pt. 13 Aizawa

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~Dekus POV~

After our sparring and my lecture from Kacchan and Nuri about being so careless and telling Aayan how well he did it was shocking to see him improve so much

And after all of our classes, I quickly collected all of my teammates and made my way down to Aizawas office when I got there I quickly closed the door and began to talk "I have no doubt in my mind that Toga is using Ochaco after our sparring I locked eyes with her and they were like this golden yellow color" 

I hadn't even realized that someone else was in the room until I stopped talking I quickly pulled out my gun and turned around but nobody was there I looked over at my teammates and they also had their weapons out "Shit" I said quietly "What is it?" Aizawa asked now also standing up "Someone else is in here," Nuri said quietly

I then spun around to face Aizawa who was standing there I raised my gun to him "Where the hell are they?" I asked 'Aizawa' laughed "Dang, I mean you are, 'captain' for a reason" Its skin then melted off and she flung herself forward but she wasn't fast enough I grabbed her arm pinning her to the floor

"Aww no fair" She complained The room then started to spin and move and I saw eyes in the wall "Astro the wall" He looked in the direction I was looking at and began shooting and the room stopped moving

Then survalince footage of the dorms started to play it showed all the students and then Twice and he was making more of himself and they were going to ambush the students "Shit" I said and Toga started to laugh and I quickly knocked her out "One of your tie her up" 

I then began to run out of the room with Aayan following behind me when we arrived there were a bunch of twices doubles outside of the dorms me and Aayan looked at each other and smirked we then ran at the doubles and started to take them out once we were done with that Nuri and Astro arrived and just as they did there was a loud explosion

'Katsuki' I thought to myself we all ran into the building and there were more doubles of twice which we took out then we ran into the common room and saw a few students all huddled together

"What happened?" I asked "This portal opened and took them," Mina said quietly just as I was about to get close to them another portal opened up and an arm reached out and grabbed my shoulder pulling me in but luckily I activated a tracker and threw a transmitter into the dorms and looked at Aayan

When I was fully threw the portal I looked around and saw most of the class tied up and unconscious I felt someone behind me so I quickly turned around and got grabbed by the neck I knew who it was as soon as they grabbed my neck because I felt my breath get shorter it was Shigaraki

I grabbed his hand and ripped it off my neck and pushed him away from me I then heard a muffled scream "Looks like you found her" Shigaraki said with a sigh 

I sighed and pulled out a gun and fired at his hand making him scream "Man, I thought you were going to put up more of a fight" I said with a bored expression he scoffed and charged at me grabbing my arm and disintegrating the skin of it while laughing I pulled out a combat knife and sliced one on his fingers off making him yell 

He grabbed me with his other hand disintegrating my shoulder I tried to pry his hand off of me but he wouldn't let go "I was really hoping that I wouldn't have to kill you" I said he laughed as a portal opened and in came my teammates along with twice and Toga 

They were all unconscious and bleeding but they weren't healing "The hell did you do to them?" I spat ignoring how my shoulder was slowly disintegrating "Found a few things" Shigaraki said and then a screen came on showing the day we were injected with the regeneration serum It had all of the ingredients and how to reverse it

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