pt. 3 Bunks

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After a painful and tiring week, the two boys were brought into a room where they were examined and asked questions about what they remembered and they were injected with more fluid that they had no idea what it did or what it was used for

The boys were in different rooms so they didn't know what was happing to the other which made them a little uneasy "Ok child that is all, any questions?" "Umm, yeah what is my name?" "Oh yes! how could I forget your name is Deku" "Thank you, sir," then the guards walked Into the room and grabbed him, and walked him back to his room

Then he was roughly thrown into his room hitting the floor harshly "Ow, rude" he said quietly there was a small laugh from behind him he snapped his head back seeing the white-haired boy behind him laughing "Hey! it's not funny that hurt" "Sorry" he said with a laugh

They hadn't realized that the guards hadn't left yet until they heard someone clear their throat both boys looked to see the guards standing there with scowls on their faces "Get dressed and be ready in five minutes and bring all of your clothes" both boys nodded their heads standing up and waiting for them to leave once they did they quickly changed their clothes and collected all of their other clothes they both stood waiting at the door

When it opened and the man said "Follow me" Both boys then quickly followed the man they exited the building and into a large courtyard there were five buildings the man in front of them stopped and turned to look at them "There are five buildings in total two of them are training rooms one is the dormitories ones is the cafeteria and the last is the clinic you will both go there daily along with your bunkmates" "Yes Sir," they both said in unison  

The man nodded and began walking again a few minutes later they stopped in front of the biggest building "These are the dorms I will show you to your rooms where you will wait for the rest of your bunkmates" They nodded and followed the man inside they got into the elevator  and got to the top floor 

when the door opened they were met with two doors the man opened one of them and inside was a large bathroom with four showers and a few stalls and urinals "This will be the bathroom that you all will share" he said then closed the door he then walked over to the next door and inside there were four beds a large builtin board four desks and four and a small clothing hangers

"Put your stuff away and claim your bunk your bunkmates should be here soon then after that you are free to roam the grounds" "Yes sir," they said the man then left the room after about a minute they seemed to snap out of their emotionless state they looked at each other then smirked, "I call top bunk!" Izuku yelled running to the beds "Ok I don't like heights anyway but ill go under you" Izuku laughed then walked to one of the hangers putting his stuff up when the white-haired boy spoke up 

"Hey um did they tell you your name?" he asked "Oh yeah! It's Deku did they tell you yours?" "Yeah, it's Aayan!" "That's a cool name I wonder what it means!" Deku exclaimed "Yeah! maybe we can ask" "Yeah Maybe!"

They heard the door open and they quickly stood in a line watching as the door opened stepped two people with the man they were with earlier the two then walked in and stood next to us the man stood in front of us "I am Major Miller and I am your commanding officer and you are to listen to me and if I give you permission you will listen to others If I don't tell you to do so I want you to tell them that you cannot, do I make myself clear?" he said "Yes sir" they all said in unison "Good now introduce yourselves and take a look around but you are not allowed on the floors that are underneath us at the point in time" 

He then left they all stood there before the other two walked over to the empty bunks Izuku then got bored and decided to introduce himself "Hello, my name is Deku and this is Aayan" The two then looked over and the boy with purple hair spoke up "Hi, I'm Astro nice to meet cha!" "Nice to meet you too!" Deku said, "Hey what's your name?" He asked the girl with black hair she looked over at him surprised "I-Im Nuri" she said while keeping her gaze on her feet "Well Nuri it is great to meet you also I hope we can all get along well" Deku and Aayan said 

They both nodded and began to put their stuff away while the other two roughhoused while laughing loudly Nuri smiled at them happy she gets to live with such nice people while Astro just thought they were childish

"Hey, why do you guys seem to know each other so well?" Astro asked "Oh, when we were first here we got roomed together for a week while we were getting our memories back," Aayan said with a smile "Werent you guys together?" Deku then asked "They both shook their heads 'no' "Oh..." they said, "Ok well let's try to get to know each other better, Yeah?" Deku asked while they all nodded their heads.

"Hey um, I remember the doctor saying something about a project that we were going to be part of does anyone know what he meant?" Deku said, "No, I don't know but I also remember my doctor saying something like that, What about you guys?" Astro asked "Yeah I think I remember something like that but I'm not too sure" Nuri spoke quietly while Aayan just nodded

"Well do you guys want to go look around commander said we could once you guys got settled" They all nodded their heads as they began walking out the door



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