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It was a couple of days after me and Ben had the fight and to be honest Violet wasn't speaking to me. She would always shun me away or scoff at me. It hurts. I have done everything for her, I made sure her scars were always cared for so it wouldn't get affected, I comfort her when she cries, and I make sure she doesn't get picked on at school. Yet she acts like I'm the biggest bitch in the world!

Whatever I guess she can fend for herself now, if she can even do that. I was drawing a random chick before I heard my mom call for me and Violet. I dropped my pencil and closed up my sketchbook. I walked down stairs and saw my mom and this lady. She had blonde hair and brown eyes. Who the fuck is she? When she saw me she smiled.

"Kids this is Constance our neighbor!" My mom said smiling. I looked constance dead in the eye and said hello. Violet just waved as usual. She always has to have the sad girl persona even though she has everything in life. Mom looks at us worriedly before turning back to Constance.

" I'm so sorry about Violet she's just shy but she is lovely once you get to know her" Mom says apologetically. I rolled my eyes. Sure she is "So lovely".

" Oh don't worry dear I have my own brat at home" Constance replied

"Nice house, didn't change it last time I saw it" She laughs. I looked at her confused. She has been here before?

" Yes it is a lovely structure, I moved in with my girls Violet and Camryn, My husband, Ben and my cute fluffy dog!" Mom replies laughing

I smiled. She was really the only one who actually calls me her daughter and it means something. Mom smiled and wrapped her arm around me.

"Camryn actually helps out a lot! She's been a major help in this house" Mom beamed as she kissed my head. I looked at Violet as she scoffs.

"Trust me she isn't that special" She seethes and walks away. I groan and said sorry to constance. "Dont worry I have a brat at home as well" She smiles and says she needed to leave. We waved goodbye as she closed the door.

"Thanks for that complement mom" I smiled softly as she hugged me.

"Oh my beautiful girl of course I would say that. You helped so much I can't be more grateful for you being my daughter" She smiled tears welling in her eyes. She cupped my face and kissed my head. I nearly broke down at that moment. She never said those things in public. Maybe she heard the screaming match yesterday and felt bad.

"Now get ready for bed okay you have a big day tomorrow!" mom grinned and pushed me towards the stairs. "Kay night mom love you!" I yell making my way up the stairs. "Love you to!" She smiles.

I walked to my room but not before walking into Violet's room cause why not. Violet looked at me and scoffed. "What do you want" She snaps

"Night." I said simply before closing her door. When I entered my room I got ready for school. I took a quick shower and combed my hair. I brushed my teeth and put on a T-Shirt and shorts. I then went to bed and was sadly awoken at 7 for school.

"Fuck.me." I said staring at my clock. I was never a morning person and I will never be one.

I then decided to get ready before Ben or Violet decided to attack me. I walked over to my closet and pulled out a black sweater and some baggy jeans. I put them on and got my bag ready. I grabbed my walkman and my bag and went downstairs. I saw that Mom has already left. Great! She left a note though? I grabbed it and read it.

Dear Camryn,

Good morning Dear sorry for not dropping you off but Violet said that she should get dropped off first. I left some bacon and eggs for you on the stove. Have a great day at school!



I sighed and quickly ate. Once done I grabbed my stuff and walked out the door.

I listened to music mainly Metallica and Red hot chilli peppers and 25 minutes later I arrived at Hell.  I decided to light a cig before walking into the school. I never smoke that much but oh well! I was still listening to music until I walked past a group of girls. The girl in the middle gives me a gross look before her squeaky voice speaks up,

" You shouldn't be smoking here IT IS A SCHOOL" she screeches

"Oh uh sorry I guess? I replied and rubbed my cig into the floor. I shrugged and continued to walk until her piercing voice caught my attention again.

" WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU" She yells even angrier than before. Suddenly another girl pipes up,

" Her nana died of lung cancer a while back and she takes this really seriously" The girl says

" Im sorry about that but you don't even know me?" I reply even more confused. Just then the girl in the middle picks up the cig and shoves it towards my mouth.

" I want you to eat it" She says sternly

" Are you crazy?" I reply laughing. This girl is hella delusional.

" No you're going too far let's just go!" Another girl spoke tapping the girl's shoulder. Finally a girl with common sense around here!

" No, No I won't leave until she eats it in front of me" She says shrugging her arm off her shoulder.

The girl tried to put it in my mouth but I pushed her away. She then looks at me in rage and tries to force the cig into my mouth. I punched her and jogged away. Her piercing scream flew over the school as she clenched her nose. I laughed and looked back at her.

" Weirdo!" I scream

This school is gonna be fun


1018 words

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