Chapter 10

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I wake up slowly, the warmth of Mouse's body beside mine. He is still sleeping, his body relaxed and molded perfectly into my embrace. My dick is rock hard, pressing up against his soft ass. I told him yesterday I would give him another day to heal...Well, time's up, my little mouse. I slide my boxers down and kick them off under the blanket before I pull him back into my embrace. With a grin, I slide my hand underneath the shirt he is wearing, my fingers gently stroking the perfectly smooth skin underneath it. His skin is so soft, so untouched. I trail over his flat belly... all the way up to his perky little nipples. He's the perfect fit, from the way his body reacts to mine, to the way he believes in me, like I'm some knight in shining armor. A low moan fills the room and he pushes his ass into my hardness, probably not even realizing he is doing it. Still, knowing he reacts to my touch this way makes me smile. Plucking at his small nipple, I roll it gently between my thumb and pointer finger, drawing yet another moan out of him. He sucks in a deep breath and lifts his head a little like he is looking around. I can't see his face like this, but I know he is awake now. "Vegas...?" His voice is still thick with sleep, but I can sense the uncertainty in it. He has no idea what he is in for, but I can promise he'll enjoy every second of it. "Your twenty-four hours are up," I whisper softly into his ear and feel his whole body stiffen at my words. All the sleep left him in an instant. The cuffs rattle as if he is tugging on them, making sure he still can't getaway. "There is nowhere to run to, Mouse," I whisper in his ear as my hand travels back down his body slowly. His breath hitches when I arrive at my final destination. I dip my fingers between his legs and I rub it gently with my palm while pressing one thick digit into his tightness. 

"I didn't know it'd happen so soon." He rolls slightly, his big eyes piercing mine. I can see he's scared, smell it on his skin, but he doesn't have to be. "I'm a lot of things, but a patient man, I am not." I sit up, spreading his legs real wide, my finger gently stroking him. His chest starts to heave, and I love having him at my mercy. I lick my lips and drop my gaze down to his tight hole. My finger sinks inside him with ease, confirming his need for me. He's growing slicker with each stroke. "I want to taste you. I want you to come on my tongue." I move slowly, dipping my head between her thighs. "Do you want that? To fall apart on my tongue while I finger you?" I look up at her. He's so fucking beautiful it hurts. His hair is a mess, his big eyes looking down at me with desire and uncertainty. Even though he's still afraid of me, he nods, most likely assuming I wouldn't stop if he asked me. But I would... I don't want to break my precious mouse. I lower my face all the way to his skin making him shudder. He tastes better than I could have ever imagined. Like the sweetest honey there is. I keep licking him, swirling my tongue around the little bundle of nerves while simultaneously sliding my finger in and out of his tight hole. My cock is so hard it hurt. Don't worry, buddy, soon... very soon. Mouse moans and pants underneath me. His body's getting restless, moving and pushing up into my face. I know he is close and as much as I want to draw this out, my need to have my dick inside him is stronger. So, with every last shred of patience inside me, I thrust my finger inside of her a few more times while I suck on him hard, making him cry out my name and arch off the bed in earnest. His already tight walls grip onto my finger, squeezing it tightly. Fuck. His thighs quiver and the air expels from his lungs as he explodes around my finger. I ease my finger out of him and replace it with my tongue. My heart pounds furiously as I suck every drop of his release into my mouth. It'd been years since I went down on someone, but Mouse deserved my tongue.

Shudders of pleasure run through him, and he tries to escape me, pulling his tiny hips back. But there is no escaping me, for as long as I am breathing, I will own Mouse. With one final lick, I pull away, easing up onto my knees. Mouse's eyes widen as I move, grabbing a condom from the nightstand. "Will you... will you be gentle?" I grin down at him, the darkness blurring in my eyes. I don't want to be gentle. I want to lose control, but not yet... soon. "As gentle as I can be..." I trail off, rolling the condom onto my length. I'm bigger than the typical male, and the idea of tearing him rips me apart. I want to have sex with him again as soon as fucking possible and that can't happen if he's hurt, so I have to take him with precision and a kindness that I know I don't fucking have. He licks his lips nervously, and I grab a pillow, lifting his hips and placing it beneath her creamy white ass. As my eyes roam over him, I realize he is still cuffed to the bed, tugging against the restraints. I don't want it to hurt his wrists again, so I undo them, and his arms fall to the mattress with a thud. I pump my cock in my hand a few times, between his thighs, while my other hand grips onto his hip, holding him into place. My entire body is on fire, need pumping through my veins. Probing his entrance with the head of my cock, I hear his gasp as I push into him slowly, so fucking slowly. I don't want to hurt him, but I fucking want that tightness, that sweet spot deep inside him. My muscles strain, and I feel this compelling need to kiss him. What the fuck is wrong with me? Mouse whimpers below me, his eyes sparkling with fear. I lean forward, spreading his legs wide, sinking deeper into his tight channel, hissing out in pleasure as he squeezes me so tightly the air in my lungs disappears. I settle just above him on my forearms. With both hands, I cradle his face, pulling it into mine. My lips settle onto his as I slip another inch deeper. 

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