Chapter 9

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Sonic pov.

I went to Amy's place, knocking on the door to finally confront her. Oh god, I hope Amy doesn't get mad, even though she probably will. Her hammer is scary af bro, I ain't ready for that.

"Hi sonikku!" Amy smiled and hugged me.

"Hi Amy." I said, you could hear from my voice I was nervous. "Is everything okay?" She asked, taking my hand. I quickly pulled my hand away.

"Listen, Amy. I don't like you, I know you lied to me and I'm breaking up with you." I spit out, i was harsher than I intended, but maybe that will make her stay away.

Her ears dropped, she didn't have a sad expression, but an angry one. Oh great.

"Ow-" she pulled me by my ear. "That hedgehog told you didn't he?!" She growled. "Amy let go!" I yelled in pain, I felt her hand go over my mouth, muffling my yelling.

My expression was a terrified one as she  pulled me into her house locking the door. She pushed me to the ground.

"HELP!" I yelled hoping someone heard me, but there was no use. She got mad and jumped on my leg. I heard a cracking noice and felt extreme pain in my leg.

Tears started running down my eyes, I looked at Amy with a scared look, but then noticed her phone on the table. I quickly got up even though I was in extreme pain. I took her phone and managed to lock myself in the bathroom.

I immediately fell on the ground, my leg was hurting really badly. I opened her phone, luckily her password was "1234".

I searched for shadow's phone number and called him. "Pick up, pick up." I repeated, I was panicking, scared of what she would do to me.

"Hello?" Shadow answered, I heard Amy trying to get in.

"Shadow! Help me, Amy- ow! I think she broke my leg, she locked me in her house and now she's trying to get in the bathroom. I-i'm scared." My voice was trembling as I spoke, suddenly I heard Amy trying to break in with her hammer, she made a small hole and looked over it. "Oh sonikku!~" she said.

"Sonic, calm down I'll come as soon as I can, do anything to keep her out the bathroom- okay?" Shadow said, suddenly Amy made a bigger hole, she sticked her hand out of it, unlocking the door. "Shadow she's-"

Shadow pov.

"Shadow she's-" that was the last words I heard sonic said before the phone hung up. "No, no, no." I repeated and quickly ran to rouge.

She saw how I was panicking, I told her about what happened and she made a shocked impression. "It's okay, let's call the others and then we'll go to help Sonic." She put her hand on my shoulder, trying to comfort me, but it didn't work.

"There's no time!" I shouted at her, slapping her hand off my shoulder. "Shadow wait-" I heard her say before chaos controlling away.

I appeared in front of Amy's house and started banging on her door. No one answered, I looked through the door and no one was there. I looked closely and noticed a bit blood on the floor.

"Sonic." Immediately thought, I was still panicking. I was extremely worried for sonic and chaos controlled inside Amy's house.

I looked around, trashing the whole place, but at that moment I didn't care at all.

After I searched the house, I found nothing and no one.

"Shit." I said, but suddenly I noticed Amy's phone on the floor and picked it up.

I guessed her password and looked at her messages, I saw who she texted and my eyes widened, my expression immediately changed into an angry one.


Decided to make this story longer and keep y'all entertained!!! 😚😚

(More drama my lovely people ✨✨)

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