The plan

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I was at school smoking a cigaret I was stressed. I kept inhaling the smoke as  my nerves dialed down a bit.  I was about to be fully calm until a bratty voice spoke up

"I thoughtI told you no smoking!" Leah seethed as she looked at me. She was pissed. I chuckled and took another inhale. " And I told you to kiss my ass" I laughed as she glared at me. " You really are a smoke whore aren't you?" Leah grinned as I stood up.

"Excuse me" I threatened as I walked over to her. "You heard me" She smiled as she looked me up and down. " Are you that insecure" I asked. "Are you that insecure that you have to be all " No dont smoke" I mocked as she slapped me. " Oh did I touch a nerve" I laughed as I kicked her stomach.

Leah groaned as she clutched her stomach. One of Leah's friends ran to her side as the other one punched me. Blood trickled down my nose as I wiped it off. I looked at her and punched her back 10 times harder.

Students started swarming around me and the girls cheering and yelling at us to fight. Leah stood up and pounced on me. She started punching me as I flipped her over. I pinned her on the floor as she yelled and squirmed under me.

"Calm the fuck down!" I yelled as teachers came towards us. I let her go and ran out the school. I laughed and touched my lip. I felt a cut on my bottom lip. Thankfully it wasn't that deep so it wouldn't leave a scar. I walked home and opened the door. Mom was in the kitchen making some food.

She looked up at me and gasped. "Oh Camryn what happened!" Mom yelled as she rushed over to me. " Nothing mom i'm fine" I assure her as I walked up the stairs. " Nuh uh come down here young lady" Mom demanded as I groaned. I walked down the stairs as I sat down at the table.

"Now what actually happened" Mom said getting the first aid kit. " Okay so I maybe hurt some people but that's it!" I stated as she rolled her eyes. " My god Camryn what happened this time". I laughed as she sat down. " She started it I finished it simple" I said as she cleaned me up

" How many girls huh" She asked as I held up the number 3 since she was working on my lip. Mom laughed and pinched my cheek. "That's my girl" She beamed and she finished cleaning up my wounds. I thanked her and walked into my room.


I was pacing around my room in rage as Tate was chilling on my chair.

"I hate her! I want to kill her!" I yelled as I looked at tate. He just shrugged and spoke up.

"Then do it. One less highschool bitch in the world making the lives of the less fortunate more tolerable is, in my opinion, public service."  Tate replies. I laughed at his joke. I did really want to kill her honestly but I couldn't. 

Tate's face lit up as he thought of an idea. " Look, you want her to leave you alone? Stop making your life a living hell? Short of killing her, there's only one solution; scare her. Make her afraid of you, that's the only thing bullied react to" He smiled.

"How?" I ask. Still pacing around my room. "It's simple. you simply walk up to her and say..."


" Here's the deal. I need you to stop harassing me. I got what you want. Drugs. Come to my house tomorrow for your free sample. I'm a dealer and a good one. I got the best shit in town" I told her as she smirked.


"She's a coke head. I don't have coke!" I told him. "You won't need any! It's just an excuse to get her here. After that she'll leave empty handed and terrified. And I promise you you'll never be bothered by her again" Tate defends.

I stopped and looked at him. How is this going to work I mean im not much of a scary person! "How am I gonna terrify her?" I ask he smirks and leans in. "That's where I come in". I smiled and sat on my bed. " You know you're a good friend tate" I beam as he laughs.

"Thanks you too" he replies as I hear Ben scream for Tate. " That's your cue" I said as I rolled my eyes. Ben always does this his appointment is at 5:30 but he always calls for him at 4:30 just for him to leave me alone. God Ben must be that scared of Tate even when he's harmless.

"See you tomorrow and that girl is going to leave you alone okay" Tate smiles as he leaves my room. I smiled back and grabbed my bag. I wonder if this plan is actually going to work. I was doing homework until someone opened my door. " We need to talk" Violet stated.

"Look who's talking to me now" I replied sarcastically. She rolled her eyes and sat on the bed. " Stay away from tate" She glares as I look up at her. "Excuse me?" I laughed as she remains her stern expression. "You heard me stay away from him" Violet spat as she grabbed my book. " He's my friend why would I stay away from him?" I ask

" Because he likes me not you!" She whines by throwing my book across the room. " Jesus Violet calm down. Did you not get any sleep or something !" I yelled as the book made a huge bang on the wall. She just laughs and walks out of my room.

What the fuck was that? I thought as I sighed. I don't like Tate do I? I mean he really is the only dude that actually treats me like a human. But why would Violet be all controlling if she has barely talked to him? Whatever I guess I will ask Tate tomorrow.

Now all I have to do is remember the plan.


1048 words

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