Chapter 13

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"We really need to go now. Macau and Tay are waiting downstairs for us." I nod and smile as he walks us to the door. Vegas grabs the knob but doesn't open it right away, and I wonder what he's thinking. "Remember what I told you. I can't be like this out there. Not tonight or any other time we're doing business. You get that, right?" I can hear the sincerity in his voice. "Yes," I answer. He opens the door for me, and I walk across the threshold, almost falling over my own feet. Vegas grabs my arm to steady me before he holds out his arm for me to loop mine under. "Just hold on to me and remember the rules. Everything I told you yesterday you have to do... especially today. There are some really bad people, far worse than me, Mouse, and believe me when I tell you, you don't want to draw their attention." My eyes widen slightly. "I understand, Vegas," I assure him with a smile, and we get into the elevator and head down to the lobby. Macau and Tay are already waiting for us at the elevator when we exit. When I see Tay, I smile, and he smiles back, his smile fading when he notices the dirty look Vegas is giving him. He wrinkles his nose at him, and I almost start laughing. I forgot I'm not supposed to actually be looking at him. Quickly, I avert my eyes to the floor and tighten my grip on Vegas's arm. Nervous butterflies explode inside my belly. I'm a bundle of nerves right now. The thought of possibly finding my brother excites me and terrifies me all at once. It's been forever since I've seen him or hugged him, and I can't wait to just be in the same room as him again. My thoughts are interrupted as we walk outside where the limo is already waiting for us. The door is held open by one of Vegas's men, as always. I climb in very slowly, sliding across the leather seats. Vegas gets in behind me, his fingers splaying across my back, as if he is showing ownership of me without really saying it. His touch is gentle, and I want to sink into it. He pulls me into his side but doesn't say anything to me. 

Then again, he doesn't have to... his actions assure me that he cares. He and Macau discuss some business matters about their father on the way to the restaurant. I look out the window, trying to take everything in, but there is just way too much going on. Every building we pass has lights that blind me. Hundreds of people walk down the sidewalks, some wearing ridiculous outfits, some wearing hardly anything at all. It's a sight to see, that is for sure. The limo rolls to a stop along the curb in front of the restaurant. Seconds later, the door opens, and we get out. I hold my breath, praying I don't fall and break my ankle or, even worse, embrace Vegas. I'm careful not to look around, even though I'm curious to know where we're eating and what the place looks like. Vegas ushers us all inside, and out of the corner of my eye, I see the hottest girl. She doesn't even ask who we are or what table we want. Instead, she says, "Follow me, please," and leads the way. We walk for what seems like an eternity before she seats us. When she kindly asks us what we would like to drink, Vegas orders without looking at her. "Whisky neat for me, and water for him." I don't have to look up to see who is snorting angrily across the table. I wish he would just let me tell Macau and Tay about us. Why can't they not know? What's the harm in his brother knowing about us? Does he think it will make him look weak? Or does he want to hide me from them? "Whiskey as well, and whatever he would like," Macau announces. I lift my gaze to Tay and see the fire flickering in his eyes. He's really angry, like really angry, and for the first time ever, I wonder what the story between them is. I remember Vegas saying something about him dying if Damon hadn't married him in one of their previous sparring matches. I guess that would make me angry, too, but he seems to have it out for Vegas in the worst way. "I'll take a water as well." He tries to keep his voice calm but his tone all but says he is pissed. I unravel my napkin and settle it into my lap. I feel Vegas's hand land on my thigh beneath the table, and I almost gasp at his touch. I peek a glance at him, and pleasure zings straight through me and into my core when I see the desire pooling in his gaze.

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