her book and closed it so she could play with her sister without hesitating so they started walking outside together out of their mansion, Emberly started hopping through the grass excitedly about going into the woods with her twin sister after 5 years being in their shared bedroom room and never got a chance to do what they wanted to do for themselves but be inside of their mansion because of their fear of parents being scared and worried about their safety, Emberly decided to step in and tell them that they were going to be okay, they decided to let them go out for one day and night instead of letting think that they were being held up as prisoners inside of their mansion, "Aren't you excited about going into the woods thanks to me?" Emberly asks, Emerson sighs and declares it wasn't such a good idea so she ignores her perspective for her sister's sake to make her feel happy so she looks over at her annoying sister, "Yes but how'd you convince mom and dad to let us come into the woods? They kept saying 'no' every time we ask them if we can come here" Emerson asks in curiously, Emberly just smirked at the question she asked, "You know, I'm a manipulator since I'm a good liar and child" Emberly says walking away from her, "What?" Emerson says in shock, Emberly chuckles at her reaction, what in the world was wrong with her sister? "How could you manipulate our parents like that?" Emerson asks furiously and anxiously "Since when have you ever been to freaked out over what mom and dad think?" Emberly asks looking over at her in confusion, Emerson rolled her eyes annoyed, "Shut up" Emerson nudged her and walked past her without another word, "Come on, I've never seen this side of you before" Emberly says "Don't get used to it" Emerson warns her, Emberly sighs in defeat, "Fine worth a try to make you spit it out" Emberly says, Emerson rolls her eyes again and pushes her slightly, "Come on, let's go play before sun down until dawn" Emerson tells her sister that was when Emberly nod her head slowly and clapped her hands together extremely excited, Emerson sighs exasperated, "Come on sissy, cheer up. I promise you won't regret this!" Emberly exclaimed nudging and bumping into her, Emerson sighs and smiles at her sister then shakes her head knowing that her sister never stopped trying to help make her feel better about her selfishness to make her feel better other than happy that she was there for her like how she was whenever she needed some comfort from her sister wherever she went she would always be there for her when she was scared of something after putting some thoughts into her mind.

Emberly started hopping through the forest grass happily when she found out that her sister had been feeling overwhelmed about how worried their parents will be when they are out of the mansion, "Will you chill out Eme? It's not like we're going to get killed or abducted" Emberly says trying to keep her distracted from thinking about what her parents would think of her as when it comes to their parents being strict about them going out by themselves, "Just shut up Ember and let's get this over with before I change my mind" Emerson says with snarky attitude, Emberly started getting confused by her attitude towards her that never happened in her childhood before heading to the forest that was until she heard something behind them sounding a-lot like a roar both of the sisters turn their heads around to look behind them, "What was that?" Emberly asks shaking and breathing heavily, Emerson noticed how scared her sister was so immediately grabbed her by the wrist pulling aside so they could hide together, Emberly yelped in panic, "What's happening? What was that thing?" she asks again, Emerson looked over at her sister knowing how frightened she was about knowing what it was, "Do you want to keep asking me questions or do you want to be dead or alive?" Emerson asks giving her a serious glare, Emberly looks at her twin sister and stops talking to her, "That's what I thought, now come on" Emerson says, Emberly obeys her sister for her sake and safety then started running away from what was behind them that was until something appeared in front of the sisters, Emerson stopped her sister from running any further away, "What is that?" Emberly asks holding onto her sister's arm tightly in fear, Emerson looks over at her sister knowing how scared she was, the thing came over at the sisters, she thought for a second before turning to her sister, "Run" Emerson whispers, Emberly looks at her in confusion, "What?" Emberly says in confusion "Run, now" Emerson says pushing her back away from her, "What about you?" Emberly asks looking at her "I'll catch up just run!" Emerson calls out, Emberly looks at her in concern and noticed that her eyes were being drawn into her with a stern expression on her face, Emberly starts walking backwards and turns around to run away from her hiding behind the tree to watch her sister, Emerson turns her head back towards the thing, Emerson starts making a step towards the thing with a stern face, "Leave her alone!" Emerson raises her voice before saying something that would make her regret what needs to be done, Emerson's eyes turned bright red, the thing started coming towards her with a tackle but Emerson dodged it with her speed and jumped on its backside that was until it started roaring trying to push her off and it made her get thrown out of nowhere by it, Emerson started screaming then hit her back against the tree leaving scratches everywhere especially her hands, she tried getting up but it was no use, she struggled to get up but luckily she was strong enough to get up, Emerson had her pointer finger up and drew a circle something like a spell but different to summon her staff near her hand to make a hit to the thing that tried killing her, Emberly was still hiding behind the tree looked at her sister in shock, Emerson started marching towards the thing that started to make an attack towards her but something magical happened, she had made a shield for herself to be able to hit the thing, Emerson started running towards it to make a hit but the thing scratched her by the eye knocking her down on the ground, Emberly watched the whole scene and gasped, "EMERSON!?" Emberly yelled, Emerson was unconscious still knocked out so Emberly had no choice but to do what needs to be done, she started off feeling so many emotions through her body, her eyes turned bright red like her sisters were but she came marching through to make the thing regret what it had to be done, Emberly felt her heart racing immediately after seeing her sister laying down on the ground unconscious, she felt so much anger boiling through her veins knowing that her sister was unconscious so she went forward toward the thing that hurt her, she felt something unexpected from the thing, she tried coming for it but it moved back and growled at her, "It's okay. I won't hurt you, I promise" Emberly says calmly, the things growled in confusion and it's ears started moving slightly, "I know what your feeling, you're hurting" she kneeled down towards it, "It's okay, I'll help you find your peace and family plus freedom" she says to it, the thing started coming towards her asking for forgiveness for what it did to her sister that's making her suffer from pain. "It's okay, you don't have to be sorry for anything, I understand why you did it but I'll always be here for you if you need help" she petted it for a short time until it nodded slowly, "We'll meet again someday soon" she smiled at it, the thing came towards her for a hug so she gave it a gentle hug, "I promise" she says almost about ready to cry in front of it, the thing backed away from her, she smiles looking at it back away from her and Emberly saw sadness in its eyes feeling empty, "I'll be ok, Hence. I promise" she tells him, Hence nods its head slowly with loving eyes, Emberly smiles once again, Hence walks away from her as she watches him walk away into the darkness of the forest, Emberly's smile had faded away instantly.

Emberly started looking at Emerson who still unconscious on the ground passed out, "Emberly, wake up!" Emberly tries waking her up from the ground, Emerson groans letting her sister know she was still alive so she grabs her arm wrapping it around her neck and took her back to the mansion until she felt a drip of blood on her shirt, Emberly looks at her sister knowing her eye was covered in blood, "Oh my god, we have to take you back to the house" Emberly says freaking out, Emerson grips onto her shirt letting her know to stop so she did and listen to what she has to say, "You have to promise not to tell mom and dad" Emerson says "Why? They can help you more than I can" Emberly asks "Please" Emerson begged, Emberly looks at her knowing she was telling her the truth that she doesn't want them to know anything that had happened so she sighed, "Okay" Emberly says, Emerson nods her head so they started walking towards the mansion, Emberly had wiped the bloodied out of her eye and gave her an eye patch to cove the blood or scar on her eye, Emberly knew how much she loved her sister after risking her life to save her from danger like she did whenever she needed some comfort from her sister wherever she went Emerson would always be there for her when she was scared of something or somebody like she was today for her now it was her turn to take care of her sister, Emberly smiled at her but Emerson ignored it and just looked around to make sure nobody sees them, Emberly's smile faded away from her face turning it into a frown knowing she would get blamed for putting them in danger but that wasn't the case at all she didn't know what to do with Emerson after hearing that she didn't to her parents to know about her being attacked by the thing that hurt her to protect her sister from being in trouble, she never realized how much of a heart she had since they were sisters, Emberly decided to keep it that way even for her sake plus her sisters...

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