pt. 6 Senses

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                                                         ~Time skip five years~

(They are all about 10)

~Dekus POV~

We have been here for about five years and we have all been doing great in our training I think that we are going to be able to move to the next training room soon we are still the only team here and Major Miller has decided to call our team, team A 

But he said that it is going to change once we get more people here we still have to go to the clinic every day we haven't had any more painful  injections gladly 

Aayan and me are currently considered the best in the group which I don't know if it's true or not but I think that we are all great Aayan had been working really hard with his stamina and close combat Nuri has been learning to use swords Astro Is learning how to use guns and for some reason, I am learning all three but Miller has also taught me how to use a bo staff

Major Miller seems to have pretty high expectations for me with I don't understand very much when we woke up this morning I immediately saw how our usually blank bulletin board was now covered in pictures of my father and mother 

I clenched my teeth and stormed off into the bathroom leaving the others confused they followed me into the bathroom shortly after I quickly showed then changed into our usual uniform I then looked back up to the board gritting my teeth at the pictures of my father 

I slowly raised my hand to one of the pictures of my mom and took it down looking at it I jumped slightly as I felt a hand on my shoulder a looked back to see Nuri "She was beautiful" She said softly I smiled at her then looked back the board

 "I wish it was him" I spat over the years we had all opened up to each other and become best friends we all quickly found out that Nuri wasn't all that shy once you get to know her she is actually very outgoing and energetic

"Is that your father?" she asked I nodded my head and then turned around as I heard the door open and the two other boys walked inside "I wonder what they put that up for?" "I don't know but I don't like it" They all heard the elevator ding so they quickly stood in a line

The door opened and Major Miller walked in and stood in front of them "Today you are all going to be assigned to your first mission, you are going to kill Deku's dad, I want it done quickly and I want you to make it look like an accident" "Yes sir" "After breakfast I want you all to head down to the clinic you will be getting a new injection that will enhance your senses and then the rest of the day you will be working on your senses" 

~third person~

After that, he walked out of the room everyone was silent for a bit before Deku spoke up "Let's go" he said walking out they all silently followed "Hey Deku wait, how are you feeling about all of this?" "Um I'm not really sure I guess it hasn't sunk in yet" Nuri nodded before they all got into the elevator

They ate and then headed over to the clinic once they got there they were taken into the rooms and the doctors then quickly injected them they all left the building and into the training room all of their trainers were in there waiting "Today we are doing team training so that you can all work on your senses and fighting"

"Deku and Astro you too are going to work together and Aayan and Nuri will be working together first we will work on senses you two will fight with no sight and the two winners will fight each other without sight, smell, and hearing" They were all a little nervous but it didn't matter

(Im going to just mainly focus on Deku and Astro but the other two are doing pretty much the same thing)

The two then followed Major Miller outside into the outside training area where there was a large space that was empty "Deku stand over their and put this on and Astro stand over there and put this on" He said handing them both a blind fold " I will now give you both the weapons that you have been working on the most"

He handed Astro a gun and gave Deku a bo staff, Deku smirked to himself as he felt what weapon he was given "You may begin" Miller spoke calmly

Astro raised the gun pointing it while Deku slowly moved down to the floor placing both of his hands on the floor he stayed there for a moment before he smirked and slood back up he used his staff and tapped the floor a bit away from himself as a distraction Astro immediatly pointed his gun to where the sound came from Deku tapped it two more times


Astro shot the guy he waited to hear any sounds but nothing came Deku smirked now he knew that he was right Astro did have a gun he then slowly moved in the direction he thought that Astro was in he tapped his staff a few times in different places trying to get him to use more bullets a few more shots and he was out Deku heard the gun clicking and he had a rough estimate on where he was 

Deku then ran straight at him  hitting him straight in the head then in the stomach Astro didn't feel any pain but he felt the force of the hits making him fall onto the floor Astro then raised the gun just as Deku put his hand up 


Astro shot him straight threw then hand Deku quickly grabbed the gun and threw it across the floor and pulled him into a headlock "Deku wins"he said Deku imdiatly let go and got up along with Astro they both took off the blind folds and looked at each other Astro looked at his hand that was dripping blood "Sorry about that" "Oh its fine cant even feel it!" Deku responded 

"That was a great fight Deku well done" Deku nodded his head with a small smile "Ok now we will wait for the others to be done"

After a few minuts passed Aayan and Nuri walked out while Deku picked at the torn up skin on his had "Hey Astro do you have any like tweasers or somethin your bullet is stuck in my hand and it wont come out" Deku asked

"Oh my god did you get shot?" Nuri asked "Yeah" he said Nuri scoffed walking over and taking his handand looking at it "She then pulled out two small knifes and used them to pick the bullet out of his hand after a few seconds she got it out and Deku instantly healed "Thank you!" he said said with a bright smile

"Ok you two here you go" Miller said handing Deku and Aayan ear plugs nose plugs and a blind fold "You won?" They both asked at the same time, They both let out small laughs befor nodding at eachother "Pick your weapons" they both nodded Izuku grabbed a small knife while Astro just grabbed brass nuckles 

They both walked to the fighting area and put on the ear plugs and nose plugs waiting for the sinal for the to "Begin" They both put on the blind folds and ran at eachother hitting and punching as hard as they could Aayan dug the nuckles into Dekus side dragging them down ripping the flesh open 

Deku used the knife and dug it into Aayans side the fighting went on for a while while they were both coverd in blood and breathing heavily Deku dropped the knife and slid down to the floor swiping Aayans legs  causing him to fall to the floor Deku the shifted wraping him in a headlock using his legs after a few seconds he felt tapping on his legs 

Deku let the hold that he had on him go but he dident move from his position the took of the blind fold and ear plugs and noseplugs he said there letting all of his wounds heal before sitting up and looking around 

He saw everyone looking at him with wide eyes shocked at what they just say "Hey you ok?" Deku then asked looking down at Aayan "Yeah that was sick, when did you learn how to do that?" "I have no idea" they then both stood up and walked over to Major Miller

"Good job both of you, Now go eat and get to sleep you mission is tomorrow" "Yes sir"

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