Chapter 11

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Shadow was about to leave, when he spotted Amy. "Rose!" He yelled making her move her head towards them all.

"Oh hi guys!" She waved at them, smiling.

"Don't act dumb Amy." Rouge said, her voice hinted anger.

Suddenly Shadow pushed Amy on the ground. He got on top of her and pinned her down.

"Where is sonic." The ebony hedgehog growled, kicking Amy in the stomach.

"Ow! H-how am I supposed to know?!" She responded making shadow kick her again.

"Tails, hand over the phone." Shadow said. The two tailed kit handed shadow Amy's phone with the messages.

The pink hedgehog looked at the phone confused. "That's..not mine?" She said, taking the phone. She read the messages.

"Oh my gosh.." she said under her breath.

"If it isn't yours then who's is it?" Shadow growled, tightening his grip around Amy.

"I don't know! If you don't believe me then you can check my purse, my phone is there. If you want you can even unlock it! The code is 1234." (Basic ass)

Knuckles raised an eyebrow and took out the phone from Amy's purse, typing in the code and checking her messages. "There's nothing." He spoke, looking at the others who had now shocked expressions.

"What the fuck do you mean there's nothing? Give me that." Shadow growled, taking the phone and letting Amy go. His eyes widened and his face darkened as he checked the phone and there was nothing, no messages no nothing. It was a normal phone with nothing suspicious on it.

Rouge raised an eyebrow. "If you don't have Sonic..then where.." She looked confused and extremely worried. Amy looked confused, not knowing what was happening. "I don't understand..where is Sonic? Did something happen to him?" She asked concerned.

"Haa..fuck..fuck where the fuck is he." Shadow growled, looking panicked and angry. Amy got up and placed her hand or his shoulder. "Shadow..Well, I'm not sure what happened, but I'll help you guys find him. Don't panic, Sonic is strong and I'm sure he'll make it out safe and sound." She said, trying to comfort Shadow and bring him some warmth. "But..what if..something already happened to him..when I your house there was blood on the floor.." He said quietly and only Amy heard him.

The others looked at Shadow in worry, noticing how stressed he was over his lover and they weren't surprised at all. Everyone was scared that something happened to Sonic.

"Blood? What..what do you mean blood?" She asked, her eyes wide a bit. "Oh can we even find Sonic? He can be anywhere!" Amy said and began to panic.

"I can try..and find him, but I don't promise that I'll succeed. Tracking someone like Sonic is hard." Tails said. He was trying to keep calm, knowing that panicking will lead to nothing even though it was hard. Sonic was the only one Tails currently had. The hedgehog always took care of Tails when he had rough times.

"Okay, let's not panic because that will not lead to anything. I know we're all worried for Sonic but we have to stay strong, for him." Rouge said and everyone nodded except for Shadow, who looked exhausted and emotionless. "Exactly, for Sonic." Knuckles said.

"For Sonic!" The others repeated, determined. "Shadow?" Amy asked with a soft smile, making Shadow look at her. "I'll kill whoever dared to hurt him and I won't hesitate." He growled and the others smiled softly at how protective he was over Sonic.

"Okay, let's do this!" Tails said eagerly. "I'll head to my base with Knuckles, Shadow should go with Rouge to search and Amy can call Blaze for help." He said.

"Blaze? Blaze is here?" Amy said and her face lit up. Knuckles raised an eyebrow. "Amy.." He said. "Right, not the time..sorry.." She said awkwardly, scratching the back of her head.

New chapter, woohoo!
Tbh I completely forgot about this.. anyways sorry that this is such a short chapter!!

At first I wasn't sure if I should continue this but I didn't want to disappoint the people who were waiting for another part and to see the end :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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