Chapter 1

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A million scenarios are running rampant in my mind as I try and sit up and stare into vacant space. Each one has the same ending, with me dead. Tied up in an empty room, I gaze down at my body. Fear trickles down my spine when I take in the revealing lingerie that covers little pieces of my creamy white skin. Who dressed me up in these? I'd never wear anything like this... never. There's a pounding directly behind my eyes like I got hit by a bus or something and I might have. I don't remember much of how I got here or even where I am. I know I was looking for my brother, my sole purpose in life since he's gone missing a month ago. With him being the only family I have left I have a compelling need to find him. For so long that is all I could think about... finding him, making sure he was okay, but now I've gotten myself into something dangerous, something scary. My surroundings are eerily quiet like there is no one else in the bedroom, or maybe even house? I don't know if that makes me feel better or worse, to be left alone in silence. It's merely a waiting game now... and I wait... on bated breath, for whomever, it is that did this to show themselves. My thoughts are foggy as I tug on the restraints again, praying just this once that I can break free. I cry out in pain when all they dois dig deeper into my already raw skin. My body aches, even as I try and stretch my muscles. I'm never going to get out of here. I'm never going to find my brother. 

The tears slip from my eyes with ease, sliding down my cheeks. Each drop lands onto my skin coldly. For a long time, I just lie there on the cold floor, with no sound other than my breathing, and the soft sniffles that admit from my nose. That is until another sound breaks the silence. Approaching footsteps from outside the door have me on high alert. My eyes lift to the wooden door. Waiting. Watching. The footsteps are faint at first but are definitely coming closer... heading straight for me. They stop right in front of the door. My ears perk up, and my body trembles slightly. I wonder who is going to be on the other side of that door? Apart of me wishes it's someone that's here to save me, but I know it isn't. I hear the door handle turn and the door opens with a low creak. The sound is loud and startles me even though I knew it was coming. A large figure appears in the doorway. Tall, with broad shoulders. My gaze lifts from the floor and to him, in an instant, my blood runs cold. Even though I've never seen this man before, nor met him, I know he is here to hurt me, maybe even kill me. His eyes are dark, darker than black, and there is no sympathy in them at all only darkness. 

An evil grin tugs on his thin lips... This man is the true devil in human form and his sinister smile tells me he is going to enjoy every single thing he does. A tear runs down my cheek without my permission. I don't want to show him how afraid I am. I don't want to be weak, not for this monster. "Oh sweet Pete, don't cry yet, it's far too early for that. We haven't even started...". He takes a step towards me, and I recoil, wanting so badly to escape him. His smile widens when he sees me try to scurry backward. "I will enjoy those tears more as I'm licking them off your face when I'm balls deep inside of you and you are begging me to stop." I was prepared to beg for my life, even if it made me weak I was going to do it, but now that I've seen and heard this monster I know for certain that he would only enjoy it more if I did. Looking into his eyes I know there is no hope for me. There is no one that can save me from this evil man. I will not give him the satisfaction he wants. I will not beg. I will not plead. I came here looking for my brother and I intend to find him even when all of this is over. 

"Fuck you," I manage to get out through my clenched teeth. His eyes gleam at my words, "Oh, a feisty one. I will have so much fun breaking you. Inside and out. I'll take every hole in your body, my cock claiming you and when I'm done. I'll give you to my men to use." He steps closer to me and I instinctively try to get away again. I try to crawl away as much as I can being tied up but it's no use. With my ankles, and hands bound together, there is no escaping him. "In the end, you'll wish for death...since it's the only way you'll receive mercy from me." He grabs a fist full of my hair, his fingers digging painfully into the strands as he pulls me up, forcing me onto my feet, but they won't work. Every muscle in my body is tight, cramped. A loud cry escapes my lips even though I try to swallow it, the pain of his grip tingles through my scalp. Without another word, he drags me to the bed and throws me down onto it making me bounce against the mattress. My body is shaking as I try to roll away to the other side but it's pointless he already has a tight grip on my arms, and he's yanking them upwards before I even get the chance to move. I hear something lock-into place and before I realize what's happening my bound hands are attached to the headboard and my bound ankles to the footboard. I'm immobilized. At the mercy of this evil, evil man. 

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