Chapter 21

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"Your blood pressure is good. You have some bruising as well as some cuts and scrapes but you're in good health. Drink plenty of water and get some rest. I'll come in another four weeks to check on you and the baby. If you have any problems before that, just give me a ring and I'll be over." Doc gives me a gentle smile and packs up his stuff. We are in the guest bedroom where I slept last night, since Vegas apparently renovated his bedroom. Silence blankets the room, and Vegas doesn't say anything even after the doctor walks out of the room, leaving us alone in the bedroom. Instead, he remains seated beside me, his hand holding mine. I wonder if me telling him I wanted a break, some space, hurt him? "Are you okay, Vegas?" I prod quietly. It had only been twenty-four-hours since Vegas saved my life and killed his father. During those hours, he'd been mostly quiet, answering only questions that I asked, or engaging in conversation if I started it. "I'm fine, Mouse. I just want to do the right thing. I want to be the man that you're proud to have as yours." I was an emotional wreck, and everything he said seemed to turn the water works on. Sitting up on the bed, I dangle my feet over the edge while facing him. "I'm not leaving you, Vegas. I just need some space. Sometime to digest everything." "I know," he responds, a sadness trickling into his voice. "Then why're you acting like I'm leaving you?" Vegas doesn't respond. Instead, he pushes from his chair and comes to stand in front of me, pushing my thighs apart, before moving between them. I'm in nothing but one of his t-shirts, and the fabric rises up as he does so, exposing my bare body. "I don't deserve you, Mouse. Not even a fucking little bit, but I can't risk losing you." He gently nudges me backward, and I fall helplessly against the bed sheets. "You aren't losing me," I whisper. Vegas gently pushes my t-shirt up over my belly, his warm lips press against my skin and I damn near moan in pleasure.

"Good, because I'm going to make this up to you. I'm going to go slow with you, Mouse. I'm going to love every inch of you. I'm going to show you what it's like to be cherished. I'm going to please and care for you as you did me." Lifting a hand, I run it through his silky black hair as his lips move over my heated skin. His kisses promise ungodly pleasure as they move lower, and lower, making my head spin with need, and my belly pool with desire. "Vegas." His name comes out as a moan, and I'm not sure if we should be doing this. I don't want him to stop but I don't want him to think I'm going to have sex with him. I'm not ready for that yet. He just killed his dad, and I just found out we're having a baby. "Shhh, Mouse, I don't want anything from you. I just want to please you, to give you pleasure, can I do that? Can I pleasure you?" He drops down to his knees between my legs and looks up at me, eyes the color of the night sky. A part of me wants to tell him no, but deep down, I know I want this. I want his touch. I want... no, I need to feel close to him. So, I nod, giving him my approval, and whimper when he lifts my legs, placing them over his shoulders. He opens me up wider, his fingers digging into my thighs. I feel his heated breath and then his fingers as he trails them up and down the inside of my thighs. "So ripe and ready for me." His voice is filled with want, need, and my fingers find their way into his hair, pulling him forward. "I want you," I gasp, feeling one of his thick fingers slip inside my tightness. "Is this what you want, baby? Me to fuck you with my fingers?" I can't respond, not with his finger inside me. He slides in until he's knuckle-deep and keeps himself seated while flicking his tongue against my swollen bundle of nerves. How I feel so full with nothing but his finger inside of me, I don't know, but I want more of him, all of him. A warmth fills my veins and works its way up every inch of flesh. Vegas ravages me, feasting on me as if he is starved. I can feel every swipe of his tongue, every suck and flick pushes me closer to that breaking point of pure bliss.

"Vegas... oh, god... oh, god..." One of my hands fists into the bedsheets while the other holds him head in place. My legs fall apart, giving him even more room. I cling to the pleasure spiraling out of control inside of me. "Come for me, beautiful. Come all over my tongue. I want to taste you inside my mouth." If it's not his words that are going to push me over the edge, it's his finger moving in and out of me. My peak finds me, and hits me deep, right in the center of my chest, moving downward. "Vegas," I cry out, as the first wave slams into me. Pleasure unravels like a bow that's been untied, the ribbons blowing in the wind. My eyes drift closed and I feel him slowly moving them in and out of me, milking every single drop of my release out of me. He leans forward and presses a kiss to my belly, his sweaty forward resting against my clammy skin for a moment. Air fills my lungs, and my pulse pounds in my ears as the endorphins of pleasure run rampant through my veins. "Fuck, Mouse, you came so hard... so fucking hard. I wish it was my cock inside you instead of my fingers." "I'll... if you need..." I hadn't ever offered to give him a blowjob, not on my own. Usually he asked me, but this time, I wanted to ask him. I wanted to return the favor. But Vegas refused, shaking his head. "No. That's not how this works. Let me pleasure you. Let me show you how much I want this, how much I want you, and then, when I've lived up to your expectations and done what I need to do, then you can give to me." "But you do all those—" Vegas places a finger against my lips, shushing me. "No. Don't make excuses for me. I need to be a better man. For you, for V, for our unborn baby. I need to be the man I should've been all along." I don't say anything, because there is nothing to say. Vegas wants to prove himself. He wants to make things right, and I want that, too. I don't want to give into him simply because we're having a baby together. I know he has demons and skeletons in his closet, but I want a real relationship. I want us to be together, and though I'm not going anywhere, I feel like we need to work on trusting each other.

"I love you, Mouse. I didn't want to believe that I could, but I do. I love every single fucking thing about you. I loved you even when I knew I shouldn't. You deserve better, and I'll be damned if I let you settle for less than perfect." "I love you, too, Vegas." I smile, enjoying this new side of him. He pulls my shirt back down, covering my bare skin and helps me move back onto the mattress. Once I'm situated beneath the covers, he crawls in beside me, tucking me into his side, his boner poking into my back. I'm blanketed in warmth, and I feel secure, and happier than I ever have been in my entire life. "Someday, I will be good enough to marry you, and you'll be the best fucking husband and mother to our children the world could ever have." I blink away the tears that appear in my eyes. Vegas protected me when he didn't have to. Yes, he hurt me, and broke me at times but how could I expect any less from a man who never knew what love was? From a man who never experienced what it was like to be cared for. Vegas only knew death and pain, and me coming into his life opened up doors he had never thought of touching. He thought having a son was weakness. He thought finding someone to love him was a weakness. And maybe when his father was alive it was, but now, now it was a blessing and no matter what, I was going to remind him of how much of a blessing it was every single day. "Someday, I'm going to marry you, Vegas, and you'll be the best father and husband I could ever ask for." My voice cracks, giving my emotions away. I feel Vegas melt into my body, and I relish in the feeling of being in his arms again. "I don't deserve you, Pete, but I'll be fucking damned if I let anyone else have you. You're mine, forever, and always. I'll be keeping you until the day I die." As my eyes drift closed, a permanent smile appears on my lips, one that I know will linger there far beyond today, tomorrow, or a month from now. 

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