Chapter 14

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"Where is this auction at?" Mouse asks softly. With his small body in my lap, cuddled up to my chest, I can feel the warmth of his body clinging to mine. It makes me want to bend him over the seat and fuck him. But I know how important this is for him, being close to me, so I rein in my need, saving it for later tonight. "It's at a high-end strip club a ways out of town. They have abasement with by-invite-only events. Tonight's auction is one of their most popular." It's not long before we pull up to the large square building. It has no sign on it, making it look like an old abandoned warehouse to any unsuspecting outsider. But to men like me, it's a playground for the rich and powerful to buy and sell in the flesh. "My brother might be in that building." Excitement shows in his features as he pulls away, gazing through the window. "I just want to run in there and call out his name, see if I can find him." "I know, but you can't. We must remain as inconspicuous as possible." Mouse shivers in my arms, and I know he can hear the warning in my voice. "If you do anything... if you step out of line once... I'll have to do something that neither of us are going to like. There are worse people than me in this world and most of them are going to be in this room." He moves off my lap and I let him, missing the warmth of his body as soon as it's gone. "I understand. I just want to find him. That's all. I won't do anything to draw attention to us." Worry worms its way into my mind. Mouse is desperate to find his brother, and desperation makes you do things without thinking them through. I just hope like hell for the both of us that he can keep up the act even if he does see his brother. Because if he doesn't, I'll have to hurt him, and that's the last damn thing I want to do.

The driver opens the door, and I give Mouse one last look before we exit the car. He loops his arm into mine and we walk up to the front door together. A large metal door opens and a heavy-set guy in a suit appears in front of us. His face doesn't have a speck of emotion on it. I reach into my jacket and grab the paper invitations, handing them to him without a single word. He eyes them slowly and steps aside to let us in. I glance over at Mouse, who is behaving well so far, keeping his eyes on the ground. He half smiles at me when he sees I'm looking at him and his happiness sinks deep into my bones. God, he has no idea how much I want him right now. We walk down the long dark hallway, leading us to a wide stairwell. I slow my pace walking down the stairs because Mouse keeps tripping over his own feet. I have half a mind to toss him over my shoulder and carry him the rest of the way there, but that wouldn't be the kind of entrance we need. So, instead, I let him lean into me, and I walk slowly down each step. When we get to the bottom of the stairs, I briefly stop and look around to take in the crowd. Smoke fills the air, stinging my lungs. My eyes move over the bar, and to the dozens of tables in front of a brightly lit stage. The lighting is dim, but I notice a couple familiar faces, none of which are on my shit list. I catch Mouse looking up curiously, his eyes wide and bright, most likely looking at every little nook to see if her brother is hiding. He takes in the sights and sounds, and I wish like hell that he didn't have to endure this, but life isn't fair and if we want to find his brother and, more importantly, my father, this is what we have to do. I squeeze his hand tightly as a reminder to keep his eyes down, and he complies. I walk him to a table closest to the wall and sit him down in one of the chairs. I like to keep my back to the wall, so no one can sneak up behind me. When you have as many enemies as I do, you don't ever let your guard down.

A cocktail waitress in nothing but some panties and a bowtie walks up to the table, a bright smile on her red painted lips. I hear a slight gasp from Mouse, as I'm certain he noticed the waitress is topless. I order him a glass of wine and myself a whiskey. He could use a little something to take the edge off. The waitress tramps off, and I shrug out of my jacket. The room is hot with all the bullshit these high society men are spewing. When the waitress comes back with our drinks, I see two of the guys I typically do business with walking our way. Mouse squeaks beside me, clasping the wine glass between his small hands. "Vegas..." I hear Blaine chuckle as I take my glass of whiskey into my hands and lean back in my chair. It's easy to fool people into believing you're relaxed when you've been doing it for years. Charlie, his partner, gives me a nod, his eyes closing in on Mouse, who is fidgeting with the wine glass now. "Blaine. How are you?" I see the curiosity and desire pool in his gaze when he notices him sitting beside me. I usually don't have a anyone with me when I come to these kinds of events. Matter of fact this might be the first time he's ever seen me accompanied by someone. "Good, very good actually. We're planning on setting up some new distribution. Your brother still selling, too?" I swirl the whiskey around in my glass. "Of course. We're running a fucking empire, Blaine. You don't just stop whenever you want." Blaine nods, his eyes still on Mouse. I'm growing slightly irritated with each passing second. Yes, he's beautiful and yes, he oozes a naivety most men would love to have but he is mine. All fucking mine, and I'm not sharing him with any of these fuckers. "I figured, but word on the street is that he got married." I nod, taking a drink from my glass. The burn of the whiskey down my throat heats my cold insides. "He did. But he's still fucking working for me. Why are you so interested in my brother's work? Afraid he's going to outsell you?" I smirk, watching as his cheeks heat. "He fucking wishes he could."

"Lucky for us, drugs are always in high demand. It's not like junkies are going stop using tomorrow." I glare at Blane and the fucker is still eyeing Mouse. My annoyance turns into full-blown rage now. My grip on the glass tightens. "Is there a reason you're fucking staring?" "Of course, not... I was just wondering if maybe you'd consider selling him." For the second time in one night, I've been asked to sell Mouse, and it's starting to weigh on me. All this time I was worried about Mouse blowing our cover, when it might just be me. "This one is not for sale," I grit out. "He must have a tight as fuck hole..." He pauses briefly, his eyes flickering with lust. I'm literally a millisecond away from pulling my gun out and putting a bullet in his head. Business partner or not, he's taking shit too far. "How about I buy you a new one tonight and you let me have this one? I won't break him, too badly." He chuckles as if something he said was amusing. I blink slowly. Did this fucker really just say what I think he did? "How about you turn around and walk away before I put a bullet in your brain?" Blaine laughs, thinking I made a joke. The funny thing is... I don't joke. "Okay, I get it. Final offer, take it or leave it. You keep him but you let me join in for a night. Just like the good old days?" Mouse moves around in his seat as if he's uncomfortable, and when Blaine moves a hand toward his face, I almost growl. "Come on, Vegas... What's he got that makes you want to keep him? All the people on that stage tonight are virgins. Surely, he can't be with you and be as pure as snow." 

"It doesn't matter what he's fucking got. I said he's not for sale. That should be a good enough answer for you, shouldn't it?" Blaine grips him by the chin, and Mouse, unexpecting his touch, flinches away. His movements cause the glass of wine to tip over, spilling across the front of his clothes. Fucking Christ. "Whoops... I guess you have to take it off now," Blaine says, winking at Mouse. "Let me know if you need helped out of that dress. I'm pretty good with my hands, and even better with my cock." He blinks, his long lashes fanning against his cheeks as he lifts his gaze to mine. I can see he's afraid. Afraid of the unknown, of what I'm going to do to him, or maybe he's worried I'll let this bastard have a taste of him. But that's just it; he doesn't have a fucking thing to worry about. No, because my sweet mouse belongs to me and only me. "Go get cleaned up in the bathroom," I order harshly. He shoves from the table, walking on unsteady legs. I worry he may fall flat on his face but the more steps he takes, the more he straightens out. "Fuck, he has a nice ass." I look up to find Blaine staring in Mouse's direction. "I'm sure it's real tight, too." My face deadpans, and I'm no longer able to allow him to make comments about Mouse. My blood reaches its boiling point with his last comment, and I can't stop myself from lashing out. I stand up and step into his personal space, our faces only a few inches apart. He loses his smirk immediately and his body visibly stiffens. Charlie actually takes a step back. "If you don't fuck off right fucking now, I will break your neck where you stand. Do you hear me?" I don't want to cause any more of a scene, so I keep my voice low. It might be dumb of me to fucking take up for Mouse. I know it's dumb of me, but I won't let anyone hurt him. The only fucking bastard who gets to taint her soul is me. "All right, Vegas." Blaine takes another step back, his hands in the air as if he means no harm. Lying piece of shit. He turns around, taking Charlie with him, and I settle back into my seat, knowing this is going to put a target on my back. Fuck, Mouse, I hope you're worth it. "Welcome, welcome, gentlemen..." The announcer's voice bellows through the speakers, and into my ears, and I realize then that Mouse still hasn't returned from the bathroom and that could mean one of two different things. 

He either ran... or.... I can't even fathom the later, so I'm going to fucking pray he went looking for his brother, because if something happens to him... I will burn down this entire fucking city. 

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