The future is coming

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Monday June 14th

I woke up again this morning with sounds coming from Hermione and Rons room, I'm getting a bit tired of living with them and its only been four days since we graduated, but four mornings where I have been woken up by their moans and the bed creaking, four mornings, seeing Hermione coming out of the bathroom, with red cheeks and messy hair, four mornings I had to pretend that I didnt hear anything. 

I've discussed it with Ginny and we have made a plan over what contries to travel to and we are leaving in two days. In two days, Ginny and I are free to do what we want when we want. I've wanted to be intimate with Ginny but if I can hear Hermione they can hear us and I do not want that, that is just weird.

But in two days we will be flying to Paris, and live our life like we want. I cannot wait to be in Paris with Ginny and just be ourselves. 


McGonagall payed me to teach the first years and the second years in muggle art, and I've saved every galleon, and that just gives us enough to travel to ten differnt contries over the year, but in september Ginny and I will be going to England again so Ginny can have a practise with the holyhead harpies. She might go professional. 

But I will support her nevertheless. And I would love for her to be a part of one of the strongest quidditch teams. 

But for now we will travel to Paris then Rome, Barcelona then to Amsterdam and then so on for until September. 


I hope to hear from McGonagall soon as she mentioned that she might have a job for me this september. I might work at Hogwarts, and teach art. But for now I'll live in the moment with Ginny and explore the world. And even if she is rejected by the holyhead harpies and I dont hear from McGonagall, we will go to infintite lenghts together, I just know it.


Puplished: 18-07-23

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