pt. 12 Sparring

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The next morning they woke up to flashing lights and giggling at first they were all confused until they looked around and saw most of the class with their phones taking pictures of them "How come you didn't invite me to the sleepover?" Mina groaned earning a few laughs from the class

Deku was still sleeping soundly sprawled out across Aayan and Katsuki they all shifted and Aayan picked him up and placed him in his bed because he couldn't bring him to the top bunk "Should we make breakfast?" Katsuki asked, "Katsuki Bakugo offering to make breakfast?!"  Denki exclaimed

Katsuki slapped Denki on the back of the head and then walked to the dorms kitchen and began making eggs and bacon everyone started to file into the kitchen once Katsuki finished breakfast he asked Aayan to go wake up Deku

When Aayan came back Deku was on his back and still half asleep causing Kasuki to laugh Aayan carefully set Deku down on a chair and held him up so he didn't fall over "Come on Cap time to get up" he said softly Deku groaned rubbing his eyes "Why is he so drowsy?" Hanta asked "Last night was hard for him and he didn't wake up at the time he usually does he always gets like this when he does he will be fine once he eats"

Katsuki then placed a plate of food in front of him while Aayan practically shoved a piece of bacon into his mouth Deku's eyes shot open and he began eating and finished his whole plate in seconds

"What are we doing in Mr. Aizawas's class?" Deku then asked everyone in the room laughed at the sudden mood change "I think he said that were sparring" Kirishima answered

They all ate their breakfast and then headed to their classes 

After Aizawa told them about their class they all made their way down to the locker rooms "Theirs a hole in the wall to the girl's locker room" Deku heard Mineta whisper to Denki, Deku rolled his eyes before walking over to where Mineta was getting down to eye level with him flicking him in between the eyes making him fall back

Deku then found the hole in the wall "Hey, Nuri theirs a hole in the wall over here" he called out "Oh, thanks cap" she called back

Everyone was looking at him a bit shocked except for Astro and Aayan Deku and his male teammates then walked to the entrance of the girls changing room waiting for Nuri to come out once she did they walked to the training grounds together "Hey cap if he lets us pick how we spar with wanna be teammates?" Aayan asked with a hopeful smile "Hell yeah! blood bath!" Deku exclaimed

Nuri sighed at the to boys antics, they soon arrived in the training room "Hey Mr. Aizawa and we picking partners?" Deku asked "Yes" Deku and Aayan highfived 

After a few minutes the rest of the class arrived and they all separated and started their sparring Deku and Aayan put their belts on and stood on opposite sides of the mat and stared at each other with smirks waiting for the signal "Ready for me to take you spot cap?" "Id like to see you try" 

"Begin" Deku took out a kuni and threw it making it hit Aayan in the shoulder Aayan charged at him quickly putting on brass knuckles and punching Deku in the jaw effectively breaking it "Come on man you know bones take longer to heal then cuts" Deku exclaimed be for popping his jaw back in place

Deku now a little more riled up pulled out a gun and began shooting at him hitting him multiple times in various places Aayan fell to the floor for a second the getting up pulling out a combat knife and running at Deku 'boring'  Deku thought as Aayan flung at him "Calm down A your getting to riled up your gonna over do it"

Aayan groned before calming him self down "Show time?" he questioned Deku nodded and they both took out combat knifes and charged at each other they began slicing at each other making them bleed 

They haddent realized but everyone had finished their fights and were now watching their gasping sometimes when one would land a particularly bloody hit "Come on Aayan" Nuri yelled "Why are you rooting for him to win?" Katsuki asked "At first this was a normal sparring match, But Aayan made it in to more when he got all riled up, now Aayan is trying to beat him to prove that he is better and stronger than Deku" Nuri explained 

Katsuki nodded focusing back on the fight but he couldn't help but notice how Ochacos eyes lit up everytime that blood would fly

After about half a hour Deku was pinned to the ground with a knife held to his throat "Give up?" Aayan asked "You forgot one thing A" "Yeah and whats that?" "I have no restraint" Deku tilted his head slightly and then was able to kick Aayan off of him cutting his neck pretty deep in the process 

There were gasps from everyone as they looked at the two now Deku was standing on top of Aayan with one foot on his chest and one on his neck with blood dripping from his own the two sat there for a minute Deku mainly waiting for Aayan to give out which was taking awhile but as soon as his face started to turn purple 

He hit Dekus leg three times signaling that he gave up Deku then rolled to the side laying on the floor waiting for his neck to heal after a few seconds it was so he slowly sat up looking around then catching eyes with Ochaco who had a certain gleam in her eyes they weren't that normal dark brown the were a kind of golden color

Deku looked away and over to Aayan that was still on the floor Aayan then looked over and then made eye contact before Deku stood walking over to Aizawa and spitting out some blood he then went against talking to him right now and just gave him a look that said that they needed to talk later



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