Pretty girl

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I stood in front of my mirror pulling my hair back, trying new styles on it. All of a sudden, the floorboards creak around me. I look around but only to not see anything or anyone. I walked over to my bed and slowly lowered  myself down to look under my bed but something grabbed at my ankle. I scream as I see Addy, Constance's daughter.

" Trick or treat! Smell my feet give me something good to eat!" She yells as I shout. " Addy! Don't scare me like that!" I yell as she crawls out below my bed. " I want to be a pretty girl for halloween" She smiles. " You want what?" I ask. " Make me a pretty girl! Like you, Camryn!" She orders. I smile as I grab some eyeshadow.

I applied some eyeshadow over Addy's eye lids as she quietly sits in front of me. " I'm not actually good at this" I laugh. " I don't care I like it!" she smiles as she opens her eyes and tries to peer in the mirror behind me. I quickly pulled her chin back since I was barely done. " Close your eyes" I say as I finish putting the blue eyeshadow on her lids. I sat the brush down and smiled.

" How old are you Addy?" I ask as she smiles. " A lady never reveals her age. Is Tate your boyfriend?" She states as I was taken back at the question. "Wait you know tate?" I smile as I look back at her. " I talk to him when he comes here for his head shrinking. He likes you, I can tell. He thinks you're a pretty girl" I smile as I brought over the blush and patted some on the apples of her cheeks.

" Are you a virgin?" She asks while looking at me. " Uh yeah? Aren't you?" I ask back as I walked behind her taking her blue headband off. " Hell no" Addy states as I was taken back by that response. " You can't keep breaking into our house, Addy" I tell her while I brushed out her dark brown hair. " But I like it here. My friends are here," Addy says as she turns and looks at herself in the mirror admiring herself. " Wow! Camryn! I'm beautiful!" She exclaims as I look at her. " What do you mean you were already beautiful before the makeup" I smile and she giggles.


" Tate?" I call out as I walk down the basement steps. " Tate? You said you wanted to meet at midnight! Come out, come out, wherever you are" I laugh. I decided to go back upstairs since he wasn't down here. When I turned around I saw a man in a black rubber suit from the basement standing in front of me. I gasped before it covered my mouth with its hand. He pushed me against the railing as I tried to get him off of me.

I stopped struggling when none other than Tate started laughing from within the suit as I push him away angrily. " You asshole!" I leaned my head back against the railing catching my breath. " I scared you~" He teased taking off the mask. " No, you didn't. Where'd you even get this thing? Ben threw it out" I question. " Finders keepers" He whispered before leaning in and gave me a gentle kiss. " Really I didn't scare you?" He asks after we pull away.

" I said no" I laughed. " I bet I can." He smiles.


" You have to put your fingers on the other side" Tate explains as he lights the red candles beside him. In front of him sat an ouija board.  I scoffed as I got up from my seat on the stairs. " I don't believe in that shit". " Charles is gonna answer all your questions! He used to live here" He tells me as I walk over. " Is charles going to tell me what happened to those assholes that tried to kill us?" I ask." What'd you do to them" I question knowing it was probably something awful.

" I told you I didn't do anything. I had some help" He looked over at me as I sat down on the other side of the ouija board. He reaches out for my hand as I lift it up for him as he smoothly places my fingers on the planchette. " What's in this basement? I want the truth." I state. " What im about to tell you might scare you. To death" He leans forward on the last part as I smile. I take my hands off the board and look up at him. " I can take it"

" Dr. Charles Montgomery built this house. And here, in this basement, is where he worked. Charles was a doctor to the stars. But he was also a drug addict. His wife Nora, wasn't gonna let that get in the way of her lifestyle. So she set up a little side business. He would take care of girls who didn't want to be in trouble anymore. This went on until, one day, one girl couldn't keep the secret to herself, and she told her boyfriend what happened. The boyfriend wanted revenge so he kidnapped Charles and Nora's baby. Terrified, the Doctor and his wife waited for the ransom demands"

Tate explained the story further, telling me about how the boyfriend chopped up their baby into pieces placing the pieces in jars.

" Driven by grief, the Doctor used all is experience and surgical skills to try and cheat death. But what he created was ungodly and monstrous. And even after the tragic end, that thing remained. Down here. To this day" He ended his story as I smiled. " Oh, my god," I saw looking into his eyes. " You are so full of shit. I don't believe a word that comes out of your mouth. A monster really? Forget it. Forget I ever asked. And I'm tired that we keep hanging out in this dark, dank place" I say standing up and walk over to the stairs as Tate continued to sit there looking forward.

" Why can't we go somewhere? Like on a real date?" I ask as Tate stands up off the ground. " All right!" He exclaims as he steps in front of me and grabs my hands, looking into my eyes. " Tomorrow night. We'll go out" As he starts to continue, footsteps above us pull our attention from each other as we both look up at the ceiling. " Your father agreed on seeing me again, but I'm not supposed to be here" Tate explains as I smile. " Come on, I'll be your lookout" I nod pulling him up the stairs behind me.


I heard a commotion from downstairs that forced me out of my room. I quickly ran down the stairs to see Ben and Violet holding mom, pushing her towards the front door. " I gotta go to the hospital" Mom groans in pain. " What's going on? Is she going to be okay?" I ask. Mom screams in pain as Ben looks up at me on the stairs. " Stay here, don't answer the door" he instructed.

"Don't answer the door? It's halloween" as I finish my sentence the door gets slammed into my face as I'm left alone in the empty house. " Lovely" I mumble as I jog back up the steps. I plopped back onto my bed when I made it to my room. I laid down absorbing the warmth and comfort. I plug in my earbuds and press play on my iPod while I read a comic book


After a while of listening to music I removed my ear buds giving my ears a break from my loud music. I continued reading my book until the door bell rings downstairs as someone starts pounding on the door. I furrow my brows in confusion since its late at night and Ben and mom have a house key. " Goddammit Ben! I want my money!"  A man screams on the other side of the door.

I walked downstairs slowly trying to seem like no one was home. The pounding grew louder as he huffed out in anger. As I slowly walked towards the door. " I am not leaving here till I have my thousand dollars!" He yells as I sigh. " Of course Ben does this" I whisper as I slowly pull into the peephole trying to figure out who the guy is. But to my luck the guy covered the peephole from the other side for me not to see him.

" Hello? Ben Harmon!" He yells as he steps back from the peephole revealing the man's face. " I am not leaving here till I get my thousand dollars! Screw you! You owe me!" I quickly step back from the peephole has little kids surround the door for the candy filled bowl. The kids started screaming by the sigh of candy as the man shouts at them.

I quickly grabbed the kitchen phone from the table and dialed Ben while the man continued screaming at the kids. " Hey honey" Ben's voice appears while he answers the phone. " Ben, there's some freaky dude at the door screaming about money and how you owe him a thousand bucks. I think he might be one of your patients. I don't know. Should I call the cops?" I stumble out as the man's screams intensified.

" No. No. Just... Just keep the doors closed. Is it locked?" He asks. "Yeah" I answer, my voice shaking when the man started pounding on the door once more. " Okay, we're on our way home right now. Camry, just... just keep the door locked." He states as I hang up the phone. Once I ended the call the man started laughing. I look at the door in fear as I take a step back.

" Oh I know your in there. Is that your daughter?" He asks still laughing. I stare at the door and slowly walk backwards towards the kitchen. All of a sudden, the ringing, knocking, and yelling suddenly stopped. As the house goes silent I let out a shaky breath. Before I could relax I felt as if someone was breathing behind me. I slowly look over hoping that the man didn't break in. I look over and saw that I was all alone. " What is going on" I mumble as I shake my head and run back to my room locking my door.


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