Chapter 12

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When we land in Vegas, I'm much calmer. Which probably has something to do with the amazing blowjob Mouse gave me earlier and the fact that he's actually listened to me for the remainder of the flight. Still, guilt consumes me every time I look at him. I didn't want to hurt him, but I needed him to know how serious I was about his feelings for me. He can't know how consumed with need I am for him because he'll only use it against me. He already knows I don't want to hurt him, but hopefully, I've set him straight with this whole... 'I think I love you' bullshit. He doesn't know the first thing about love, or all it entails... what it means to be with a man like me. I watched my mother love my father for years, and it never turned out well for her. He beat her, stripped her bare, and turned her against her children. Love ruined my mother. It destroyed her, and I couldn't let Mouse make the same mistake. My eyes dart to Tay and my brother. They seem so happy, so in love, and parts of me wish I could have the same kind of life they do. But I'm not stupid enough to hope for something like that. I can never have what they have, because I'm not like Macau. He married Tay to save him from my wrath. He protected him. He toned his darkness down. He let go of his pain for his husband, but I don't know that I'm capable of doing that. Not when my enemies would be chomping at the bit to put a bullet in his head. Love isn't an option for me, not even close. I need to remain the dark, calloused boss that I am. I shake the silly thoughts away as Macau and Tay exit the plane first. I wait a few moments before I follow with Mouse closely by my side. "Remember the rules." I leave the threat unspoken but we both know it's there. Mouse nods, his eyes trained on the floor. Good boy. We all pile into the limo waiting for us on the landing strip. It can easily seat eight people but with the uncomfortable silence between us, it suddenly feels too small. Tay is staring daggers at me, making me smile on the inside. On the outside, I show no emotion whatsoever, just like I've learned to do.

"You are aware he is a human, right?" Tay sneers, completely ignoring anything my brother said to him. He's putting his nose into something it doesn't belong in and obviously, I need to make sure he understands that. "I'm sure you're more than aware that I don't give a fuck what you have to say. After all, if it weren't for my brother, you'd be dead, too." Mouse seems to gasp beside me, but Tay's looking at me with murder in his eyes, not fear. I smirk like the bastard I am. "Vegas, knock it the fuck off." Macau snarls, grabbing onto Tay's hands as if he already knows what he wants to do to me. I bet if I gave him a gun, he'd pull the trigger. He'd be smart, too. I killed his brother. An eye for an eye, right? "He can't treat him like that, Macau. It's clear he is hurting him. Look at him." I can see the conflict in Macau's eyes at Tay's words. He wants to please his husband, but he knows better than to get into my business. "He's none of our concern." The coldness in Macau's voice shocks even me. Usually, he speaks to Tay so kindly, and with love, but right now, I can tell he's clearly pissed. Mouse remains quiet, with his gaze on his hands. "I'm not hurting him. I haven't done a fucking thing to him. I've merely asked him to follow my fucking directions." Tay's eyes widen. "You are aware his name isn't Mouse, right? It's Pete. Fucking Pete. He has a name, Vegas. He has feelings, and he is a damn human, not your property. I will not let you hurt him." I'd never considered Mouse's name to be Pete but looking at him, it seems to fit him. Sweet and naïve. Tay's words spark a fire deep inside me. He's accusing me of hurting Mouse, and while I haven't been very kind to him, I haven't truly hurt him, not like I know I should. Hell, I'm here looking for Mouse's brother, all with the intention of killing my father. I've never done such a thing for someone.

"Don't accuse me of shit you have no proof of... not that it would matter anyway. If I wanted to snap his neck right fucking here, right now, it wouldn't matter. There wouldn't be a damn thing you could do about it, would there?" I dart an eyebrow up in question, knowing damn well there is nothing he can do. "Vegas..." There's a warning to Macau's voice, and I have half a mind to tell him to get back on the plane and go home with his pain in the ass husband, but revenge against our father is half his, so I bite my tongue this once. The limo rolls to a stop, and I peer out the window, realizing we have arrived at the hotel. "Let's go to our rooms and then meet for dinner in an hour's time." Macau nods, taking Tay's hand in his. We all exit the limo at once, and I pull Mouse into my body as soon as we step outside. "We need to get invited to this auction, and I know just the guy who will let us in, but it would be better if we are all seen together. So, Tay, maybe you could stop being such a raging bitch and..." My voice trails off at the murderous rage appearing in my brother's eyes. "He's my fucking husband." Macau looks like he is about to punch me in the face, so I decide to leave it at that and walk away with a smirk, guiding Mouse toward the elevator. Mouse's eyes are wide and full of wonder as he looks at every single little thing, as if he's a little kid in a candy store for the very first time. He looks happy, and his smile widens. Well, that is until he sees me. "I'm sorry..." he mutters beneath his breath, and I usher us into the elevator, wanting to tell her he has no reason to be sorry... not for this. "Don't be sorry, Mouse. I enjoy seeing your smile," I whisper, my hand against the small of his back as more people pile into the elevator. I pull him as closely against my body as I can and watch the numbers tick upward, stopping here and there to drop people off. When we reach the very top floor, we get off and I enter a special code into the door, opening it and ushering Mouse inside. 

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