pt. 9 meeting 1-A

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They all walked down to the common room and stood in a line behind Nezu while everyone looked at them with confusion and some of them blushed while looking at Deku "I'm sure Mr. Aizawa talked to you about what is going to happen today so I want you to welcome them with open arms"

"Yes sir" "You may introduce yourselves now," Nezu said looking back at the four Astro nodded deciding to go first "My name is Astro and I am part of the scarlet team" he stated simply "My name is Nuri I am the only girl on the scarlet team" "My name is Aayan and I am second in command on the scarlet team" "My name is Deku and I am first in command and captain of scarlet team" 

They all finished introducing themselves when they heard a loud yell "DEKU??" Deku looked around his eyes landing on an angry blond boy "Yes?" he said confused "Where the hell have you been?" The blond said standing up and walking over to then

Before Deku could say anything the door opened and a man with black hair and a weird scarf walked inside "You four go up to your room I need to talk to my class" The four nodded and went back to their room 

The man then stood in front of his class with a stern look on his face "Bakugo, you will not interrogate  Deku I know that he was your whole reason to become a hero but when he was taken they got rid of most of his memories so he doesn't remember you" the man told them

Bakugo just nodded and stepped back "Wait you know him?" one of them asked while Bakugo just nodded "Ok, I will call then back down and you will all be respectful, alright" "Yes sir" he nodded pressing a button on his watch

Not even seconds later they all heard the sound of running coming down the stairs "Hello sir" "Hello my name is-" "Shota Aizawa" Deku finished "We learned about you in debriefing, sir" Aizawa nodded his head with a smirk

"Well ill leave you all to it then," he said walking out with Nezu on his shoulder

"Um you guys can ask questions if you want," Astro said they all immediately started talking slightly startling Nuri who then hid behind Deku "One at a time please," Aayan said causing them to go silent

"Um girl with pink hair and pink skin," Astro said "Hi, I'm Mina Ashido!! and are Deku and Nuri dating?" They both shook their heads with a small laugh "Ok, the boy with blond hair and the lightning blot" Aayan said "What with all the scars and why do you two have the most? Oh, and my name is Denki Kaminari " he said pointing at Deku and Aayan and earning a small punch in the side from a boy with slick black hair

Both of the boys laughed before answering "Um all of the scars are from our missions and we have the most because we are often assigned as sparring partners a-" "And they have no self-control and end up hurting each other more than they should" Nuri interrupted "At least I didn't stab you in the shoulder blade" Deku said earning a small glare from Nuri 

"Well, I think they are very manly!" A boy with red hair called out they all smiled at him "Hey, what's your name?" Aayan asked, "I'm Eijiro Kirishima!" They all smiled at the boy's enthusiasm

"Ok, moving on you umm you with the pink cheeks and brown hair" There were snickers heard through the room "What are your quirks?" "Oh none of us have any" 

There were gasps heard throughout the room and a few whispers that they could all hear 'How are they going to protect us?' 'pathetic' 'That girl has nice boobs'  Deku snapped at the last one walking over to the purple boy and looking down at him "Wanna say that again grape shit?" he asked

The purple boy looked up "I said that girl-" he was cut off by Deku picking him up with one hand "I fucking heard you, dick" he then dropped him back down onto the floor and spat on him walking back over to the rest of the team

There were more whispers behind him 'That was hot' 'How did he hear that?' 'he is so strong'  he ignored them and put on a bright smile looking at the rest of the class

They continued to answer the rest of the questions and learned all of the class's names they then got called to Mr. Azawas office "Hello sir" they greeted once they arrived "Hello, scarlet team, I just wanted to inform you that you will all be in my class requested by Major Miller, he also informed me that you will all be able to participate in the hero training courses and if you fail he has told me to tell you, understand?" "Yes sir"

"You can leave" They all nodded walking out "Shit" they all cursed all stood there for a second with wide eyes before making their way back to the dorms



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