Chapter 10

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Sonic pov.

I woke up in a dark room, tied into a chair. My mouth was tape shut. I looked around and noticed someone come down from upstairs, it was Amy.

"Oh sonikku!~" She smiled widely, her eyes were wide open as she dragged her hammer on the floor.

I tried screaming, but my screams were muffled because of the tape on my mouth.

Tears started falling down my eyes as Amy got closer. She started caressing my cheek, making me really uncomfortable.

"don't worry sonikku, soon we'll be together and no one will break that, right?~" she took the tape off my mouth, waiting for my response.

"I'll never be with you again, you're a monster Amy." I said, making Amy's smile turn into a frown. It made me feel uneasy a bit.

She kicked my leg the one she broke, making me yell in pain.

"Don't say that sonikku! We'll be together..forever."

She smirked at me, evil filling her eyes.

More tears fell down my face from the really big amount of pain I was feeling in my right leg.

"Will a kiss make the pain go away?~" Amy tried to kiss me, but I moved my head away from her. It didn't stop her, she grabbed my cheeks, squeezing them tightly, holding my face still.

She forced-kissed me. "Mm!" I tried pulling out of the kiss, failing completely.

My cheeks started to hurt, I hated every second of it. I wish I never went to Amy's house in the first place, or that I did go with someone.

I spit in her mouth, making her disgusted. She pulled out the kiss and got really mad.

"That was a really bad idea sonikku!" Her face still had a smile on it, but not the good kind of smile. She was a psycho.

The last thing I saw before passing out was her hammer, swinging to hit me.



Shadow though, he probably had something to do with this.

Shadow opened Amy's messages with scourge.

Scourge 🔪🙏


>You got him?



You sure this will work?<


> It should, but first do whatever you want to him in case it doesn't, I'll give you a month.

>Don't do anything too crazy though.


Okay fine, jeez.<

But we have to make sure no one finds< out.


"That bitch." Shadow growled. He hoped he could find sonic soon enough.

He chaos controlled to Rouge, seeing her with knuckles, tails and blaze.

"Blaze?" Shadow looked confused.

"I heard Amy's gone nuts so I bet you need some help" she smirked, shaking shadow's hand. "Thank blaze." Shadow shook blazes hand back before letting go.

"They're not at Amy's house. She took sonic somewhere and is planning something with scourge." Shadow spoke, making everyone look at him.

He showed the messages. Rouge made a disgusted expression while the others made a shocked one. No one would expect her to go this far, even though she did by making sonic a yandere in the first place, but this?

"She's disgusting." Rouge said and took the phone from shadow, scrolling up to see more messages but there were none.

"She must have deleted them or they talked about it in real life." Tails said, he was making a serious expression right now, just like everyone else.

"We should search for her, but how do we start?" Knuckles said turning his attention to Shadow who was thinking.

"I'm going to visit scourge." Shadow said crossing his arms.

"Are you sure?" Rouge put her hand on shadows shoulder.

"If it means saving sonic or getting more information about where he is, I'm positive."

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