Home invasion

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     I watched the skaters do tricks and skate through the empty abandoned pool. I looked over at Leah as she sat alone. She was wearing dark clothes, a sun hat, and huge glasses. I walked over as she lit up a cigarette. " I thought you hated smoking?" I questioned. " I've taken it up. I can't sleep. I'm terrified of everything. What attacked me wasn't human. She replies her voice cracking with fear.

" It was tate" I told her knowing it was a lie. " No, you saw the other thing too. He reached out for you and smiled." She states as I remember the monsters evil smile. " He was trying to freak both of us out" I explain to her trying to calm her down. Leah looks back down at the pool below us as she takes a long drag from her cigarette. " What did you tell your parents?" I ask hoping she didn't saw it was me.

" Ugh. Don't worry. I told them I got attacked by some chola on Melrose who wanted my Chanel. Couldn't tell them I went to your house to score coke, could I? I had to file a fake police report and everything" She scoffs. " How deep are the cuts?" I ask as she looks down. " Deep. God, and I...I can't stop thinking about that mouth" She cries. " It was a mask, he was purposely trying to terrorize you. That hat doesn't look like you" I smile as I look at her hat.

" It serves a purpose. Look. My hair is turning white from fear. Yeah. I read on the internet that its possible. Do you believe in the devil " She asks. " I mean I guess?" I reply looking at her white hair. " I do. I've looked into his eyes."


    I was quietly listening to music as I read a book. I was still a bit on edge from talking to Leah but not as much as before. I heard a knock on my door as I looked up. " I turned it down what do you want" I ask. " Can I come in?" Mom asks from the other side of the door. I toss my book on my bed as I walk over to the door. There she stood with a plate in her hand.

" Hi. Our Kooky neighbor made you cupcakes." She smiles. " huh. paint splatters. That's clever." I say sarcastically as I look at the frosting design. I sat the plate down and grabbed at my book again. " Wanna watch a movie with me and Violet? Figured since your dad's gone tonight, we could have a little girl's night!" She smiles as she walks over to my bed.

" Yeah no thanks sorry mom" I apologize as I didn't want to deal with Violet's snarky remarks. " Thought it might be fun to hang out" She adds as she took a sat next to me on my bed. " Can't I have homework and I really don't want to deal with your daughter" I mumble as I continue to read my book.

" Are you mad at me about something?" she asks her voice raising a bit. " Why don't you eat it since you're eating for two now? What, you think i'm stupid? You stopped drinking wine at dinner, and you're gaining weight in your face." I snapped as I handed her the plate. " I was gonna tell you girls tonight" She nods. " You know the statistics when having a baby over 40?" I ask. " Yeah I do, You wanna talk about it?" She sighs.

" I'm good" I shrugged picking  up my book. She gets up and begins to leave before I spoke up again. " Having a baby isn't going to keep you and Ben together if that's what your thinking" I state. I wasn't trying to be rude but it's the truth! Having a baby won't keep this family together it will make it worse. " Wow, Camryn. I really am appreciating your optimism on this. Really am. Come on. Go ahead and say all your mean things." She raises her voice and arms in the air waiting for my answer.

" I think you're weak getting back together with him" I state. Mom shrugs and nods before marching out of my room. I pick up the plate and open my door, leaving it outside of my room. Violet will probably steal it soon.


" CAMRYN! CAMRYN ANSWER ME!" Mom yells. " How am I supposed to do my homework of you keep interrupting!" I groan as I made my way down the stairs. " What's the matter?" i ask as I see my mom's frantic state. " Where's your phone?" She asks worriedly. " In my bag upstairs?" I replied. " Go get it! Dial 911" She stutters out. The doorbell rings as we both look at the door. " Mom who is that?" I question feeling a bit on edge.

" Just go into your room. Lock your door. Don't come out until I tell you too. Now!" She yells. I turn around and sprint up the stairs. I heard my mom lock the door as I ran even faster. I ran into my room as I emptied out my bag looking for my phone. I searched through it and I panicked when it was missing.  " No no no no please" i mutter as I kept searching ,panic lacing my voice.

All of a sudden I was being carried down the stairs the last thing I saw was darkness.


When I woke up there were three people in front of me with masks on. They stood in front of me and my mother. We sat tied down to chairs as I tried to remain calm. One of them started walking towards us, holding a black and white bag in their hands. " I have money! Please, just take anything" My mom pleads. " We're not here to rob you. Masks off" The leader states. The three of them took off their masks as they were 1 man and 2 women.

" The transcript was very clear. The nurses saw R. Franklin. He had nothing to hide," The same girl says. " 12 minutes" She smiles. " Then the fun begins" The other girls smirk. " I have a surprise for you guys," The leader smiles unwrapping something in a white cloth in her hands. She held out a weird bowl as they all gasped at the sight of it. " What the fuck" I mumble.

" No way!" the guy chuckles. " I got it on eBay. Authenticated. It's the one he used to bash Maria!" The leader states. " Let me see it" The guy says reaching for it. He held it in his hands and smiled. " Holy shit. You can feel the energy in this is bitchin" he exclaims. " Who goes first?" The other girls ask looking at me and my mom. " Which one is Gladys?"

The leader points the knife at my mom and then quickly over at  me. The other girl threw a white dress at me. I threw it back and laughed. " If you think im putting that on than your fucking brain dead" I spat at her. " You have to. Everything has to be perfect" She replies. " Take your clothes off!" The man yells grabbing my shirt and ripping the sleeve. " Get the fuck off of me you pedo!" I scream.

" Hey put it on me!" My mom yells trying to avert his attention. " Oh, you'll both be wearing uniforms. R. Franklin hated nurses. He had a bad experience with the mercury in a broken thermometer. That's why he took Gladys upstairs and drowned her in the tub."   She explains pointing the knife at me again before stepping near my mom. " And you... Maria, he saved you for last"

" R. Franklin was the first, before Manson. He changed the culture. We're paying tribute to him," the other girl adds. " We're not going to be apart of your reenactment," Mom says, looking up at the leader in front of her. " Put this on. You won't like it if I have to  make you."   The leader says ignoring my mom and throwing the uniform back at me.

I take it out of my lap and stand up from the ground. Was this a stupid Idea yes but I need to get me and my mom out of here. I don't even know where violet is! I stand quietly in front of the leader and throw the uniform back at her. I quickly headbutted her and ran out the door.

I ran over to the kitchen where the back door was. I ran over to the door and I turn to see if anyone followed me but a hand covered my mouth and someone pulls me back into the small mudroom by the back door.


1522 words

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