I love you

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Before we start there will be an attempt of death so if you get triggered please skip the part I will add a trigger warning just in case. Love you all!


" I owe you an apology" I mumbled as I looked over at her. " It attacked you, too, didn't it" Leah asked, smirking at my tear stained cheeks and my once filled with life eyes. " No. But I don't know what's real anymore. I feel like i'm losing my mind" I tell her looking down at the empty pool below. She takes her sunglasses off and leans towards me. " The devil is real. And he's not some little red man with horns and a tail. He can be beautiful. 'Cause he's a fallen angel, and he used to be god's favorite. Have you read the book of revolution?" she asks me

" No." I  say emotionless. " In heaven, there's this woman in labor, howling in pain. And there's a... there's a red dragon with seven heads waiting, so he can eat her baby. But the archangel, Micheal, he hurls the dragon towards Earth. From that moment on, the red dragon hates the woman and declares war on her and her children. That's us"she explains.

We both sat in silence as her words sat in. I was still so confused about what was going on but at least Leah and Vi were here. " uh, yeah, things have gotten pretty weird for me" she exhales as I smirk. " Me too. I can't eat, I can't sleep" I tell her looking in front of me. " The nights are the worst. I get four hours of sleep if i'm lucky. That's only with the pills." Leah tells me as I look at her.

" What kind of pills" I ask her quickly needing the relief of sleeping. She digs through her bag and pulls out a bottle. She handed it to me as I stared at it, I turned to her. " Can I have one?" I ask her as she nods.



I look at the large gold plaque on the wall as it listed all of the names of students that were lost due to the  Westfield High massacre. I look and see my reflection and lets just say it's not that pretty. God I looked like a mess. I sighed and turned to walk through the high school library. " they were over by the sofa" a man says, interrupting me from my hectic thoughts. " used to be a row of tables. I get four or five of you sickos a year. Usually freshmen. What, are you a transfer?"

" You're that teacher.  You're like a hero" I mumble looking down at his wheelchair. " Now you know what  heroes look like" He says annoyed as he rides away from me. I shook my head, muttering curse words as I walked near him. " Wait. Look i'm sorry. I'm not like those other kids. I know Tate. I mean, I know his mom Constance. We moved next door to her. Did you know him? Before he did all this?" I yell trying to get some answers.

" I knew his face. Didn't seem like a bad kid, actually. He was in here a lot. Kind of thoughtful. Liked to read.   Byron, books on birds, random stuff" He tells me as I look down. " Was he bullied or something? Did he even know the kids he shot?" I ask. He simply nodded his head and turned back around riding away once more. I grew annoyed trying to figure out why Tate did all of this.

" I just want to know why he did it" I add as he looks at me. " me too" He mumbles and rides away again. " Why are you bullshitting me! I just want to know for fucks sake" I shout. He stops and backs his wheelchair up to come back towards me. I waited there patiently as he stopped right in front of me. " If the bullet had been an inch to the right, it would have missed my spine, and I would have walked out of here. Might have even been able to stop him. An inch higher, it would've killed me. Sometimes shit just happens"  he tells me.

" Good people don't just have a bad day and start shooting people." I tell him as he looks at me. " Maybe he wasn't a good person" He finishes and rides off. I sigh as he pleasantly left me in the library with unanswered questions and pure confusion.

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