Chapter 19

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The gag in my mouth stops my screams from being heard, but it doesn't stop me from doing everything I can to stop the miserable bastard holding onto me. I kick and thrash around as much as possible. My hands are bound behind my back. Cable ties dig into my newly healed skin. The monster's fat fingers dig painfully into my arm as he drags me behind him. The smell of dirt fills my nostrils as I kick it up in an attempt to slow him down. We're in some kind of underground tunnel in the basement... an escape entrance of some sort. I try and tell myself that this can't be happening, but it is. Tears sting my eyes. I need to get away. I need to find a way to escape this man. I can't let him hurt me, not when I might be carrying Vegas's baby. If anything, I need to fight for my unborn child. With that thought, I dig my heels into the dirt in an attempt to slow him down. It does nothing but make him grip me harder and grunt as he pulls me deeper into the tunnel. "Don't be difficult. The more trouble you give me, the worse I'm going to make it for you and believe me when I say I can make it very, very bad for you." I shudder, trying once more to escape his dirty hands. "You have no idea how much fun I'm going to have breaking you. We're going to continue right where we left off." His words cause me to scream, and my throat throbs. What if Vegas never comes for me? I recoil at the thought of becoming this man's whore. Of being used by him. It feels like my worst nightmares are becoming my reality. Bile burns up my throat. I can't vomit again, not right now. I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself. He tugs on my arm again, and I almost fall over my own two feet. "Let's go," he growls in annoyance without looking back at me. I wonder how he got onto the property, or even inside the house to get me without any of Vegas's men knowing. My feet throb as we walk a few hundred more feet. Fresh cool air starts to fill my nose as we reach the tunnel's exit. Dirt underneath my shoes turns into wet forest ground as the night sky appears above us. The evil man in front of me tugs me along, making me walk faster than possible with all the tree branches and thick brush. We walk another couple hundred feet until we come up to a car. I pull back against his hold when he opens the trunk and turns to grab me. My effort is pointless. He smacks me with the back of his hand, sending me sailing to the ground. My cheek throbs, and an evil grin pulls at his lips.

"You're a real fucking bitch," he spits, before picking me up and tossing me inside. The trunk closes above me with a loud thud, leaving me in absolute darkness. The engine roars to life a few moments later, and the car starts moving, each bump in the road vibrating through me. I thought I had been scared in the past, but nothing compares to the gut-wrenching terror consuming every part of my body. All my thoughts go back to Vegas and how he looked at me. All the hate and hurt in his eyes. It felt like a knife twisting in my heart and now that's possibly going to be the last time I see him. It can't be. I refuse to let it be the last memory we share. I have to live, because I have to protect our baby. But the more I think about it, the more I come up with nothing. There is no viable way for me to get out of this unscathed. Vegas is never going to come for me; I feel it deep in my bones. Not when he thinks I've betrayed him. Even if he were to try to find me, how long would it take him? How long would I able to endure his father's treatment without breaking? Even if I make it out of this alive...will I ever be the same? I roll around in the trunk as Vegas's father continues driving. I struggle against the cable ties that bind my hands. The next turn we take makes something wedge underneath me. I scoot around until I can get it into my hands. It's cold and heavy, and made out of some kind of metal. I keep moving it around, my fingers putting an image of the item together in my head. A crowbar or something like it. I almost shout in victory. I try not get too excited about it though. It's not going to dome any good if I can't get my hands untied. I move it so the sharp pointy edge is in between my hands. Then I wedge it right under where the cable tie is connected and push my body weight against it. It keeps sliding off instead of slicing through like I want it to, and I growl into the gag with frustration. My palms are sweaty, making it even harder to regain control every time it slips out of my hand. Don't give up. Fight. I need to fight... fight with every single ounce of blood inside me. Vegas might not come for me, but I have to try and escape this on my own. We make a right turn, which makes my body roll to the other side of the trunk. I right myself and we drive for a short time before the car comes to a complete stop. It's now or never. I keep trying with all my strength to break the stupid cable ties, but they won't budge. 

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