pt. 1 Taken

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Izuku is currently three years old he is a very bubbly child who lives with his mother and father and they are all very happy both of Izuku's parents have quirks and Izuku was always very excited when it came to quirks. His mother and father loved him very much and couldn't be happier with the child they are raising

It was now Izuku's fifth birthday and his parents are starting to become a little worried their son has shown no signs of developing a quirk and his father was starting to become angry with this.

Inko Izukus's mother decided to schedule an appointment with the quirk doctor to see if everything is going well. Inko was a little worried when it came to quirks because she knew how aggressive her husband could get when he didn't get what he wants.

" Kacchan my mama is taking me to the quirk doctor today!" Izuku yelled into the house phone "That's awesome Deku but it's not like your quirk would be any better than mine!" Izuku laughed softly "Yeah Kacchan your quirk is so cool I hope mine will be like that!" Izuku said back "as-" Katsuki was about to answer but got cut off by Izukus's mom "Izuku it's time to go say goodbye to Katsuki and come on" "Bye Kacchan I got to go!" "Bye, nerd!"

Izuku then jumped off the couch and quickly put on his red shoes and ran out the door with his mom Inko then buckled Izuku into the car seat and then they drove off to the clinic.

~Time Skipppp~

"Sorry miss but your son doesn't have a quirk" the doctor stated calmly. The room filled with silence before Inko spoke up "T-thank you, sir, we will be going now" Inko grabbed her son and left the building, and got into the car, she quickly buckled her son into the car and started driving. "m-mama w-whats go-going to h-happen now" Izuku asked quietly while sobbing "I-I don't know hunny but it's going to be ok" Inko said with a small smile.

~Time skip again~

~TW Murder~

Izukus POV

As we arrived home I could tell something was wrong Mama looked nervous. I didn't really know but she said everything would be ok so I believe her! Mama unbuckled me from my seat and we walked inside as soon as we did papa came out of the kitchen and walked up to us he looked carefully at my mom then out of nowhere...


I looked at my father wide-eyed with my mouth wide open "MAMA" I yelled as she hit the floor "I-Izuku go to your room NOW" my mother told me I looked at her for a second before starting to run to my room but I was too slow my father grabbed me by the hair and threw me against the wall "IZUKU" my mother yelled as she ran to me

I felt something warm drip down my neck and raised my hand to it and looked at it to see "Blood" I said quietly I looked over to my mom that was sitting next to me with a horrified expression I looked up expecting to see my father but he wasn't there

I was confused at first but then he came out of the kitchen holding a knife. I looked back over to my mom and she looked terrified as my dad got closer My mom quickly moved over so that she was in front of me I tried my hardest to get her out of they but she would move she was looking at me with a soft smile"MAMA MOVE PLEASE" I screamed she didn't budge "Izuku I love you so much" she said kissing me on the head

I watched as her eyes widened and she fell forward giving me a clear view of my father standing there with a bloody knife "Mama" I said softly my father just laughed grabbing her leg and dragging her out of the room I started sobbing thinking about all of the good times with my family

I sobbed harder as my father walked back in staring at me with absolute hatred which I returned as best as I could he just scoffed walking into the kitchen

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