Chapter 15

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I don't like being here. Not even one bit, and I cannot imagine what my brother is going through right now, if he is even here. I scrub the front of my clothes with a wet paper towel, but it doesn't do any good. It just makes the stain appear darker. I shiver, thinking of the way that Blaine guy looked at me. I dab harder at the soft material. He asked Vegas to share me, insisting that they'd done that before. Will he share me? With him... or with someone else? I gaze at my reflection in the mirror. Am I good enough to keep Vegas's attention? I don't really know. I'm not nearly as attractive as some of the other people here, and god knows, I'm not even close to being as experienced. My chest aches at the thought of being tossed aside like garbage by him. He's all I have right now. He saved me and losing him would kill me. I know it. With one fleeting look at my disheveled reflection, I shake my head. I move toward the door, feeling more down about myself now than I did before I came in. At least Vegas didn't get mad at me for spilling the wine, so that's a win, I suppose. I toss the wet paper towel into the trash and head out the door. I know I should keep my gaze to the floor, but I can't pass up the opportunity to check out my surroundings. I mean, I can't find my brother if I'm not looking for him. My gaze moves across the room, taking in each and every person. I almost lower my head and place my eyes on the floor to walk back to the table when I pass a hallway. I stop dead in my tracks and peer down it. I'm not sure what compelled me to stop, but I did. My heart skips a beat and my throat tightens when I catch a glimpse of a set of big eyes almost identical to my own. My brother. It's only for a fraction of a second that I see him, but it's enough to get my legs moving. I run down the hallway as fast as my feet will go, pushing someone out of the way without looking or apologizing. I don't care about anyone or anything. Just getting to my brother before it's too late. 

"Hey!" I call out to him, trying to get his attention. I'm not far behind him, but I'm not close enough to stop the guy with a neck tattoo from dragging him toward the door in front of them. He is half naked, wearing some type of lingerie... and I cringe seeing the bruising on the side of his face. He turns when he hears my voice but the guy dragging him just picks him up and carries him through the door. He doesn't even struggle in his grasp, and I wonder if they've drugged him to make him comply. His eyes are sad, and I'm angry, so damn angry. I'm almost to the door when someone grabs me from behind and slams me against the opposing wall face first. The air is knocked from my lungs, and my face slides against the brick wall. I let out a whimper from the stinging pain of my flesh sliding across brick. "Not so fucking strong when you're without that bastard, huh?" I struggle in the man's grasp, realizing I know that voice from somewhere. I open my mouth to tell him to get off of me when I feel a prick in my arm. In an instant, warmth coats my insides. My skin heats, and I start to feel woozy. No, no, no, I am so close to getting my brother; this can't be happening. I struggle against his hold, but my strength is withering away by the second. "If he wants you so badly, I guess he'll have to pay for you again." I put the puzzle pieces together. "Benny, what did you...?" The words come out slow, very slow. I'm turned around, coming face to face with my captor. "Trust me, you don't want to go with Ivan, he is a crazy Russian. He'll just kill you without any of the fun." Benny smirks and pushes me toward another door. I want to resist but my body and my brain are not on speaking terms right now. I can barely stand on my own, let alone make an attempt to run away or stop the asshole who has ahold of me. My eyes droop, and I feel like I'm watching everything happen right before my eyes, yet there is nothing I can do. Benny opens another door and shoves me inside. 

The motion sends me falling to the floor on my knees. I know I land harshly against the tile, but I feel no pain, nothing at all actually. There are people moving about in the room, minding their own business. "Put him in the lineup," Benny orders, walking away from me like I'm a piece of trash. I open my mouth to scream at him, but my tongue feels impossibly heavy. I slap a hand against the floor to get his attention, but he doesn't even turn around. Instead, another man grabs me. His touch is rough, almost bruising, as he rips my dress from my body. I know I should be screaming by now, but I can't bring myself to actually do so. I shiver, feeling the need to wrap my arms around my midsection and cover myself. "Beautiful," I hear someone whisper into the hollow of my ear. There are other people in this same room. My eyes glaze over each of them as they push us all into a single formed line. No one fights or cries. They merely conform just as I am. "All right, let's make some big money tonight," someone hollers off to the right. I hear loud, booming voices, but I'm not sure what is going on. My knees buckle, and I sway unsteadily on my feet. I have to lean against the wall behind me to keep myself from falling again. I close my eyes for a moment, trying to clear my head but that just makes it worse. A few moments later, the guy who took my dress off is back. I try and move away from him, but my legs won't work. What is wrong with me? With his hand on my arm, he makes me walk to a curtain. I see lights off in the distance. They're blinding, and I shake my head, wanting to tell them man no. "All you've got to do is walk out there and stand next to the auctioneer. Got it, sugar?" Without waiting for my answer, he pulls the curtain to the side and gives me a nudge. My chest heaves, and my body tingles as I barely make it across the stage. I can feel my body swaying like a leaf in the summer breeze. When I make it to the center of the stage, I peer out onto the crowd. Men. All men. Their eyes took in every single inch of my flesh. 

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