Chapter 4

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"i found something!" Rouge eyes widen and she smiles.

"What is it?!" Shadow looks at the book Rouge was reading.

Amy takes the book from Rouge. She reads the page.

"To get someone to turn back normal from the red tanceal the person that is affected has to sacrifice himself to the dark god, but there is a big chance the person won't wake up

No one has woken up yet from the people that tried." Amy reads out loud.

"No, we are definitely not doing that." Shadow crosses his hands, he did not want to risk losing Sonic.

"Then what? I don't know if we will find anything anymore." Rouge says and looks at Shadow.

Shadow looks at the floor not sure what to respond.

Knuckles notices Shadow isn't sure what to do anymore and that he felt pressure.

"Let's try to find something else and let Shadow think, we shouldn't put pressure to him." Knuckles says.

"Right..sorry Shadow." Rouge hugs him.

He hugged her back and looked like he was about to cry.

A tear went down shadow's cheek.

"Don't cry honey it's going to be okay." She wiped Shadow tear.

"Can I Sonic..?" Shadow asked. "Of course." Rouge wiped shadow's tear.

Shadow left the room. He went to see if Sonic's still sleeping. He entered the room and saw Sonic reading a book. "What are you reading?" Shadow asked.

"I don't know i found this here on that table" sonic pointed. Shadow sat down. He didn't make eye contact with the blue hedgehog. Sonic noticed something is wrong imiedietly.

"Whats wrong?" Sonic took shadow's hand. Shadow looked at him not knowing what to say.

"Ugh." Shadow pushed Sonic on the bed. He got on top of him.

"Huh?! What are you-" Shadow pressed his lips against Sonic's. The blue hedgehog was shocked but kissed him back after a while.

He moved down to the hedgehogs neck. The black hedgehog kissed his neck, passionately. Sonic started to breath louder and louder.

"Shadow..ah-" Shadow bit into Sonic neck. He covered the blue hedgehogs mouth before he could let out any sound.

Shadow looked at sonic up and down. "Shadow i don't think this is a good idea.." Sonic said. "Trust me I'll be gentle." Shadow smirked.

"Fine." Shadow stood up and went to his closet. He opened it and took out lube.

Sonic gulped.

The black hedgehog put some of it on his finger. "Are you ready?" Shadow smirked. "Mm.." sonic breathed loudly as Shadow rubbed his hole.

He shoved one finger inside. Sonic let out a moan in response. "Calm down, you don't want others to hear your slutty moans don't you?" Shadow covered sonics mouth while he shoved a second finger inside.

"Ah- Shadow.." Sonic turned red from the pleasure he was receiving. Shadow took his fingers out of the blue hedgehog. "How about i put something bigger inside?" Shadow smirks.

Sonic's eyes widen as he felt the others member. "Shadow i-" The hedgehog gasps. "You okay darling?" Shadow strokes Sonic's quills, relaxing him while thrusting his member inside.

Sonic nods in response while trying not to let a sound. The black hedgehog hit his sensitive spot after thrusting for a while he shot his load inside. Sonic moaned loudly and a tear fell down his cheek. "I'm sorry darling." Shadow kissed Sonic's cheek. "Mm ah it's o-okay." The black hedgehog pulled out slowly trying not to hurt the blue hedgehog.

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