chapter 6

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Shadow was getting ready, thinking what to say to sonic and how to say it. Rouge on the other hand was relaxed and chill waiting for the black hedgehog to get ready.

"Are you coming?!" Rouge yelled at Shadow from downstairs. "I'm coming jeez!" He yelled back and came downstairs.

"Omg finally come on" Rouge and shadow left the house heading to meh burger to meet up with now normal sonic.


With sonic


Okay, I'm ready!" Sonic says loudly, looking in the mirror. He looks at himself, thinking. "Maybe I shouldn't go? No i have to, I can't just cancel right now!" He says and heads downstairs. "Bye tails!" He says in a hurry. "Wait sonic where are you going?!" Sonic keeps running "to meet up with shadow and Rouge!!" He yells and shuts the door. "Shadow and rouge?" Tails asks himself seeing sonic running out of the house in a hurry.


Sonic ran to meh burger but suddenly on his way he tripped over, falling to the ground. He hit his head and started bleeding. "Ow fuck." He said angrily. "Argh my head-" "sonikku?" He heard a familiar voice. The blue hedgehog looked up and saw Amy. "Are you okay?" She asked and took out her hand. "I'm- argh!" He suddenly got a headache and felt dizzy. "I- i'm-" he passed on the ground. "Sonikku!!" Amy yelled.

She suddenly heard two familiar voices, it was shadow and Rouge heading somewhere. "Shadow! Rouge! Help!" She ran over to them. Both of them looked at her confused "what do you want Amy?" Rouge asked. "Sonic- I saw him trip and I asked him if he was okay he got up and before he finished his sentence he passed out!" Amy said panicking. Rouge and Shadow made eye contact and quickly ran behind Amy to sonic.

They saw sonic laying on the ground, his head bleeding. He was completely passed out. Shadow quickly ran over to him. "Sonic! Wake up goddamn it!" He started shaking him, trying to wake him up. "Shadow-" "shut the fuck up rose, what did you do to him?" Shadow stood up and grabbed Amy by her shirt. "I didn't do anything i promise! But I might know why this happened.." she said, shadow looked over to rouge. "Let's talk about it at my house." Shadow sighed and they all headed to shadows house.

"Explain." Shadow said furious at her, thinking she did this to him. "First let's put sonic in an other room." Amy said and the black hedgehog nodded.

After they put sonic in shadow's bedroom they went to the living room to talk about what's happening to sonic.

"Okay so basically you guys know how after sonic and shadow did you what sonic forgot everything that has happened since I gave him the cupcake?" Shadow nods. "Sonic needs to remember if he won't know what happened he'll keep having headaches and it will just keep getting worse and worse."

"Well me and rouge were just about to tell him" shadow says. "No, for him to actually believe it one of his bestfriends should tell him because I doubt he would believe his worse enemy and his enemies Bestfriend."

"So I will tell him, he'll probably believe me and I also feel guilty for doing it so I should be the one to tell him and if anything happens to him I'll call you guys." Amy says, looking at the ground.

"Fine. But if you do something to him I swear to God I'm going to kill you." Shadow looks into her eyes. "I promise I won't do anything."

"Then go tell him, he'll probably wake up in any moment, also..let's meet tomorrow, bring sonic with you." shadow says. "okay let's meet in Sonic's house." "K."

The next day, in Sonic's house.

Sonic, heard knocking he rushed to open the door and saw shadow and Rouge standing Infront of it. "Hey guys! Amy is already here" sonic smiled and told them to come in. "Hi guys!" Amy waved. "Hey." Rouge said, both her and shadow looked at her annoyed.

"Soo..Amy told me what happened and.. we're together!!" Sonic smiled at them. They looked shocked, "you're together with Amy?!" Rouge yelled. "Uh obviously, also, Shadow I can't believe you gave me some pill to fall in love with you? I'm not gay." Shadow looked furious at Amy. "Can I talk to Amy?" Shadow faked smiled. "Uh..sure?" Sonic said.

The black hedgehog grabbed her wrist and headed upstairs with her.

"What the fuck did you tell him?"


Cliffhanger 😍😍🤭🤭

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