pt. 7 First mission

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~TW talking about suiside and murder~

The next morning they all woke up a bit earlier than usual because of their mission they all did their morning routine and waited in their room like they were told to do and when they heard the elevator ding so they all stood in a line waiting for orders 

"You all will go to the level 2 training room and into the basement there you will meet Mr. Bato, he will give you a rundown of what to expect for the mission then he will give you all something that is specifically made for you and will advance as you advance" 

"Now go eat and head to the training room" "Yes sir" They all ate and then went to the training room when they got there they went straight to the basement and they saw Mr. Bato 

He was standing there with four belts and four coms all of the belts had different weapons on themand they were all black there were also different clothes but they weren't very different from there normal training outfits

"Deku your belt has a bo staff, four kuni, one pistol, and a knife, Nuri your belt has mainly four sword holders and you will be able to choose which swords you want, Aayan you have a few different hand held weapons such as brass knuckles, two combat knifes, and a butterfly knife and Astro you have a few different types of guns and a small combat knife"

They were all handed their belts and clothing "Go change" they all nodded walking to a back room and changing they all don't care if they see each other they have been friends for five years 

When they walked back in and saw a big white board with a projector in front of it "Hisashi Midoriya is a now single man that lives in a two bedroom house by himself, he is unemployed and is using the money from his wife and sons dissapernce to feed his addiction and drinking problem, the best time to get this done would be about 12 am when most of his neighbors will be at work"

After he finished he turned to look at them all "I want you to make it look like he killed himself I don't care how you did it but do it" he said looking them straight at them "Yes sir" He nodded walking over to the exit "We will dive you there and wait for you we will also keep in contact with you using these" he said handing them the ear pieces "Now come on time to go"

~Time skip to when they are at his house~

"Alright you all know what to do not GO" They all got out of the truck and located his house they all spread out looking into the windows "Ive got eyes on him" Astro said "Where?" "Upper left window he is in the living room" "Good everyone come to the back window so we can come in" 

They all quickly made it to the back window Deku pulled out one of his kuni and used it to quietly pry the window open Aayan the got to the floor boosting everyone in then Deku helped him inside once they were all in Astro informed the others that they were inside 

Deku then heard a yell and he jumped slightly to which Nuri grabbed his hand giving it a squeeze and giving him a firm nod to witch he returned

They then slowly made there way into the other parts of the house to make sure that no one else was in the house after they saw nobody was there they slowly made it into the living room to see Hisashi sitting on the couch watching something Deku clenched his teeth as he walked up behind him

Deku swiftly covered his mouth with his hand while the others walked infont of him Astro pulled out a pistol held it up to the man "Move or say anything ill blow your brains out" Hisashi stifly nodded 

Deku uncovered his mouth and slowly walked in front of him "Miss me?" he said with a small laugh as his fathers eyes widend the man then stood up with a scowl of his face a he got closer to Deku he raised his fist and was about to punch him when Aayan grabbed his fist Hisashi then turned to face Aayan 

"Who the hell do you think you are" Deku scoffed ripping his gun off of his hip and aiming it at the man causing him to scoff "You don't know how to use that" Deku didn't answer "Answer me honestly, why did you do it?" "Do what?" "You know what!" the older man scoffed again "I killed your mother because she was a wort-" he was cut off


Deku shot him in the head and watched with a glare as he fell to the floor as soon as he did he got a raging headache causing him to fall to the floor and good and bad memories of his father flashed through his head tears started to fall from his eyes

He felt arms wrap around him rubbing  his back and whispering sweet words shortly after the memories stopped and he slowly moved looking over at Nuri to see her looking very concerned he gave her a soft reassuring smile muttering a quick 'sorry' then standing up

He then grabbed the gun off the floor and placed it in his dead fathers hand (They were wearing gloves so that there were no fingerprints) They all checked in on their coms "Mission complete" Aayan spoke into the microphone "Good job now get back out here I think one of the neighbors might be home"

"Yes sir" they then all left out of the window and quickly made there way to the car just as Deku was about to get in he spotted a boy that looked to be around his age outside of a house yelling about something that he couldn't hear

For some unknown reason Deku thought that he looked familiar "Deku get in" he was snapped out of his trance by Miller yelling at him he quickly got into the van and sat down looking at Miller who was scowling at him

Deku lowerd his gaze to the floor of the van "Good job A team, now that you first mission was a success you will now be training in the level 2 training room and your training is going to get much harder and dangerous"

"You will also be going on missions weekly and expected to fulfill them with perfection, understood?" "Yes sir"

They drove back to the compound and Deku instantly made his way to the shower to wash the blood off of himself they then all went to sleep but Deku couldn't get the blond boy out of his head

Unedited bc I'm lazy

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