chapter 7

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"What the fuck did you tell him?" Shadow pushes Amy on to a wall, furious. "I had to lie, I can't make him hate me. I never wanted you and rouge to tell him you guys would tell him the truth and he would hate me, before he woke up I managed to give him a pill, making him have all these headaches and making him to trip and all that, I planned this all to tell him myself and to make him hate you, also I warned him that you can do something to make you seem like the bad guy and not me." Amy explained, smirking at Shadow.

"You're a terrible person, I bet you also gave Sonic a pill to be with you. You're sick and obsessed, I can handle sonic hating me but I'll feel bad for him that he has to go through all that pain just because of you crazy obsession." Shadow said and left the room.

He headed downstairs. "Hey shadow, uh where's Amy?" Sonic asked. "I don't know you're her boyfriend." Shadow looked annoyed. "Did you do something to her?!" Sonic raised his voice.

"She's fine if you don't talk about her sick obsession over you and the fact that she makes me the bad guy the only time I'm actually not." Rouge looks shocked, Sonic even more. "H-huh?" Sonic looks confused.

"I- my head hurts.." he falls down on the couch his body is weak, his headaches getting worse and worse by the second.

"We should help him heal." Shadow says looking at sonic, almost passed out. "Or maybe leave him to Amy?" Rouge said.

"Are you kidding? After all she did you wanna let sonic stay here with her?" Shadow looked at Rouge disappointed. "There's no way I'm-" Shadow suddenly felt something hit him in his eck. "What the?-"




Shadow wakes up not knowing what happened. He looks around and sees he's in a basement, tied up to a chair with a tight rope. "What the fuck?" He said out loud looking around.

"You're awake.." He heard someone say, it was dark so he couldn't see who it was  but he was pretty sure. "Look, I never wanted to do this, but you're getting too close to my sonikku and I'm not going to let you tell him the truth." She opens the light revealing herself as someone you probably expected, just like shadow did , it was the pink hedgehog, the one that caused all the problems happening right now.

"You make me sick." Shadow looked at her disgusted. "Say what you want, you won't change anything." She says and looks like she's about to leave.

"Wait." Shadow suddenly spoke making the pink hedgehog turn around in suprise. "yes?" She asked interested. "You can torture me, kill me do whatever you want just promise me to keep sonic safe." He says to Amy's surprise.

"What?" She looked shocked. "You heard me, keep Sonic safe and you can torture me how much you want." Shadow repeated. "Huh? But.. why would you care about sonic right now?" Amy asked confused. "Because, I fucking care for him and I want him to be safe and happy, unlike you, you just want him to be with you and have him to yourself not caring about his feelings."

Amy looked sad when Shadow said that  never noticing she never asked how he felt about it and only cared that she wants him to be hers. She stood still, silent thinking about everything she had done. "go to him, tell him about everything." Amy said and untied Shadow.

"You made a good choice, I'll remember this." Shadow said before running off. "I'm so dumb after all this I'll apologize to Sonic even though don't expect him to forgive me."


"Sonic wait!" Shadow yelled seeing sonic running somewhere.The blue hedgehog immediately stopped and looked behind him to see the black hedgehog running towards him.

"We need to talk." Shadow says.

ur not gonna guess!! 🤭🤭

Cliffhanger 😍

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